Ion Channels @ Reading School of Pharmacy, University of Reading

"Ion channels are a cells gateways for ions to pass in and out thus changing the environment both inside and out. They are pivotal to physiology and homeostasis. Ion channel research has given us modern day medicines and continues to provide novel insights into alleviating the most complex of human diseases."

Hopkins Building, University of Reading

The groups of Mark Dallas, Francesco Tamagnini and Gary Stephens comprise the Reading Ion Channels Group who collectively use in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology to pursue research interests encompassing ion channel and receptor targets in neurodegeneration, epilepsy, bipolar disorder and pain states. We have access to both manual and automated patch clamp platforms as well as multielectrode array and multiphoton capabilities to explore bioelectricity in many different formats and experimental set ups. The research labs are located in the Hopkins Building on the Whiteknights campus of the University of Reading. Find us here.

Ion Channels as Targets in Drug Discovery

This book provides a cutting-edge translational reference on current ion channel drug discovery and how academia and industry are exploiting knowledge of ion channel structure and function to correct the pathophysiology associated with debilitating conditions, including cystic fibrosis, pain, epilepsy, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Patch Clamp Electrophysiology: Methods and Protocols

Patch clamp electrophysiology has developed since 1981 and this book brings together current updates in the field in a useful resources that provides handy tips and protocols for bringing patch clamp into a lab near you.