Previous Week Recap from Mrs. Cormier
I am excited to announce that James B. Sanderlin IB World School has received national recognition for being a Top Magnet School of Excellence. This recognition comes from the Magnets Schools of America and puts us in the running to be recognized in April as one of the top 5 Magnet Schools in the country. We are very excited about this recognition and want to celebrate with our wonderful Sanderlin learning community. This recognition is about everyone and how we work together to make our school great. Congratulations to the entire James B. Sanderlin IB World School learning community!
Important Reminders for this Week
There is no school on Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Please see the flyer below regarding an initiative for MLK day to be a day "on" rather than "off"... meaning spending part of MLK day TAKING ACTION!
Did you know that when your scholar is 20 minutes tardy for 5 days, they miss 100 minutes of instruction? You can have a big effect on your scholar’s attendance and academic progress by getting him or her to school on time, every day.
We are here to help! If you have any barriers to getting your scholar to school on time, please contact the front office so that we can provide you with the support you may need. Ask for the Data Management Technician, School Social Worker, School Counselor, or Child Study Team Administrator.
Our lost & found pile has grown A LOT in the two short weeks we've been back! Please check the images below to see if anything belongs to your child(ren)!
Our annual Tortuga Trot is schedule for February, and we are looking for SPONSORS! See the flier below for various sponsorship opportunities!
January's IB Attribute focus is being REFLECTIVE!
See ideas below to support your child in becoming a more internationally minded citizen by being REFLECTIVE!
CONGRATULATIONS to our December - Open Minded - Sea Turtles In Action!
Taking Action Opportunities!
All of the action opportunities listed below also "count" as taking action!