The Whispering Woods

Writing the story

Pupils in Ysgawen worked with Tamar, a professional storyteller to create the first part of the story.

They had been studying life in Wales in medieval times and had read a range of Welsh tales. Tamar also inspired them with the retelling of unfamiliar local tales, such as The Hyssington Bull.

Together they created the setting and outline for their tale which included an ancient tree in the middle of a vast forest which linked the human world to the world of Y Tylwyth Teg.

Following her visit, pupils used these plans to write their own version of the story.

Creating the set

Local artists, Hilary and Graham, came in to work with dosbarth Collen to create parts of the trees that made up the stage scenery. Each pupil made a 3D panel to include the whirls and patterns within the bark.

They used strips of paper to create waterfalls of leaves.

Music and composition

Musicians from Sinfonia Cymru worked with dosbarth Ysgawen to write lyrics and compose the tune for the song they would be singing as part of the performance.

Their song told the first part of the story and linked to the next section written by another school.

The Performance - The Whispering Woods

Thanks to a grant from Arts Council Wales, the whole school went to The Hafren in Newtown to see the performance.