De La Salle College Newsletter “A Catholic School for Boys in the Lasallian Tradition”

in this issue


College Principal - “Connected Community"

Associate Principal - "Momentum"

Deputy of Curriculum

Deputy of Pastoral

Literacy Centre

Mānawatia a Matariki!

Mini Vinnies

Year 9 Service Club

Making Yeast Bread

ECO301 Trip to Waihi Goldmine- Oceana Gold Education Centre


Gateway & Careers


Enrol Now

Contact Us

“connected community”

Mr Myles Hogarty

College Principal


We have come to the end of a successful, uninterrupted term of learning in the College. The College, as it should be, is a hive of activity with our staff and young men engaged in activities focused on growing great men of Faith, Service, Community and Excellence.

One of our College Annual Goals is to strengthen “connections to our community.”

This was very evident last Thursday night as we held our inaugural Matariki community event as a “Friendraising” initiative.

I would like to congratulate and thank our College PTFA, Staff, students and families for entering into this event with such energy and enthusiasm.

It was certainly a “connected community” judging by the great turn-out of families and the wide range of foods, raffles, student work displays, music, dance and the opportunity to see what our young men have been working on in their classes over the term.

Community lies at the heart of our College and the more that families feel a connection to their son’s school and his learning, the better will be the outcomes and achievements of our young men.

The Matariki event was so successful that there is already a strong desire by the organisers to hold a summer outdoor event.

As I write this, the wind and rain outside are strong reminders that we are in the middle of winter, a challenge for our young men to maintain their high attendance rates despite the weather and winter illnesses. It has been heartening to see the high levels of attendance, showing the perseverance and determination of our young men in meeting the high expectations of “being here, “ every day.

I would like to thank the Parents and Old Boys who have given selflessly of their time to coach, manage or support our winter sports teams, debating teams, music groups and careers. Your support of the young men and the College is another example of “connected community.”

I thank our young men who represent their College so well in Auckland wide events, well-dressed, well-behaved and respectful to those that they are interacting with.

While the term finishes on Friday at 3.10pm, there will still be a lot of activity going on within the College over the break involving holiday tutorials and workshops, sports practices, music rehearsals and Service activities. Parents, you should have already been notified if your son is involved in any of these planned events.

I challenge our young men to try and learn a new skill over the break, learn how to sew a button on your school shirt, how to make a meal for the family, paint the fence around the property, how to make a vegetable garden. All great skills that our young men need.

I wish the staff, students and families a safe and restful holiday break.

We look forward to another successful Term 3.

Congratulations to our 1st XIII League team who won the Auckland College Rugby League Premier Boys Championship on Wednesday night at GOMedia, Mt Smart stadium.

Well done to the team, their coaches, managers and families.

Our young men played outstandingly particularly in the first half, then defended stoically to hold off St Paul’s for a 12-8 victory.

We look forward to their next goal, the NZ Secondary Schools National Tournament in Term 3.

God Bless

associate principal

Mr Dermot English


A week ago I had the pleasure of attending the National Catholic Schools Convention, along with about 600 others. There are 65,000 students at Catholic schools throughout NZ, about 10% of New Zealand’s student population. Judging from the convention this movement has real momentum. The numbers of students is rising as people look for a formation for their children, beyond just training for work.

Back here at school our community displayed real momentum in showing up in numbers to our Matariki event. There was a great sense of togetherness, and a desire to gather like this more often, as we celebrate something of real value to all our lives

On Monday this week we had a visit from Oakhill College, the Lasallian school in Castle Hill in Sydney, a co-ed school with 2300 students. Their Principal is Br Steve Hogan, who was our Principal from 2007-2012. Their football team experienced a cultural and sporting interchange, which shows the very strong momentum that still exists in the wider international Lasallian network.

Momentum is created by effort. Thanks to all those staff, students and parents who have provided the momentum here at DLS for term 2 2024. Enjoy the break


Deputy Principal Curriculum- Mr Phil Doyle

Year 7 and 10 Reports

Year 7 and 10 reports have been emailed home. Your son will have bought home a paper copy as well.

Year 11 – 13 Progress

The end of term 2 has been incredibly busy and important term for all our seniors. For Year 11 – 13 students there have been a large number of Internal Assessment completed inside and outside of classroom. Well done to all those boys who managed those deadlines.

Remember that students and families can track of progress on the KAMAR parent portal or through the NZQA website We encourage students to set targets and plans for the upcoming term.

Previous years have shown us that an indication that a senior student is on track to achieve if they have achieved between 30 and 40 credits by the end of term 2. For lots of students the target will be around Endorsements and aiming for 50 Merit or Excellence credits. Year 12 and 13 students should also be thinking how they will meet the University Entrance requirements and for Year 13 which 3 subjects they are on track to achieve 14+ credits.

Scholars in the Spotlight

Congratulations to Technology students Fale Tofa, Latu Vaiaku, Sidharth Chand, Fransisco Fidow and Jason Tran from DIT101 for their work in electronics and robotics at NCEA Level 1 with Mr Shailendra Kumar. The class have been designing and building prototypes for building sensors as part of their designing and developing digital outcomes.

Well done to our music department. Just like the senior band who performed such a wonderful set at our Matariki celebration, Mr Siosaia Williams-Folau’s MUS101 are making great strides. Blessing Elisala, Allen Manutuilla, Kitione Setefano and Senio Brown performed with growing confidence to the whole school. As the boys say

“they never back down, never what?...never give up”


Deputy Principal- Mr Elton Charles

Strengthening Parent-Teacher Collaboration

We are excited to invite you to our second Academic Counselling Session of the year, which will be held on Wednesday 31 July. This important event offers a valuable opportunity for you to meet with your son's homeroom teacher to discuss his academic goals and progress. The bookings for this event are now open, and you should have received an email with detailed instructions on how to secure your appointment.

Why Your Participation Matters

Your involvement in your son's education is crucial for his academic success and overall development. These counselling sessions are designed to foster a strong partnership between home and school, enabling us to work together to support your son's learning journey.

Key Benefits of Attending

Personalized Academic Insight: This meeting allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your son's academic performance, strengths, and areas that may need improvement. It provides a platform for discussing his progress in detail and setting achievable goals for the future.

Collaborative Goal-Setting: By attending, you can actively participate in setting academic and personal development goals for your son. This collaborative approach ensures that your son receives consistent support and guidance from both home and school.

Strengthening Communication: Face-to-face meetings with teachers help build stronger communication channels. This direct interaction allows you to share any concerns or insights about your son's education, fostering a supportive learning environment.

Enhanced Student Motivation: When students see their parents actively involved in their education, it boosts their motivation and confidence. Knowing that their parents are engaged and supportive encourages them to strive for their best.

Early Identification of Issues: Regular meetings with teachers help identify any potential issues early on, allowing for timely intervention and support. This proactive approach can address academic challenges before they become significant problems.

How to Book Your Appointment

Booking your appointment is simple and can be done online using the information in the email you received. The focus for this meeting is "reviewing progress against student’s goals for 2024 and discussing with parents how the student will be able to work effectively on achieving these goals".

The interviews will take place between 8.30am with the last booking at 6.30pm. All bookings will be made on-line which you will be able to view. Academic counselling meeting will focus on their goals and how they will achieve it.

the booking code for families to make a reservation is da8bp on

Preparing for the Meeting

To make the most of this meeting, consider reflecting on your son's academic experiences and progress. Think about any questions or topics you would like to discuss, such as:

  • Academic performance: How is your son progressing in his studies?
  • Strengths and challenges: What are his strong points and areas where he may need more support?
  • Goals and aspirations: What goals does he have, and how can we work together to achieve them?
  • Support strategies: What additional support or resources might be beneficial?

Looking Forward to Your Participation

We are committed to providing a supportive and nurturing educational environment for your son, and your involvement plays a crucial role in this process. By attending the Academic Counselling session on 31st July, you contribute to a collaborative effort that prioritizes your son's academic success and personal growth.

We look forward to seeing you and working together to create a positive and productive educational experience for your son.

literacy centre

Mānawatia a Matariki!

mini vinnies


Young Vinnies & Mini Vinnies Teacher in Charge- Mr T Ngan-Woo

Young Vinnies leaders and the wider group have conducted in collaboration with our Year 7-8 Mini Vinnies. Over the past week or two, students have brought canned goods and other items to donate to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. This organization does amazing work within our communities, assisting the marginalized and most vulnerable in our society across Aotearoa.

We have organized a 'Can Drive' and have asked students to participate by collecting and bringing in as many nonperishable items as possible. There is a prize for the class that brings in the most items, and house points will be awarded to each class that has collected items (2 house points per item). A special mention and shoutout to 8FEL who have done outstanding mahi with this initiative.

8FEL with their collection of non-perishable items

Our Young Vinnies leaders will collect and deliver the donations to the St. Vincent de Paul Society on Friday.

Thank you to all our students and families who helped out with this initiative. Your support is greatly appreciated and makes a significant impact in our community.

year 9 service club

By M Pesaleli

Year 9 Service Club at the SPCA donating their goods for the animals

At the beginning of term one, Miss Puleiku and Mrs. Spencer decided to form a service club for Year 9 students, where boys could earn service hours by cutting rags and making toys for the local SPCA. Over the past two terms, the service club and I have worked diligently to create rags and toys every Thursday. Initially, we started with one hour each week, but we wanted to increase our service club hours and now meet for two hours every Tuesday and Thursday. Progress was slow at the start as we were still adjusting to how to cut rags and plait the toys, sometimes playing around during service club time. But Miss Puleiku reminded us of the purpose behind our work, which motivated us to focus and work harder. In the end, we were proud of the number of rags and toys we produced, and our dedication to serving the SPCA and the animals was rewarding.

We would like to thank all the Year 9 families who donated old bedsheets, blankets, and pillowcases at our first parent partnership meeting. We have transformed these into rags and toys and were able to deliver our donation to the local SPCA this week.

We are continuing our service club for the rest of this year and are looking for donations. If you have any old bedsheets, blankets, or pillowcases, please consider donating them to help us make more rags and toys for the SPCA. If you can help, please send your donations to school to Miss Puleiku. All donations are greatly appreciated!

making yeast bread

Year 11 Science – Investigating Micro-organism Life process

Year 11 Science students are currently learning about the life processes of microorganisms. To apply their knowledge, one class decided to make and bake bread using yeast. They learned that yeast respiration produces carbon dioxide, which gets trapped in the dough and causes it to rise.

This hands-on activity allowed students to observe fermentation firsthand. Mixing yeast with sugar and warm water initiated the process, producing bubbles that expanded the dough. Baking the bread provided a tangible result, linking theoretical knowledge to a real-world application and sparking interest in the science behind everyday activities.

ECO301 Trip to Waihi Goldmine


Teacher in Charge- Mr M. Jeremic

On 06th of June Year 13 Economics students attended a day trip to study Waihi’s Gold Mine. The students were given insight into how the work at Oceana Gold affects the environment for the purpose of an internal assessment of a Market Failure internal assessment in Year 13 Economics course. The classes enjoyed the beautiful scenery that Waihi had to offer, as well as the knowledge learnt in terms of how the gold mine coexists with the environment and the township of Waihi which sits right next to the mine.

Upon our arrival in Waihi, we were kindly welcomed by Phillip Salmon who guided us around the mine. The mine is extremely large, as it stretched across many kilometers above and below the ground. These days, all the mining operations is underground and the open mine “Martha” as known by locals, is no longer in use. This great big hole, shown on the image, was excavated over the many decades near the town of Waihi, so some residents could see it in their back yard. Phillip helped us understand the workings and management of the mine, including the history of how the mine came to be, even showing us a small piece of gold ore processed from the mine. Students learnt how mining affects the environment, as well as how the gold mine operates and its impacts on the Waihi township and the wider economy.


Debating season has concluded for all grades for 2024

This year Auckland Schools Debating had 354 teams from 58 schools participate in their preliminary competitions.

Well done to all seven DLS debate teams for their efforts this year!

We especially congratulate our Advanced Opens debate team of 13FUT Juan Koti, 13DKM Jodeci Poua and 12LIN Cadell Armstrong who have ranked in the top 8 Advanced Opens debate team for all of Auckland! This team will be moving on to compete next Term against the best of the best debaters in Auckland. A huge achievement by Jodeci, Juan and Cadell!

L-R Juan Koti, Cadell Armstrong and Jodeci Poua

…and in their very first year of competing at a Premier level of debating (the highest level of Junior debating Year 10 / Year 11), we offer another massive congratulations to our Premier Junior Debate team of 10VER

Steve Roberts, 10WEN Leroy Lauvao and 10UFI Iosefo Tominiko who have also ranked in the top 8 for all of Auckland at the Premier Junior grade!

L-R Iosefo Tominiko, Leroy Lauvao and Steve Roberts

A huge achievement by Iosefo, Steve and Leroy who will continue to compete next Term in the Top 8 bracket for all of Auckland!

Please congratulate our amazing orators, Iosefo, Leroy, Steve, Cadell, Juan and Jodeci on their huge achievement.

A massive thank you to the wonderful team of Miss Phillips, Ms Kuresa and Mr Stowers-Tualega who have helped train, transport and organize our debate teams for another great season of oratory!

Well done to our boys!!!!

gateway & careers

The end of the term has been a success for our Careers, Gateway and Trades students. All programmes such as Drivers Licence, Scholarships and the Careers led programmes have benefited many of our students. It is great seeing our students enjoying their success in these areas.

The Trades programme is going well although a few absenteeism’s have been creeping in with the “winters blues”. We are looking forward to getting a gauge on their performance as we are waiting to see their credits that they have attained.

The Countdown and Warehouse programmes have gone well. We have finished two programmes and are completing assessments in the last week.

The McDonalds programme went well with our year 11 students and there will be one beginning in week 2 of the third term

Bakers Delight has been an excellent support to us and one of our year 13 students completes his work experience in the last week.

Next term we have 30 year 13 students working at the Countdown Distribution Centre as well as café and barber experience for our students as well.

So in conclusion, a busy term where a lot of energy and commitment has been given to our students. The students have worked hard as well and are a credit to their parents, themselves and the school.


Please consider donating any of these items to the Year 9 Service Club. You can contact the Year 9 Dean Miss Puleiku or call 276 4319 ext 855
Want to earn badges for service hours?- sign up here


De La Salle College

A Catholic School for Boys Year 7-13 in the Lasallian tradition

Creating great men of Faith - Service - Community - Excellence

  • Strong Catholic Character and Lasallian traditions
  • Dynamic teaching staff
  • Strong academic achievements
  • High expectations of every student
  • Caring and Supportive Pastoral Care team
  • Extensive co-curricular activities

For enrolment enquiries contact Mrs Bianca Leau

Phone: +649 276 4319 ext 816



contact us

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Facebook: De La Salle College, Auckland , La Salle Collegians (NZ)

College app: SchoolAppsNZ

De La Salle College

81 Gray Avenue

Mangere East

Auckland 2024


+649 276 4319

Proud sponsors of De La Salle 1st XV rugby