Spain one of the beautifullist place on earth

This place is a common town of beautiful spain.

Fun fact 1. Spain's nearest country's are France, Germany, Italy. Spain is a very hot place but when it is cold they have lots of storms. 2 The capital city of Spain is Madrid.

Spain are famous for there tropical islands 3.They speak Spanish 4.

This is a popular food in Spain. [churos]

The population of Spain is 22,000 people.

Spain is famous for there Madrid Football stadium.

This is where they fight.

This is where all of the bulls fight

This place is a famous place in Spain.

The sand on the floor is to keep the bulls not to slip over.

All of 90% of Spain is not Spanish. So not as many people in Spain is not from Spain.

This is the most nicest country you can get. I hope you like our webpage THE END