Weekly Newsletter wEST mEADOWS - 17th May 2024

Welcome to West Meadows Weekly!

This week I would like to start by saying a massive well done to all of our Year 6 children for their focus, hard work and resilience when tackling their SATs. We could not have asked for anymore this week and they gave 100%. We are proud of them all, as we have been all year! Today they enjoyed a treat of bacon sandwiches to start the day and a movie followed by being invited to watch a sporting event at Hoyland Common this afternoon! Also a big thank you goes to Mr Naylor, Miss Penman and Mrs Beever for all of their hard work with the children (and for making their breakfasts for them this week 😁)

Drama Festival:

Tickets for this year’s drama festival, which will be held on Thursday 20th June, are now on sale either from the box office at The Academy Theatre, Birdwell or online on their website -The Academy Theatre - Barnsley . The performance starts at 1:30pm and will involve performances from West Meadows Primary and Dodworth St. Johns. Unfortunately children from school who are not in the performance cannot be taken out of school to attend, however all children in school will get to watch the performance the day before on the Wednesday in school time.

Endangered Species Theme Day:

On Monday, we are having a theme day in school to show our support for National Endangered Species Day. Children will have opportunities to learn about lots of endangered species and share their work and learning with other classes. We are looking forward to learning all about how to help and support animals, both big and small!

Treat Tuck Shop:

Next Friday, on the last day of term, we will be having a treat tuck shop run by PTA at the end of the day. Please bring some pennies to spend!

Playground Safety:

We kindly ask that no bikes or scooters be ridden on school grounds at the start or end of the school day for the safety of everyone on a busy playground. This includes on the pathway leading from the gate to the playground. We thank everyone for their support with this.


Children in Year 5 will have the opportunity to participate in ‘Bikeability’ the first week back after the half term holiday (week commencing Monday 3rd June). This teaches children important skills and how to stay safe on the roads when riding their bike. We ask parents to look out for the letter coming home and contact us if you have not received one. Many thanks.

SEN Coffee Morning:

On Thursday, 27th June at 9.00am we will be holding a SEN coffee morning. All parents welcome for a coffee and a chat. To find out what support is out there and ask any questions.

Attendance Matters!

Every Friday we will celebrate our children’s achievements, both in school and at home, including their attendance in school. Good attendance is vital for your child’s education and means they can make the most of all aspects of school life. We really need your support this year to raise our attendance. If you need any help or support please come and see Mrs Maree. You can see your own child’s attendance for the year and the last 4 weeks on the Arbor App. An attendance of 97% or above is considered to be good attendance.

Last Week's Attendance:

F1 AM (incl 30 hours): 86%

F2: 92.4%

Year 1: 95.6%

Year 2: 92.7%

Year 3: 93.2%

Year 4: 91.5%

Year 5: 91%

Year 6: 95.9%

Congratulations to this week's winners, Year 6!

Diary Dates:

20th May - Endangered Species Theme Day

21st May - Ramp It Up Bikeability Workshop – Year 5

22nd May - Year 4 Drama Workshop (Road Safety)

24th May - Treat Tuck Shop on the playground at end of the school day

24th May - Break up for Spring Bank

3rd June - Return to school

Wc 3rd June - Bikeability week – Year 5

Wc 3rd June - Year 6 Red Cross Coping with Challenges Workshop

Wc 3rd June - Year 4 Multiplication Check this week

Wc 10th June - Year 1 Phonics Screening Check this week

17th June - Parent Forum 2pm in Community Room

19th June - Year 6 drama workshop

20th June - Drama Festival Performance – The Academy Theatre

27th June - Year 5 to attend Barnsley Music Festival at The Metrodome

28th June - Year 6 Leavers’ Camping Night!

2nd July - F2 Sports Day (1:30pm)

3rd July - Year 1 / 2 Sports Day (9:30am)

3rd July - Year 3 / 4 Sports Day (1:30pm)

4th July - Year 5 / 6 Sports Day (1:30pm)

5th July - F1 (Nursery) Sports Day (9:30am)

5th July - Summer Fair (2:00pm)

10th July - End of Year Reports to Parents

11th and 12th July - Transition Days in school and Year 6 transition to Kirk Balk

19th July - Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly

*Year 6 End of Year Show date at The Academy Theatre to be confirmed