Parkside Primary News Week ending: Friday 26th January 2024


We are so proud of our Year 6 team who took part in the inter-schools athletics competition this week. They performed brilliantly and showed fantastic team spirit. We are delighted to say that when all the points were collated we were informed that Parkside came in first place! This victory means they go through to the next round of the competition. Well done everyone!



All of the children had the opportunity to plant a tree last week as we further extended our woodland area with 430 trees. This will benefit the environment for years to come and create a lasting legacy.

We are grateful to TCV (The Conservation Volunteers) and Humber Forests for their support with this activity.



We would like to remind parents and carers of the sorts of healthy foods that are suitable for children to bring in for snack time. A portion of fruit or vegetables will help your child get one of their five a day. Please do not send dried fruit (eg raisins, sultanas) and processed fruit bars (eg fruit winders, fruit flakes etc). They are high in sugar and can cause tooth decay.

Bread-based snacks should be plain and unsweetened. Sugary spreads, including jam, honey, marmalade or chocolate spread are not suitable. Please do not include cereal bars, or sweetened breads and pastries as these contain a lot of sugar and/or fat and salt.

Please do not include any products containing nuts due to members of our community who have allergies.

Hydration is also very important. Bottles should be filled with plain water only, no juice or fizzy drinks please.

The full Public Health guidance can be found by tapping the button below:



Year 4 went on a bird watching hunt in readiness for the RSPB's 'Great British Birdwatch' running this weekend. They looked at which native birds they could see around the school site and then created some pine cone bird feeders which they hung up among the hedgerows. They also discussed using the new binoculars that we received through the Local Nature Schools grant.



Thank you to everyone who attended our open afternoons last term. Please see below for a reminder of the remaining events. We hope to see you there.

  • Tues 6th Feb - Year 5 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Wed 7th Feb - Year 5 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Mon 11th Mar - Year 4 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Tues 12th Mar - Year 4 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)



Please see the calendar at the bottom of this newsletter for dates of upcoming class assemblies. All assemblies start at 9.15am.



Clubs start next week. Thank you to all who have booked places on ParentPay; this means you have secured your child's place. We have also sent out texts to confirm the dates and times.



On the last day before the half term break, Friday 9th February, the Friends of Parkside PTA are inviting all of the children to come into school in non-uniform with a P-T-A theme. The idea is to come dressed as something connected with the letters P, T or A. Some ideas could be Princess/Pirate/Painter, Tiger/Teacher/T-Rex or Astronaut/Angel/Athlete, or in colours such as purple, turquoise or amber. Perhaps it could be an item of clothing with a picture of something on like a panda, turtle or an alien!

You can be imaginative as you like but please do not feel under pressure or spend any additional money on costumes. They can also just come in non-uniform if preferred.

The PTA would be grateful for a donation of £1 which will go towards more events to be planned throughout the year. As the PTA will be managing this collection, cash donations can be brought in on this occasion.




The children in Nursery have been really excited to learn all about the story 'We're going on a bear hunt'. They have been learning actions to re-tell the story as part of talk for writing. On the creative table they really enjoyed decorating their own binoculars ready to embark on a bear hunt. The nursery children loved going on their very own bear hunt - they even shared some binoculars to keep an eye out for bears! In the classroom, they have been at the investigation station where they were able to use binoculars and magnifying glasses to look at the bear and re-tell the story independently.



Week commencing 15th January

  • Year 3 - Noah W, Isaac B
  • Year 4 - Mikus, Ava-Mae, Charlie
  • Year 5 - Lillie-Summer, Caeleb, Archie
  • Year 6 - Kristians, Lily H, Emilia K

Week commencing 22nd January

  • Year 1 - Noomi, Sam
  • Year 2 - Leila-Rose, Laura, Zeny
  • Year 3 - Oscar K, Lincoln
  • Year 4 - Theo, Evie B, Emilis P
  • Year 5 - William W, Freddie P, Isla J
  • Year 6 - Evan M, Joshua, Lilley B



In computing, Year Three have been recognising that a computer network is made up of a number of devices and can now explain the role of a switch, server, and wireless access point in a network.



Lots more items available at our next preloved event for you to take away for FREE. Come & have a look in the West studio after school on Monday 5th February - reuse & recycle!



Our Snow Plan gives you all the details of the measures we will take in the event of snow and winter conditions. Please click the button below to view a summary.



Just a reminder that you can bring your clean, empty plastic confectionery and cracker tubs into school in January and our Year 6 Community Champions will sort them. We will then arrange for them to go to The Vikings as part of Greene King's Tub2Pub scheme. Find out more at



You may have seen in the news about increasing cases of measles in England. Please see below for advice from the Public Health Officer.

  • Confirmed and likely cases should stay at home and avoid contact with vulnerable people and therefore stay away from school, nursery or work for the entire period of infectiousness (from 4 days before onset of rash and for 4 days after rash onset where the date of rash onset is day 0). Given the high risk of infection following measles, it is advisable to return only after full recovery.
  • The most vulnerable people are pregnant women, immunosuppressed individuals and young infants.
  • Where practicable, all contacts should be provided with information on symptoms of measles and if they develop symptoms are advised to stay at home.
  • Measles starts with a 2-to-4-day illness before the rash appears which typically includes high fever and a cough. For more details of the symptoms, visit the NHS website.
  • Remember! Having two doses of the MMR vaccine is the most effective protection – GP surgeries should be contacted for more information.
  • Please check your child's vaccination record. There is guidance from the NHS here.



Please see below for the attendance data for the first two weeks of term. The overall school attendance was 96.96% in the first week back which is much more like it! Three classes in the West had a fantastic 100% attendance, well done to all.

School Attendance is ‘everyone’s business’.

What an absence means for your child?

At primary school level, where pupils missing up to 14 days of school in key stage two are a quarter less likely to achieve level five or above in reading, writing or maths tests than those with no absence.

If you have any concerns regarding attendance please do not hesitate to contact Miss Curley, our Safeguarding and Attendance officer here at Parkside Primary School.



if you have any concerns about the safety and wellbeing of a child who attends Parkside Primary or require any additional support or advice with regards to attendance please do not hesitate to contact Miss Curley, our Safeguarding & Attendance Officer. If you have any question or worries about your child’s behaviour or require any additional family support then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Daine, our Behaviour & Family Support Worker. Both members of staff are also available for children to talk to should they have any worries.

If you have any Safeguarding concerns outside of school hours, or are concerned a child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm and is at immediate risk call the Children’s Safeguarding Hub on (01482) 395500 or ring 999 (asking for the Police).



This free information guide has tips to help young smartphone owners stay safe while enjoying using their device. Click here to view as a pdf.

Click here to view as a pdf.



In 2024, East Riding Libraries are encouraging people to Do More in ‘24 – they want to help you get online, access training and teach yourself the skills you need to use any technology, whenever you need to.

They’ve partnered up with East Riding Adult Learning and Employability to bring your learning right to your doorstep. Have a look below to see what’s on offer!



Some of our Parkside pupils are performing in this show if you would like to support them.



Please click the button below for the Autumn/Winter lunch menu.



Please click the link for the latest East Riding Local Offer bulletin.



The Two Rivers Community Pantry is a project is aimed at providing support to those who are in need of some assistance.

To find out more visit or speak to school about making a referral.



Daily actions from Action for Happiness encouraging you to carry out small acts of kindness. Have a look at the calendar below or click here to download the pdf. 'Happier January' suggests daily actions to help you start the new year happier.



(Please note that all dates are subject to change. We will of course update you of any changes as soon as possible.)

Dates are also available on our website by clicking here.

Dates for Academic Year 2023/2024

Spring Term

  • Mon 29th Jan - Clubs start
  • Mon 5th Feb - Preloved Stalls (3.30pm)
  • Tues 6th Feb - Year 5 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Wed 7th Feb - Year 5 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Fri 9th Feb - 1HO Class Assembly (9.15am)
  • Fri 9th Feb - School closes for half term (3.30pm)

Half term break

  • Mon 19th Feb - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Thurs 22nd Feb - Parent Consultation Evening
  • Fri 23rd Feb - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • Fri 23rd Feb - 1HU Class Assembly (9.15am)
  • Wed 28th Feb - Parent Consultation Evening
  • Fri 1st Mar - 3O Class Assembly (9.15am)
  • Thurs 7th Mar - World Book Day
  • Mon 11th Mar - Year 4 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Mon 11th Mar - Last week of clubs this term
  • Tues 12th Mar - Year 4 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Wed 13th Mar - Year 3 Performance
  • Thurs 14th Mar - Year 3 Performance
  • Fri 15th Mar - 3C Class Assembly (9.15am)
  • Fri 22nd Mar - Governors Awards Assembly
  • Fri 22nd Mar - School closes for Easter (3.30pm)

Summer Term

  • Mon 8th April - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 12th April - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • w/c Mon 15th April - Grow It Week
  • Tues 16th April - Year 4 Performance
  • Wed 17th April - Year 4 Performance
  • Fri 19th April - 5A Class Assembly
  • Fri 26th April - 5GB Class Assembly
  • Fri 3rd May - 5H Class Assembly
  • Mon 6th May - School closed for Bank Holiday (All day)
  • Tues 7th May - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • w/c Mon 13th May - First week of clubs
  • w/c Mon 13th May - Year 6 SATs
  • Tues 21st May - Year 1 & 2 Sports Day
  • Wed 22nd May - Year 3 & 4 Sports Day
  • Thurs 23th May - Year 5 & 6 Sports Day
  • Fri 24th May - Reception & Nursery Sports Day
  • Fri 24th May - School closes for half term (3.30pm)

Half term break

  • Mon 3rd June - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Wed 5th June - French Day
  • Fri 7th June - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • Mon 10th June - Class Photos
  • Fri 14th June - RB Class Assembly
  • Fri 21st June - RWR Class Assembly
  • w/c Mon 24th June - Last week of clubs
  • Tues 25th June - Year 6 Performance (9.15am)
  • Wed 26th June - Year 6 Performance (2.15pm)
  • Tues 9th July - Year 2 Performance
  • Wed 10th July - Year 2 Performance
  • Thurs 11th July - Moving Up morning
  • Fri 19th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly (pm)
  • Fri 19th July - School closes for Summer (3.30pm)

Dates for Academic Year 2024/2025

Autumn Term 2024

  • Tues 3rd Sept 2024 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 25th Oct 2024 - School closes for half term (3.30pm)
  • Tues 5th Nov 2024 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 20th Dec 2024 - School closes for Christmas (3.30pm)

Spring Term 2025

  • Tues 7th Jan 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 14th Feb 2025 - School closes for half term (3.30pm)
  • Mon 24th Feb 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 4th April 2025 - School closes for Easter (3.30pm)

Summer Term 2025

  • Tues 22nd April 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Mon 5th May 2025 - School closed for Bank Holiday
  • Tues 6th May 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 23rd May 2025 - School closes for half term (3.30pm)
  • Mon 2nd June 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 18th July 2025 - School closes for Summer (3.30pm)



Telephone: 01405 763634


Please note that we send you our fortnightly newsletters as part of our remit of providing and supporting your child's education. In these newsletters we may include items from third parties that we believe will be may be in your child's interest. If you do not wish to receive our electronic newsletter, please email us on the address above.

(Additional newsletter graphics sourced from My Cute Graphics and Philip Martin clipart)