North Stairs Renovation
Local contractor Steffan Allen leads the effort, graciously donating a great deal of his labor on the north stairs renovation. A team of volunteers from Cal Poly Humboldt's Natural Resources Club assisted with hauling gravel and beams, and step removal for the ongoing project. Pierson's Lumber contributed discounted materials and McKinleyville Community Services District allowed staging access through their treatment ponds road. This truly represents a collaborative effort! See the photos below.
Project Photos
Cal Poly Project
Professor Justin Luong's class is again working a plot of land at Chah-Gah-Cho, experimenting with techniques on replacing non-native grasses with native ones. See photos of their work below.
If you are interested in making a donation to the McKinleyville Land Trust, you can mail a check to P.O. Box 2723, McKinleyville, CA 95519 or scan the QR code below for more information. You can also access information by visiting the MLT website.
The McKinleyville Land Trust conserves local open spaces for ecological, historical, agricultural, educational, recreational and scenic values.
Kari Stockdale, Dan Pambianco