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Serving at Cru Headquarters Steven & Kelly Diller

Approximately 2 Billion people in the world today identify themselves as Christians. 5 Billion are Nonbelievers. Hundreds of millions have never heard of Jesus.

There are almost 7,000 languages in the world. Many people groups still do not have a Bible in their own language. Even with a Bible, millions are unable to read it.

“No one should have to learn another language to find out how to spend eternity with God.”

-Paul Eshleman, founding director of Jesus Film Project

Jesus Film Project uses the power of visual story to share Jesus in people's heart language. When people hear and see Jesus speaking to them, it is personal and He touches their hearts.

The JESUS film is the most widely used evangelistic tool in the world other than the Bible. Since 1979, the Jesus Film Project has translated and dubbed the movie into 2100 languages - making it the most translated film in all history!

God is moving in amazing ways as His Word is spoken through the film. No matter where in the world people see Jesus, no matter the language, the Lord consistently draws people to Himself.

Not only do we translate the JESUS film into many languages, we also have created several other full length films and short films, and are currently working on an animated story of Jesus.

Our goal is to give everyone on earth an opportunity to encounter Jesus in his or her own heart language.

Jesus film project started with sending teams to remote villages to share the Jesus film in their heart language. Many who attended became believers and often a church was planted.

It has only grown from there as we started partnering with churches and other missions organizations to train them to do the same thing.

Now with the advent of the internet and digital tools, it’s even easier to share the JESUS film whether it’s on a mobile device or on the internet. Millions of people are coming face to face with Jesus in their heart language and responding to the gospel.

We’re excited to be a part of what God is doing. We’d like to share a little about our own stories and the vision God has given us in being part of this ministry.

Steven serves on the Global Brand and Marketing Support team of Jesus Film as a user experience designer. As a designer, I help build tools and products to help believers and missionaries do digital missions in hard to reach places.

The internet has made it easier to share the gospel with people in locations that are hostile to the gospel. Digital tools like social media and the web can help us reach people who would otherwise be very difficult to reach. For some people, the internet is their only opportunity to hear the good news of the gospel. By using digital tools, we can reach these people with the gospel and help them to experience the love of God.

Kelly serves on the US Capacity Human Resources team. She connects with and cares for capacity staff so they can be in a healthy place to serve the broader Cru community.

Cru’s capacity staff include financial services, digital strategies, and other teams who work behind the scenes to support staff in the field and sustain the ministry of Cru around the world. We know from our experience on campus that without this support, most of what we accomplish through our ministry would not be possible. We are trusting God to use our work to bring more people into a relationship with Jesus as we free up our staff in the field to focus more fully on proclaiming the gospel.

In light of the scope and urgency of this task, we need a team of people behind us who want to be a part of reaching this strategic mission field. This team of partners prays, connects, and/or gives financially on a regular basis so that we can continue working full time in the roles God has called us to.

Thank you so much for your interest in our ministry! Your partnership can make a difference in reaching people for Christ.