Outdoor Learning nursery, summer term, week 5

We take our learning outside all year round however when we are blessed with good weather the children love to be in the sun. This week we've challenged ourselves to move in new ways, planted seeds and flowers and built dens to create shade.

Working together to encourage new growth outside.
Developing upper body strength (important for writing!)
Being brave and having a go.
Using the natural materials outside to play imaginatively, making a 'cake' with sand and mud.
Building and fixing dens together.

The children's literacy development is reaching new levels. With the introduction of our RWI scheme, the children are writing letters and spotting familiar letters and sounds everywhere. It's very exciting.

Reading writing during play using the knowledge they have been taught during phonics.

Our maths objective has been to count accurately up to five. We are all more than able to say the words 'one, two, three, four, five', but the skill is to be able to know how many objects there are in a pile by using a finger to touch each item. The children discovered it was much easier to count the objects when they are organised neatly into a line.

We applied this skill in our play by counting cotton buds in the play dough. These are hedgehogs, can you tell?

It was tricker to count the drum beats in our interactive game as it used listening and attention skills too. Have a go, the children loved it! https://firstlook.educationcity.com/content/Activity/index/25629. (Google Bon-go-go-go).

Thank you to everyone who came to our parent's information morning about early reading. If you were unable to attend but wanted to, please let me know.