

We have reached the end of a very busy first half term – the children have settled into their new classes and are enjoying their lessons with their new teachers. When we return after the half term holiday, we have lots of amazing events, trips and visitors planned that we are excited to share with you…


Our Harvest worship took place on Thursday 5th October and was attended by many parents, carers and family members – thank you for joining us! As a school, we collected food items for Stoke-on-Trent Food Bank who provide food for families in need across the city.

Thank you for your kind and generous donations.


On Monday 16th October, we were lucky to have the Midlands Air Ambulance visit us in school. The charity is responsible for funding and operating three air ambulance helicopters, and a fleet of critical care cars – serving the communities of six Midlands counties, including Staffordshire.

The team delivered a whole school assembly to provide an insight into the lifesaving service and to help pupils understand the importance of safety. Throughout the day, our Year 6 children then took part in some CPR workshops in which they learnt about the basic life saving skills

Furthermore, every child in school also had the opportunity to visit and sit inside a decommissioned air ambulance helicopter - which you may have seen outside the front entrance to school! The helipod is a mobile demonstration helicopter shell and provides the closest experience to an air ambulance, without the need for the actual one!


Y6 are currently fundraising for their end of year leavers’ prom.

On Wednesday 18th October, pupils in Year 6 held a bake sale which was a great success – they raised over £150! Thank you to all parents, carers and family members who baked or donated cakes – your support is very much appreciated!

Year 6 are currently planning their next fundraiser (a sweet sale) in December… please check Class Dojo for updates.


Since returning in September, all children have now visited Longton Library with their class. The children had a tour of the library and listened to stories with the librarian. Longton Library is a fabulous local resource – we hope you are able to visit the library over half term and borrow some books to share at home.

Following our amazing success in achieving the Gold School Games Mark at the end of last year, we have hit the ground running with PE and Sport this term! As well as 2 hours of PE per week, our children have already been busy taking part in sports events outside of school too.

Well done to our teams who have represented Belgrave at various locations across the City this half term. Children have competed in orienteering, cross country, girls football, mixed football and next week some children will be heading out for a Change4Life Sports Festival, while our cross country team compete in race 2 of the season! We aim to give as many different children as we can the opportunity to represent Belgrave in sporting events and there are many more events to come…

Congratulations to the Year 5 and 6 children who have passed their training to become our new team of Playground Leaders. They will be leading playground activities for our younger children after half term. Well done on all of your hard work!

On Wednesday 25th October, we had our first intra-house competition day of the year. The children had a fantastic day participating in different sporting activities and competing against each other. Congratulations to Spode who were the winners on this day! Who will be the winner next half term?


Our clubs are, as always, very popular. Thank you for signing your children up through the new online system. Clubs will remain the same after half term, starting week commencing 6th November until Friday 8th December. If you no longer require a place, please speak to your child’s class teacher, or the school office.


‘Just Me’ is a parent workshop focussed on wellbeing and developing skills to become a ‘better you’. The course runs on Monday afternoons throughout November and December. If you would like to book a place, or want any further information, please call the school office and speak to Mrs L Jones.

PARKING: We have received complaints from the pub regarding parents parking on the pub car park. Just a reminder that you are allowed to park on the pub car park but only at school drop off and collection times, not at any time during the school day. Cars must be parked on the left of the car park, not blocking access to the pub in any way. Thank you for your co-operation.


A reminder that no extended leave of absence is authorised and that if it exceeds 5 school days, then a fixed penalty fine of £60 per pupil, per parent will be imposed. Well done to all children whose attendance is 97% or above this half term - certificates will be awarded after the holiday. Thank you for your ongoing support with attendance and ensuring your children are in school, ready to learn!


Reading is vitally important in ensuring your child can access the whole curriculum. Reading at home is a key component in embedding reading fluency and understanding. Thank you to all the parents that consistently support their child with home reading. Mrs Jones, our reading leader, is implementing a new and exciting incentive system for reading at home – more information will be released on Dojo after half term.


A reminder of the expectations for uniform and PE kit. We have noticed a wide array of PE kits, please make an effort to ensure you child’s PE kit meets the expected standard – in particular, plain black tracksuit bottoms and hoodies with no logos or branding. The uniform expectations can be found on the link to our website:

For further information please contact School’s In on 01782 310111 or visit their website.


Please ensure that your child/children are not using the play equipment at the end of the day. We have seen some children climbing on goal posts and climbing frames, putting them at risk of harm. The children are parents responsibility once they leave class teachers at the end of the day.


A prayer for us all:

Dear Lord,

May the harvest from the fields remind us of the abundance we have been given and bounty we are to share with others. May the dying of summer's spirit remind us of your great promise that death is temporary and life is eternal.

We praise you for your goodness forever and ever.



  • Friday 27th October: INSET - School Closed for Pupils
  • Monday 30th October – Friday 3rd November: Half Term Holiday – School Closed
  • Monday 6th November School: School reopens for all pupils – After School Clubs start this week
  • Monday 6th November – Friday 10th November: Art/Design and Technology Focus Week
  • Friday 10th November: Remembrance Service 9am (Parents/Carers welcome)
  • Monday 13th November: School Photographs (Tempest)
  • Friday 17th November: Children in Need Fundraiser
  • Tuesday 21st November: Reception Come Read with Us 2:30-3pm (Parents/Carers welcome)
  • Wednesday 22nd November: Y1 Come Read with Us 2:30-3pm (Parents/Carers welcome)
  • Thursday 23rd November: Y2 Come Read with Us 2:30-3pm (Parents/Carers welcome)
  • Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd November: Y6 Bikeability
  • Friday 24th November: Y5 Bikeability
  • Monday 27th November – Friday 1st December: Cohesion Week
  • Monday 4th December: Parent Workshop: Wreath Making 1:30pm (£6 – book at the office)


  • Wednesday 8th November: Y6 Potteries Museum Visit
  • Tuesday 14th November: J7 RAF Cosford Visit
  • Wednesday 15th November: J8 RAF Cosford Visit
  • Tuesday 21st November: Y6 First Aid Training
  • Monday 27th November: Y3/4 Mental Health Workshop
  • Tuesday 28th November: Y4 Stoke City Visit


Please follow us on our social media pages to see what is going on in school: