Seniors, any advice for your underclassmen? By Tenaja White

Malik Bloodworth
"Keep pushing, don't fall behind. Even when things get hard, keep moving forward and don't don't stop."
Jasmine Robinson
"Pay attention, go to class. In the beginning, you might get in the habit of not doing anything, but then it's going to get harder and you'll struggle a lot more."
Le'Andre Braxton
"Try to stay on the right path throughout high school because if you don't, you'll find yourself on a long, bad road by the time you become a junior or senior. Never give up on your goals. Enjoy high school."
Isabella Ramsdell
"Just stay out of drama because people can get messy. You just have to do it for you, for your own peace and sanity."
Gideon Mintz
"Stay focused. Don't get caught up skipping, do your work and go to class.
Annabelle Fuerst
"Take as many AP courses as possible, but make sure they're subjects you're passionate about."
Isaiah Anderson
"Do what you want to do. Don't follow what other people do. If something that you do makes you happy, do it. Don't do it because other people think it's cool, do it because you think it's cool and you can get somewhere with it."