KC News Round Up Friday 12th January 2024

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! It was a chilly start to the Spring term here at KC, as we welcomed our students back with a dusting of snow. This term promises to be as full and action-packed as ever, with lots to look forward to. We can't wait to begin!

Futures Programme Talk

This week, Joe Doherty came to speak to us from the University of Sheffield. He delivered a talk to the Lower Sixth as part of the Futures Programme to give more information about choosing a course and university. He took the students through the range of courses available, qualifications and considerations when making decisions. This was a pivotal talk in the Futures Programme, as so many of our Sixth Form go on to Higher Education. It helped the students to understand the process, making it it far easier to navigate the choices and opportunities available.

HALO Lecture

Miss Handford gave the first HALO lecture of 2024 on Wednesday, in which she gave pupils an introduction to the End Sexism in Schools organisation she is involved with. This is a grassroots organisation committed to creating change in the school environment and ensuring that pupils are taught a gender balanced curriculum in an environment free from gender limiting stereotypes and expectations and free from sexual harassment or violence. She discussed how increasing the number of female authors in English can help to increase the visibility of women. She also highlighted how the organisation plans to encourage the review of gender balance in other subjects across the curriculum.

I really enjoyed Wednesday's HALO lecture. I think the topic Miss Handford discussed is very prevalent and not nearly talked about enough in school environments and the statistic shared were particularly shocking. I look forward to hearing about what the organisation does next and I hope we can continue the discussion surrounding sexism in education further and start getting the whole school involved, maybe even reaching out to surrounding co-ed schools! Lexi, Lower Sixth
We found the Halo talk about sexism really engaging and though provoking. The statistics were really interesting to see and it gave us something to think about. Honor & Nina, Year 8

Cisco Cyber Camps

Following on from the above, Miss Mortlock will be discussing in her classes some free, online training opportunities run by female cybersecurity experts for students aged 13 to 19 (Years 9 and above) to learn cybersecurity skills. Offered by Cisco, this training is designed to try to increase the number of females entering professions in digital technologies and studying computer related programmes in Higher Education. For more information, click here or please speak to Miss Mortlock.

Year 9 Textiles

In Wednesday's Year 9 Textiles lesson, students enjoyed working on an embroidery project inspired by Textile artist, Victoria Villasana. Miss Griffiths and Miss Giacomini Martin have been teaching the students different embroidery stitches which they have applied to fabric printed with images from nature.

This is particularly apt on Wellbeing Wednesday, as the students are finding this lesson very relaxing and enjoyable.

Year 8 Maths

Mrs Hill's Year 8 class are currently studying angles in polygons. They began by constructing regular polygons using a protractor, a pair of compasses and a ruler. Using angle facts, they calculated the size of interior and exterior angles of regular hexagons, pentagons and octagons. They then measured their angles to see how accurate their drawings were. At the end of the lesson, they practiced using a pair of compasses to construct patterns using circles and arcs. Now on to problem solving involving angles!

Year 7 Fun Fridays

Every Friday morning the Year 7's come together to have fun, get active and make new friendships with girls that might not be in their tutor or teaching groups. Each week there is a different activity and today the girls played the 'Tail Game'. This game had them charging around the sports hall in teams, collecting as many different coloured sports bibs as possible. There were lots of smiles, laughter and fun, and even time to catch up with friends at the end!

Year 7 Drama

Year 7 Drama students have been thoroughly enjoyed learning in the theatre and studio today. They have started using the National Theatre’s production of Peter Pan to create their own shadow images with synchronised movement.

Year 8 Drama Trip

This week, Year 8 went on a trip to see My Neighbour Totorro at the Barbican in London.

A powerful theatre piece made for the world we live in. A performance with no villains. No fight scenes. No evil adults. No scary monsters, just a fun imaginary creature named Totoro. A world where you can meet a strange towering creature in the forest. My Neighbour Totoro definitely was an intelligent, magical performance about childhood imagination.​ Millie, Year 8

Spring Term Clubs & Activities

Click here to read the Co-Curricular Activities Guide for the Spring Term with details of how to book onto them. Clubs start next week.

The Wellbeing Hub

Please find below details of the content for The Wellbeing Hub next week.

Pastoral News

Find out the latest news and initiatives from the Pastoral team.

Have a lovely weekend!