the dance project "anyone can dance"


The Dance Project aims to start a dance club for primary school and create an environment where boys and girls can feel free to express themselves and gain new friendships as the semester progresses. In reality, I want the students to adapt and find a place where they feel confident being who they are by being involved and willing to approach exercise in a new way. My purpose is for the children to learn and take a new perspective on their life from this club.


My name is Cristina Muñoz and I live in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Throughout my entire life, my family was very artistic and full of light so I was always surrounded by different forms of art, whether it was music, photography, theater, or dance. This influenced my mother to register me in a dance class at the age of five. Ever since that, dance has always held a special place in my heart and day-to-day life. By attending the only studio near me, I soon realized my school didn't have a dance club, unlike most schools in San José. So, I decided to start a school dance club to give younger students the chance to try an overlooked art as an after school. Having a school-related club allows students to develop new abilities and proudly represent their school. I think all children should try an art once in their life as it opens different perspectives and ways to learn.


Starting your own dance club:

1. Plan: Create a plan including your workspace and available hours to later present to the administration.

2. Talk to administration: Present your idea to the heads of the school and be reasonable about any feedback while applying it.

3. Promote: Contact primary school parents and inform them of the new rising club.

4. Create: Send out a starting date and approach it with enthusiasm and passion.

5. Evolve: Through time learn from the children and teach them the basics of dance with fun techniques as they progress.


Dance is an art, sometimes considered a sport. It is a physical activity that increases agility and strength. Not only does it help with hand-eye coordination, but it teaches synchronization and how to understand the beats of different music. Dance is motivating and teaches you to develop relationships with your coaches and teammates through all sorts of circumstances. It gives a new understanding of conflict and keeps your mind working accordingly. Dance is a life skill with various styles that are beneficial in different backgrounds.

Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body. -Martha graham

ELEVATE Movement Studio

Gabriela Abarca Salas is the director and founder of ELEVATE Movement Studio. When she first moved into the area she was trying to find a place to dance, but since there wasn't any she took matters into her own hands and started "Danza y Pintura" in Tamarindo. With only a few students she also taught at La Paz Community School and what used to be the Country Day School. A couple of years later, Gaby and her partner at the time, Mckenna Talavera, founded the Movement Studio in Paseo Del Mar, Huacas around 2014. Through the years, the team competed and presented many recitals to the public. Later in January of 2019, Gaby founded ELEVATE Movement Studio. A studio were family bonds are created and teachers from all over come to teach. Gaby pushes her team and teaches them the importance of body conscience as well as alignment and proper philosophy of our bodies. She is a certified Pilates instructor and has a Certification from Acrobatics Art as well as many others. Gabriela Abarca was able to start from scratch at a very young age and create a place were hundreds of young males and females discover their passion and love for the art of dance. She always prioritizes her dancers well-beings and guides them to find a happy and fitting path later in their teen years. Gabriela is an inspiration for all dancers and a wonderful person who always puts her students first. The Dance Project is inspired by this fulfilling studio.

What is it?

The Dance Project consists of a small school club where students can come together to learn and work through different combinations of skills and moves. Through this, they will take in the contrasting types of music and be able to identify the numeric beats portrayed in each song. As well as, gain a sense of background rhythm and coordination. The students will get to know other students and make new friends through the process.

Benefits of Dance

Physical Health:
  • Improves your resistance and physical condition.
  • Adds and develops coordination throughout the body.
  • Increases flexibility and strength.
  • Produces attention towards balance and posture.
  • Supports circulation to the heart, lungs, and different muscles.
Mental Health:
  • Teaches life skills such as teamwork, creativity, and confidence.
  • Focuses on self-confidence and being comfortable expressing who you are.
  • Develops new ways to interpret and groove to beats.
  • Keeps your brain working and processing different materials at a quick pace.
  • Works on discipline and attention to detail.


How is this club different from the cheerleading and gymnastics ones? Dance is completely different from cheerleading and gymnastics as they focus on contrasting values. It is based on the corporal movement of your body through the spine rather than tensing and forcing unnecessary muscles.

How will it be a part of school spirit? The Dance Project will make itself present in school talent shows and promote an enjoyable way of physical activity.

How will it benefit the whole student community? High school students and participants in NJHS and NHS can volunteer and incorporate themselves into the club to gain knowledge and volunteer hours.

Who am I?

My name is Cristina Muñoz and I'm a 9th-grade student at Costa Rica International Academy. I've been a student here for twelve years and began dance when I was five. I've watched the school grow and develop, but I concluded that there was never a dance team. So, I decided to attempt and focus on creating a team to represent our school spirit. When Mr. Carpenter brought up passion projects I thought this was the best opportunity to begin working to establish a CRIA Dance Club called "The Dance Project".

Down below is my podcast explaining my journey towards creating a Dance club

my inspiration & related sources
