Sleep might be what you need By Gavin Pierce

Sleeps impact on your mental health is often overlooked.

When most people think about sleep's impact on them, they think about their physical well being while its just as if not more important for mental well being.

Effects of sleep on mental health

BPD - With Bipolar Disorder when experiencing a manic episode getting three consecutive nights of eight hours of sleep improves the likelihood the manic episode will break per Skyland Trail.

Atypical Depression - People with Atypical Depression often get too much sleep for 12-14 hours a night but changing that to 8 hours a night can help improve mood and end depressive episodes per Skyland Trail.

Drug Abuse - Teens that get less sleep were found to have increased likelihood to use Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs due to the natural sleep cycle being disrupted interfering with the brains reward system per Compassion Rose International.

blue light

Americans spend 7 hours daily looking at their electronics including social media, and 9 out of 10 admit to looking at it shortly before they sleep per WebMD.

Your device's light it produces might appear white, but it is actually creating blue light this can come from TVs, Smartphones, Light Bulbs, and LED Lights, and Monitors per WebMD.

Blue light has more effect on your eyes than any other type of light, allowing it to pass through to the back of your retina, causing less melatonin to be produced than any other color wave per WebMD.

how to help get away from blue light

Screen Time - Cut down on your screen time in general but especially before you go to sleep. You can use an alarm to warn yourself an hour before you go to sleep looking at your social media feed is never worth making your sleep worse, per WebMD.

Apps - Install blue light filtering apps that prevent as much blue light from reaching your eyes before you go to sleep per WebMD.

Swap Your Lights - Using Red LED lights is the best color to use before you sleep as its the color that affects your sleep the least. Swapping from LED lightbulbs to other lightbulbs such as fluorescent light bulbs or incandescent light bulbs would lower the amount of blue light reaching you per WebMD.