Wales Outdoor Learning Week - This week has been outdoor learning week in Wales so we've ensured that our pupils have had lots of outdoor activities to do. Miss Prescott started her Gardening Club on Monday with some of our younger pupils being helped along by some of our oldest pupils. Throughout the week various classes have been outside to pot up plants, play games and revive our vegetable beds.
Ysgol Deiniol History Celebration - Friends of Deiniol PTA are working with Ysgol Deiniol to hold a celebration open afternoon on Wednesday 15th May 2024 3:15pm-6:00pm. Everybody is welcome to view photographs and log books from the past and also current historical work for our current pupils. We look forward to welcoming you all into our school for an afternoon of reminiscing, friendship and photographs of some dodgy hairstyles!
Easyfundraising - When making purchases online please can you go through the 'easyfundraising' app as a small percentage of the transaction will be sent to the Friends of Deiniol. It doesn't cost you anything at all and most online retailers take part: Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, Tui etc. Just download the app, choose Friends of Deiniol School Yard and then use the app to choose an online store to buy from. It's really simple to use and easy money for the school!
Recycled Clothes - Please keep bagging up and sending in any unwanted clothes to the school. It's really easy money for the Friends of Deiniol which is then sent back into school to help our children.
Dog Blog - Please see our latest blog from Albert.