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Commodore Sloat Garden Chronicles November 2024 (Please scroll down)


In November, in Kindergarten we will learn about our chickens. In First grade, we will learn about new parts of the plants. In Second grade, we will learn about the soil composition and why soil is important to grow our food. In Third grade, we will learn about how plants adapt to their environment. In Fourth grade, we will continue to learn about compost and how to take care of the red wiggler worms. In Fifth grade, we will continue to learn about waste and watch a documentary on microplastics.


In Kindergarten, we learned about our five senses and we went on safaris around our garden to use them. In First grade, we learned about how roots and stems help plants thrive. (Pictured here) In Second grade, our scientists started a decomposition experiment. In Third grade, we learned about the different plant parts. We made a delicious Chinese egg flower soup with eggs from our chickens and vegetables from our garden. In Fourth grade, we learned about compost and the Indigenous Ohlone Peoples. We drank a mint tea made with 'alaqtaha (the Ohlone name for "yerba buena") that was grown in our garden. In Fifth grade, we started to learn about waste and we also harvested the sunflower seeds from our garden.

Interesting plant or animal in the garden

Our sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are at the end of their lifecycle. The sunflower is an annual plant, meaning it dies in the fall but the seeds make new flowers the following year. Its scientific name comes from the Greek words helios (“sun”) and anthos (“flower”). The largest sunflower variety in our garden grew to over 6 feet tall! It was the "mammoth sunflower." We harvested the seeds to replant them in the spring.

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped with the egg drop soup cooking classes! The "chicken club" is going strong this year: students can take care of our two chickens "Polly" and "Chicken Little." Every Monday, during morning recess, students in upper grades can ask their classroom teacher for a chicken club pass.

Questions, comments or ideas? Please reach out to me at raphaelhitzke(at), or visit me in the garden on Mondays through Thursdays. I’d love to hear from you!

Note: All the photographs were taken in our garden.

Mr. Raphael -November 2024
