The LALT Brief 22nd July 2024

Learning together: University Teaching Showcase 2024

On Wednesday 4th September 2024, the 'Learning Together: University Teaching Showcase 2024' will take place from 10am-4pm in the Minerva building.

The event will highlight key innovations and practice at the University and from across the sector. It will be an opportunity for colleagues to learn, share and highlight practical teaching and learning applications via short talks, interactive workshops, demonstrations and discussions.

This will be a relaxed drop-in event, so attendees are welcome to participate in the sessions at their convenience during the day.

Prof Abigail Moriarty, Pro Vice Chancellor, will open the event to discuss the future of teaching and learning at the University of Lincoln

To register to attend, please complete the event registration form below:

PTES Results

The final institutional response rate for this years' PTES survey is 34.4%, with overall satisfaction rates having fallen to 86.9% (from 90% in 22/23).

The PTES dashboard can be used to see programme level data and to plan to address PTES feedback:

National Student Survey

On 10th July, the university received its results from the National Student Survey, where we ranked among the top 30 for the academic, mental health and wellbeing support we provide for students.

Kate Strudwick, Professor of Student Engagement/Dean of Teaching and Learning said:

'I am so pleased with the NSS results for UoL - top 30!!!! These results are testament to all of the hard work and dedication shown by colleagues to support to student experience and provide high quality teaching and learning. Well done.'

Computer science module creates textbook

Computer Science lecturer Charles Fox won both a Teaching Excellence Award and a Student Union Inspirational Teacher shortlisting for lectures including Computer Architecture, a Semester A '101' module for new Lincoln Computer Science students. His book, 'Computer Architecture: from the Stone Age to the quantum age', covers the same topics as the module, using similar student-focused, constructivist teaching methods, now in self-contained self-study form. The book will be used by students taking the module as the main text, and helps to externally and internationally promote Lincoln's reputation for high quality teaching and learning.

Charles notes 'I write all my lectures in text form before delivering them live, so it is quite easy to polish them up into book chapters, especially if working with a good editor and publisher. I'd recommend it as an approach for other Lincoln lecturers to help keep up our teaching quality and get our brand known around the world.'

Computer Architecture is an in-depth exploration of the principles and design that have shaped computer hardware through the ages, from counting devices like the abacus, to Babbage's Difference Engine, to modern GPUs and the frontiers of quantum computing.

Co-Constructing Education For All: chapter by LALT evaluators

LALT evaluators, Lucy Mallinson and Anthea Rose, published a chapter based on the peer research they undertook for LiNCHigher (page 70).

They evaluated outreach activities in schools and colleges aimed at raising post-16/18 higher education participation, as part of the Uni Connect project. The aim of the initiative was to encourage student voice, student engagement and to improve the quality and impact of delivery.

Please click the link below to read the paper.

Academic Development

University re-accredited to award Advance HE Fellowship

We are pleased to announce that the University of Lincoln has been re-accredited by Advance HE to continue formally recognising the teaching expertise of our staff. The award of Associate Fellow (D1), Fellow (D2) and Senior Fellow (D3) can be gained through the experiential HEAR scheme. The award of Fellowship (D2) can be gained through the taught PgCert HE programme. The University is now using the new Professional Standards Framework 2023, a globally recognised framework for benchmarking success within higher education teaching and learning. For more details, visit the LALT web pages or email or

Equipping postgraduates to teach

The Graduate Teacher Education Programme (GTEP) ran this semester in partnership with the Doctoral School. Designed and delivered by LALT, the programme equipped over 30 postgraduates from a range of schools with a basic 'teaching toolkit'. Participants reported that GTEP will have a direct, immediate impact on the quality of their teaching. As such, we plan to run the programme again in the new academic year. To find out more about how LALT supports postgraduates who teach, email

Selborne educator development work

In April 2024, the Academic Development team were delighted to welcome Mr Graham Price, who has taken up a Senior Lecturer position funded by the Selborne project. Graham is an experienced academic developer who has worked in both the private and public sectors. He will be leading on the delivery of an educational development programme designed by LALT in consultation and collaboration with the Royal Navy and Capita. This is part of Epoch 2, the second phase of project Selborne, to transform training in the Royal Navy.

This month sees the first delivery of a level 4 module 'supporting learning for all'. It has been designed for military and civilian trainers working with the Royal Navy to build on their in-house Defence Training Course. It will equip trainers with the tools to reflect on their current practice, assessment and inclusive approaches, and how these can be further enhanced with the latest research and support from staff here at UoL. Teaching will take place over ten taught sessions: eight online, and two in person at HMS Collingwood.

The vision is to have these learners progress onto a foundation degree in Teaching and Learning in the coming years as we look to strengthen our connections within defence training.

Libraries and Learning Skills

New edition! Harvard Referencing Handbook

Libraries and Learning Skills will be launching the third edition of the Harvard handbook on 1st August 2024.

This will be available (alongside other referencing styles) on the referencing page of our website:

This new edition expands on the guidance provided in the previous edition, and includes a separate 'Introduction to Harvard', with advice on academic integrity, the use of AI in academic assignments, and more in-text citation examples. A separate 'Information Sources' handbook provides guidance on how to reference nearly 150 types of information source, ranging from adverts to websites.

Both PDF documents can be downloaded, but there will also bean abridged version for printing with key resources such as books, journals and websites.

Writing Development news

The Writing Development team introduced new webinars this term, which covered some basic writing rules such as writing sentences and paragraphs. The new webinar on writing with Dyslexia at university has been very popular. Webinars on reflective writing, critical writing and thematic analysis will continue throughout the summer. Future webinars include writing case studies, auto-coding with NVivo, and using text-to-speech software to read assignments.

The team have introduced MS Teams Chat appointments in addition to the existing online and in-person appointments. They are available to everyone, but have been introduced for students who would rather not use their camera and microphone. Appointments are bookable via the Writing Developing website:

Please contact the team if you would like to arrange a Writing Development lecture for your students. Either fill out the form (below) or email:

Digital Education

Blackboard Ultra Transition Update

As part of the transition to Blackboard Ultra, Digital Education have been delivering a number of onboarding webinars and workshops to the remaining 40% of Schools who are preparing the use Blackboard Ultra for the first time in the Academic Year 24/25. We can confirm that all scheduled workshops have now been delivered. We are incredibly grateful for the engagement of the 196 members of staff as well as the range of feedback from colleagues given both during and after the sessions, which will influence our future activities supporting the use of Blackboard Ultra.

Digital Education will be delivering further synchronous Blackboard Ultra training as part of the Digital Training Weeks in September (Monday 2nd - Friday 13th September); however, colleagues who prefer to watch pre-recorded training sessions can access the webpage using the button below. These sessions were created in November 2023 and newer editions will become available throughout summer.

We are always happy to provide bespoke training sessions that meet specific School needs in relation to enhancing teaching, learning and assessment through the use of digital tools and pedagogies. Therefore, please contact if you would like to organise any additional training to support your school's use of Blackboard Ultra.

An announcement will be posted in Staff News when module sites for AY 24-25 are available.

If you are interested in having content included in the next edition, please contact