Welcome to this week's newsletter
Dear families,
Today the countdown is at Day-minus 6. This means there are 6 days until the first exam of the summer series for Year 11 and 13 (the first written exam is on Thursday 2 May). This week we have been motivating Year 11 students and challenging them to ‘Finish What They Started’. We have been sharing the story of Derrick Redmond’s attempt to win the 400m Olympic Gold medal and how his race is a perfect metaphor for the high and lows of the passage through school life and the strength to finish with dignity.
If you have not seen the short film, I suggest you watch with your loved ones:
The race starts so well with Derrick being one of the favourites to win.
Something happens part way round (I won’t spoil it).
He drops to his knees but stays in his lane. To leave it would disqualify him. He is going to finish what he started!
He goes on even though it is not easy. He is going to finish what he started!
His father runs out of the crowd and supports him (much like you and we are doing for your children now). He is going to finish what he started!
The pain becomes almost unbearable, his father supports him more, lets him cry and keeps him moving - just like you and we are doing. He is going to finish what he started!
What you don't see is shortly before the finish line, Derrick’s father lets him go. Derrick finishes alone, otherwise he would be disqualified. Just like his father, you and we must let them complete the course on their own.
They are going to finish what they started. Help them to stay the course, to work through the pain and doubt. Finish with dignity, not accept disappointment.
As parents/carers and teachers this is the hardest part - remember they need us to be strong, firm and positive. And just like that it will be 19 June and it will all be over.
For the rest of school, thank you in advance for talking with your children to ensure they are quiet and calm around all of the examination rooms and pay attention and follow the instructions on the ‘Silence’ notice boards.
This week we have also been collecting student views on the addition of optional grey tailored shorts for wearing after May half-term. I am pleased to announce that the students voted 3 to 1 in favour of this option. We will be presenting this finally for ratification in the revised uniform policy with Governors next week. We will share the revised policy with you after then.
Finally, congratulations to Miss Jenkins for successfully running the London Marathon last week. She did this in aid of charity and to honour Callum's memory. We thank her for her kindness and devotion.
Have a great week.
Dr Newman and the Manor School family
School timings
Tea with the Principal
All parents/carers are invited to attend 'Tea with the Principal' to share your positive experiences of school, your queries or concerns, and help us to reflect and improve on the service we provide for this community. We are always interested in constructive criticism and ideas which will benefit the students and their families. If you would like to book, please contact the school main phone number or email enquiries@manor.school (strictly 6 parents/carers per session).
Upcoming sessions will be held as follows:
- Friday 10 May, 12-1pm
- Friday 24 May, 12-1pm
Sports news
Five of our school teams have qualified for the netball and football finals next week! The details are as follows:
- Tuesday 29 April, 4pm start, @Manor: Year 8 netball vs Rushden, KS4 netball vs SCH
- Wednesday 30 April, 4pm start, @ Ferrers: U13 girls football vs Wrenn, U15 girls football vs Huxlow
- Thursday 1 May, 4pm, @ Ferrers: U13 boys football vs Huxlow or Rushden
This is a great achievement and we are extremely proud of all students involved.
Matilda Jr: The Musical
Our Performing Arts department have been working really hard on preparing our performance of Matilda Jr: The Musical. This will be performed on Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 May at 6pm each night. Tickets are available to buy here.
Mental health questionnaire
As part of our Mental Health Support Team audit we need to collect your views about mental health provision in school. Please click on the appropriate link to complete the questionnaire.
Many thanks, Mrs Radd.
Year 11 exam timetable
We will be sharing an overview of the following week's exam timetable both in the newsletter and on social media throughout the exam season. Students are to attend their normal lessons unless there is an exam (colour coded as orange) or booster session (colour coded as blue) for their subjects.
The latest version of the overall exam/booster timetable can be downloaded via the following link:
We are also producing a weekly newsletter for Year 11 students containing information and advice about their exams. This week's edition can be downloaded via the following link: