principaL's addresS

Dear Parents/Guardian

As we reach the end of Term 2, I am delighted to reflect on what has been a vibrant and productive term at Leeming SHS. Our school has been buzzing with activity, showcasing the enthusiasm and dedication of both students and staff.

Before Year 12 exams, PJ DAY was a hit with students and staff who took the opportunity to come in comfortable pyjamas and robes. Everyone’s enthusiasm raised $1120.50 for YouthCare Australia which has been very appreciative of our kind donation.

The staff marked Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea on May 28 with a scrumptious morning tea organised by Home Economics. Together, we raised awareness and $340 for the Cancer Council

Early in the term, we held our Whole School Assembly where we celebrated Culture and Community. It is fantastic to celebrate our collective achievements with the whole school and the Education Support Centre

During Weeks 7-9, stress levels raised a bit with our Year 11 and 12s commencing their ATAR exams and Year 10 also completing their Exams Week. It is always a difficult period for students with the anxiety of studying a whole semester worth of information, and the worry about results. Reports will be published by the end of this week. There should not be any surprises, as we have maintained open communications with parents and students throughout the term. But if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s class teacher or Head of Learning Area.

Our 2025 Specialist Programs applicants sat the test during Week 8. This year, we have had 300 applications, a testament of the high regard our specialist programs have around the state.

Our Year 9 Japanese Students were highly commended for their Japanese skills during their visit at the Japanese Education and Cultural Centre for WA (JECCWA) in Week 9. Leeming Senior High School students were the first ones to visit the centre and learned about Japanese schools, obento and had the opportunity to walk around the beautiful Japanese gardens.

Carl the Chaplain organised another successful Year 8 Handball competition. Showcasing how harmony and excellence can coexist with a competitive spirit, our Year 8s gave it their best. On Monday June 17 the four grand finalists, Ethan S. Miguel R.G., Jeremy C. and Luke W. competed for the crown. Ethan S. was crowned King of the competition. Well done everyone for your enthusiasm!

In the Arts Department, it has been a very busy second half of the term. The Junior Recital showcased the outstanding talent of the music Years 7-10 Music students. It was a fantastic opportunity to reflect on the progress since the start of the year and share with family and friends. Everyone’s hard work and dedication was on show.

Our incredible Jazz Band, with Mr Ryder conducting, performed at an invitation-only Opus showcase at Perth Concert Hall. Our students performed brilliantly in front of an audience full of Music professionals and the watchful eye of WAAPA representatives. This was the first time our students performed in front of such a demanding audience, and they did so with professional presentation and musical talent.

On Wednesday night, our Dance students showcased their skills at the Nexxus Theatre. It was impressed with the outstanding talent of our Dance students. Keep up the good work!

Thank you to all the family and friends that supported our students.

I am always impressed by the remarkable talent of our students. Keep up the good work!

As we move into the holiday break, I want to thank everyone; students, parents, and staff for their hard work and commitment throughout this 11-week term. Your support and enthusiasm and support for each other continue to make Leeming SHS a wonderful and outstanding place to learn and grow.

Please enjoy a well-deserved break. I look forward to seeing everyone recharged and ready for Term 3 on Monday 15 July.

Mr M. Paton, Principal


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If you haven't updated your Compass app to receive push notifications on your phone for upcoming events such as excursions, please follow the steps below.


Japanese Specialist Term 2 Online Exchange Workshop

Japanese Studies 日本語がくぶ

This term, a number of our Year 9, 10 and 11 Japanese Specialist students have been participating in after-school workshops, where they have talked with students from Leeming’s sister school in Hiroshima, Japan. Students have talked about themselves and shared videos of their homes, families and personal lives over WebEx.

To finish the term, students will be sharing and experiencing each other’s culture by sending to and receiving gifts from their pen pals in Hiroshima. たのしみに!

Year 9 Japanese Excursion to Japan Education and Cultural Centre of WA (JECCWA)

The Year 9 Japanese Specialist students were the first students to visit the Japan Education and Cultural Centre of WA (JECCWA). At JECCWA, students were immersed in an authentic Japanese environment workshop.

During the excursion, students learned about Japanese school life and obento in Japan, and were tasked with the challenge of reading about and creating a Japanese student profile, and learning to use furoshiki, traditional Japanese obento wraps.

Education Perfect World Championship Results

2024 Leeming SHS Education Perfect Championship Results

17th Overall in WA

6th in WA for schools 501-1000 students

5th for Japanese in WA

10th for Japanese in Australia 501 – 1000 students

Congratulations to the students below that have received awards in the Education Perfect Languages World Championships!

Year 10 Languages for My Future

Last week, the Year 10 Japanese Specialist students listened to online videos and presentations about future pathways for their Japanese studies. They listened to famous people speak about the benefits of continuing their language studies in Year 11 and 12 and beyond. For example:

Students, who continue a Language other than English as an ATAR subject, receive a 10% bonus to their final ATAR score.

Students, who study Japanese as an ATAR subject and wish to continue their Japanese at university, can enrol in the second-year course.

The four public universities in Western Australia offer students the opportunity to spend a year on exchange at one of their partner universities in Japan.

There are numerous scholarships available to students who continue their Japanese studies at university level.

Japanese Specialist Class Calligraphy Lesson

During Term 2, Week 10 our Japanese assistants, Mayumi and Sakiko introduced the art of Japanese Calligraphy to the Year 7 & 8 Japanese Specialist students.

Students had the opportunity to write the Kanji, 日本 (nihon) Japan for the 2024 JLTAWA Calligraphy Competition.

Two entries will be chosen to represent LSHS in this competition.

Japanese Specialist Term 2 Challenge

Japanese Specialist members were invited to participate in the Term 2 Challenge, “Very Punny”, where students were asked to create a meme involving a Japanese related pun. Students that submitted this challenge earn points towards the 2024 Japanese Specialist Badge.

Congratulations to the following prize winners:

1st – Avelyn G. (Year 7)

2nd – Aiden E. (Year 10)

3rd – Nate C. (Year 9)

4th – Sebastiano L. (Year 7)

Languages Week 2024

Students and staff will be able participate in the Language Week Home Group Quiz and become involved in activities during their Japanese and French classes throughout the week. ACER French and Japanese examinations and Alliance Francaise examinations will also take place during languages week.

Language Week is a way for students from different cultures to learn about their cultural history and reconnect with their ancestors and cultural heritage. Do you know your family’s cultural heritage?

Multicultural and Arts Festival 2024

Multicultural and Arts Festival, will be held on Friday 16 August (Term 3, Week 5). A day of fun filled activities is planned for Year 7 – 10 students.

Japanese Gold Exchange

At the end of Term 1 we welcomed students from Meji University High School. It was a great opportunity to showcase our wonderful school, city and state with the Japanese students and to learn about their traditions. Their visit was also an opportunity to practice our speaking skills. This has been very helpful to help our students on their oral exams this term.

J. Sgro, Japanese Specialist Teacher



A group of 13 French students sent their submissions to the Alliance Française Poetry Competition. Six of those submissions were selected to present in front of an expert panel. All students did a superb job, and our Year 10 student, Anna C. placed second. Formidable!

Anna will attend an awards ceremony later in the year at Alliance Française Perth. We are very proud of all of our students for their submissions and the courage to take a chace!


Our students have been busy in the kitchen cooking crepes and Gougères. It's been a sweet way to end the semester and say au revoir till next term!

F. Spears et M.Robert, French Teachers

Displays in Term 2

There have been several displays promoting reading as well as showcasing students work on Biomes.

Mindful May also featured with displays in the entry, IT Area and a Kindness Tree where students added positive sayings on leaves.

WACE SPACE has also been set up for Year 12 students to easily access supportive study guides and texts.

Book Week Term 3

The theme this year is Reading is Magic!

We can't wait to see all the costumes

Chess Challenge
Physical Education
Congratulations Charlotte T.

Congratulations to Charlotte T. who this year has represented the National U16 cricket championships held in Hobart in January.

Charlotte also travelled to Dubai last year for the Junior world series. Charlotte captained the U16 team that finished 3rd in the U18 Category.

Good luck these holidays to Charlotte whilst representing WA in the national U18 indoor cricket championships in Melbourne.

We can't wait to hear the results!

Congratulations Jordan B.

Our Year 12 student competed at the Swim Aus Paralympic swimming trials in Brisbane.

Jordan's incredible performance saw her score highly in her races making the final in 100m breaststroke and a winning medal for 50m Butterfly

Congratulations Kyle O.

Great to hear Kye was selected to play in the WA team at the AFL 16s National Carnival in South Australia

Congratulations Aiken, Stevenson & Seraphina

Stevenson and Seraphina recently traveled to Jeonju, South Korea, to represent Australia in the World Children Taekwondo Union (World CTU) championship.

We are thrilled to announce that both of them achieved significant success in this prestigious event, which took place on the 27th and 28th of April, 2024. They each earned a Silver Medal in Sparring and a Bronze Medal in Patterns.

Additionally, they participated in the WA CUP Championship held at the Mike Barnett Sporting Complex in Rockingham on the 19th of May, 2024.

In this competition, Aiken Setiawan also competed, achieving remarkable results. Aiken won a Gold Medal in Sparring, Stevenson earned two Gold Medals in Sparring, and Seraphina also secured a Gold Medal in Sparring.

We are immensely proud of their accomplishments.

We are extremely proud of the talent we have here at Leeming SHS.

Please feel free to email any great news and accomplishments from your children outside of school we can celebrate their achievements. Send us an e-mail to leeming.shs@education.wa.edu.au


As we approach the halfway mark of the year, it's a timely reminder of the importance of persistence. Regardless of the challenges we face, there's always an opportunity waiting for those who persevere.

Consider the journey of renowned author Stephen King.

Before finding success, King navigated through a series of low-paying jobs until securing a teaching position at a local high school. Despite his obligations, he remained steadfast in his passion for writing, continuously crafting short stories and developing novel ideas.

Reflecting on his early struggles, King recalls pinning rejection slips on a nail in his room until they overflowed, necessitating the substitution of the nail with a spike. Despite facing numerous rejections and personal setbacks, he refused to abandon his writing ambitions. Even when his novel "Carrie" was rejected 30 times, he was on the verge of giving up, but the unwavering support of his wife kept him going. Her encouragement serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of having someone in your corner during tough times.

King's journey underscores the value of persistence. Despite setbacks, he persisted, leading to eventual triumphs. So, when life knocks you down, remember that persistence is the key to achieving your goals.

Carl The Chaplain

Health Centre

Heaspace National are offering a free webinar to parents and carers during the upcoming school holidays.


Upper respiratory tract infections or colds are everywhere, especially in winter, so it is almost impossible to stop children from catching them.

Here are some points which may help:

• Teach your child to cover his/her nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and to wash hands straight afterwards.

• Use tissues once and then throw them in the bin. (Avoid using handkerchiefs.)

• Keep your child home from school if he/she has a cold/cough/fever/pain and do a RAT test before your child returns to school.

What to do if your child gets a cold: Make sure they rest. Provide extra drinks, keeping hydrated.

• Make sure that your children eat a balanced diet of plenty of healthy foods.


The Department of Health have issued information about being prepared for influenza and RSV.

By getting vaccinated against influenza, you not only protect yourself but also help in the fight against other viruses such as Covid-19 and respiratory syncytial virus, safeguarding our patients, colleagues, and loved ones.

It’s a timely reminder that COVID-19 is very much still in our communities.

It’s crucial that we all remain proactive in safeguarding the health and well-being of our selves, family and friends. Stay at home if unwell. This is not only for your own health but also to prevent any potential spread of illness within our community.


Parents/Guardians of school aged children reminder about the importance of accessing dental services for your child’s teeth annually or as needed.

The School Dental Service is a free, public, dental health program available to children of eligible age in Western Australia, whether they are enrolled in a public or private school.

The service is funded by the Department of Health. To see if you are eligible for the service see below link.

It has been a extremely busy term with students having exams which they have all managed well.

I wish students all the very best in the exam results and a safe, healthy and relaxing holiday to students and families.

See you next term all rejuvenated and rested

D. Kitak Nurse

Community News
Message for Leavers Week

Although Leavers Week might seem a long way away, please take some time to go through the WA Police Leavers website for information to keep you safe.

Acknowledgement of Country

We respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional custodians of this land on which Leeming Senior High School stands, the Whadjak/Noongar people.

It is a privilege to be standing on Noongar country. We acknowledge the contributions of Aboriginal Australians to the education of all children and people in this country we all live in and share together – Australia.

Next Newsletter Publication Wednesday 14 August 2024