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Noadswood Termly Newsletter october 2024

Dates for the Diary


4th Inset Day

11th Remembrance Day

w/c 11th Noadswood Kindness Week

13th Year 11 Progress Evening

27th Year 11 Presentation evening

29th Lille Trip

30th Christmas Fayre


11th Light up a Life Service @ AFC Totton for Oakhaven Hospice

12th Christmas Concert

13th Wear Something Different

20th Half Day finish at 12.30 pm

23rd Christmas Holidays

Message from the Leadership Team

As we reflect on this half term, we are filled with authentic pride in our incredible students and our dedicated colleagues who continually strive for excellence. Across all staff teams, we have seen exceptional engagement in professional development initiatives, from collaborative workshops to innovative training sessions and even some national recognition, as you know from previous weekly newsletters. This commitment not only enhances our skills but directly benefits our students’ learning.

We know that academic progress is just one piece of the school experience jigsaw; we committed this year to providing our students with a bumper menu of opportunities for student leadership and curriculum enrichment. Our diverse range of extracurricular activities encourages creativity, teamwork, and personal growth, all of which we value in the Noadswood family. I’ve so loved hearing about sporting achievement, fun in our choirs, baking success, chess skill and our unique table tennis disco club when I have been meeting the youngsters for Hot Choc or live and in action around school. All such joyful stuff. And that’s just a few examples of what they can participate in.

If your child hasn’t got involved in a club yet, please do click on the link below to see all that's on offer: After School Clubs and Activities | Noadswood school

I was reminiscing with Mr Hewitt and Mr Rowling yesterday about the school hockey team I was in as a kid – I thought I was doing ok at hockey, but I think I probably used to belt up and down the left-hand side of the pitch, swinging my stick rather randomly. We lost 6-0 frequently! But those memories are as important to me as choirs and orchestras where I was a bit more in control of myself! So, tell your children to make lasting memories – they don’t have to be the best, they just need to make a leap of faith and join in. If they are worried about doing so or someone or something is making it difficult for them, get in touch with your child’s year leader team and they can help. Contact details are here: Contact Us, you can also message them on Class Charts.

There are so many things to congratulate our students on from their successful first half term of this year - enthusiasm and eagerness to learn from so many have set a wonderful tone.

Three of my highlights have been:

- Presenting my own awards and hearing about everybody else’s at our recent Key Stage 3 and 4 Awards Evening. It was such a lovely evening celebrating a genuinely diverse mix of Noadswood students for an equally diverse range of skills, talents, qualities and successes. Emotion was genuine that night about our students and your support of them. It was equally there as we remembered those in whose memory some of our awards are presented. A true Noadswood family occasion.

- I have to mention my choir as one of my highlights: I bring together now some nearly 60 Y7-9 students who absolutely sing their hearts out. We can’t wait to perform at the various end of term events we have planned, as well as out and about in the local community. Their support of each other’s musical choices (most of the time) and their good cheer and energy make my heart sing as loudly as they do.

- Thirdly and differently, each moment I have spent with Y11 students this half term is a kind of collective highlight, whether it’s our Head Student Team or our prefects, or people bouncing up to me to tell me something about their day, or someone struggling, keen for me or another member of the team to find a solution; that turning point, as they mature into incredible adults of the future has started. And I am very proud of them. No time for complacency and I am not talking perfection, but I see it and sense it. Well done Y11

Three highlights is such a short list - I could share so many. Instead, in the end of half term newsletter, it’s time for me to stop and hand over to the departments and year groups to do the ‘talking’.

Let’s continue to support one another as we strive to be our best every day so we can showcase even more great stuff each week and by the time we hit Christmas.

Wishing everyone a very restful half term break – if you need us during the week, please use marking your mail URGENT.

Kathryn Marshall and the Leadership Team

Pastoral News Year 7

What an action packed eight weeks for Year 7. The half-term has flown by and there have been so many things that so many of them have been involved in.

We would need a newsletter just of Year 7 if we were to write up everything, but here is a brief summary of their amazing start…

The pupils have all seemed to settle in well to the to the secondary school routine. Most have now learned their timetables and we are seeing lots of them to begin to come out of their shell.

There have been so many involved in lots of sports clubs, including netball, rugby club, girls’ football, rugby breakfast club, badminton club, gym and dance, with lots of Year 7 pupils representing the school in competitive fixtures.

There has been a massive uptake for Miss Marshall’s choir, plus lots of pupils attending music club, Science club, Maths club, rock band and chess club.

If any pupils are looking to get involved in an after-school activity, but haven’t made it along yet, they just need to ask their tutor or subject teacher for the details.

A big highlight of the term so far though has to be our Year 7 Teambuilding Day followed by the Year 7 disco - Friday 4th October certainly was an action-packed day for Year 7.

Our annual Team Building day, saw the pupils compete in their tutor groups all day in 8 different activities.

The focus for the day, was cooperation, communication and team work, with the added extra of everyone getting to know each other a bit better as the day went on.

The rain held and the sun was shining as the tutor groups worked hard to complete each challenge - some with an extra helping hand from their tutors who spent the day with them.

Toxic waste, Sky Tower, Stepping Stone and Deep-Sea Rescue were just some of the challenges that the groups had to complete.

It was a great day with everyone working hard to try and win the trophy (and sweets)!

The Team Building 2024 winners were 7A1, winning by just 9 points! Miss Hobbs and Mrs Woods were both really proud of their tutor group.

Later in the day over 140 Year 7’s returned to school for the disco. The event was fantastically well organised, as always, by our school PSA, with the DJ playing countless classic tunes that got the crowds going and lots of staff and some of our Prefects running the tuck shop.

The pupils had a great time with big group dance-offs, lots of karaoke and everyone leaving at the end of the night with a smile on their face.

Pastoral News – Year 8 & 9

On Wednesday 9th October, we were delighted to invite over 60 students from Year 8 and 9 who had been nominated for Awards Evening. Subjects had been asked to nominate students for outstanding achievement, effort and progress across the previous academic year. It was wonderful to see so many students recognised for their efforts. Special awards were also presented for Contribution to Performing Arts, the Chris Martin key stage 3 for Community Action, the Headteacher's Family Award for key stage 3 and our own Year Leader awards.

A huge well done to everyone, but especially to Jess in Year 9 and Sophie in Year 8 who received the Year Leader awards.

Thank you to all the families that joined us for this celebration and we are already looking forward to next year's event.

Miss Rawlinson Year 9 & Miss Ebblewhite Year 8

Pastoral News – Year 10 & 11

On October 9th we held our annual KS4 Awards Evening, a celebration of outstanding academic, and personal achievements from last academic year. The event, attended by students, parents, teachers, and special guests, was an evening filled with pride, recognition, and inspiration.

Awards were given across a wide variety of categories, ensuring that students from all walks of life and abilities were acknowledged. Awards were given for academic progress, effort and attainment across the subject areas. It was amazing to see so many of our students coming up onto the stage to receive their certificates and personalised prizes from Miss Marshall.

In addition to the subject prizes there were also a number of special subject awards given out celebrating excellence in Science, Languages and Maths. The winners were;

Farrant Cup (Science) – Holly Welsh Maths Progress Shield – Lacey King Roger Bidmead Shield (Languages) – Mia Smith

We also celebrated those who have made specific contributions to school life outside of the classroom which included awards for those who have made outstanding contributions to the performing arts.

Shooting Star Nominees – Livi Gregory & Harrison Southwell Shooting Star winner – Niamh Hoskins

A special award, the Chris Martin Award, was presented to Harrison Southwell who has demonstrated remarkable commitment and service to the community. Further special awards were presented to students who have shown great resilience and perseverance. Miss Hyland spoke very highly about the winners of these two awards. Danny May was awarded the Gillard Cup for Resilience and Erin Bilgili the Brendan Spearing Progress Award.

The Year Leader awards were next up and were presented to two students who had each demonstrated resilience and determination to be the very best version of themselves they could be. Both Mr Wilkinson’s and Mrs Way’s awards went to students who thoroughly deserved recognition for being outstanding members of the school community. Congratulations to Jack Elgar in Year 10 and Harrison Southwell in Year 11 on receiving these awards. Finally, came the Headteacher’s Noadswood Family Awards. The nominees for these very special awards were, Jake Whitely and Dayshaun Duose and the winners were Grace Taukei and Noah Marshall. Congratulations to all the winners and participants for their hard work, dedication, and spirit. We look forward to seeing even greater things from our students in the year ahead!

Mrs Way and Mr Wilkinson

During the Awards Evening a very moving part of the evening was the presentation of a newly commissioned award, The Di Ward Shield. Some of you may well remember Di who was a key member of the pastoral team from 2010 to 2022. At first she was the House Leader (Guidance) to Wilverley and then on the change to year groups worked with Year 7's who are now Year 10.

Di had decided to leave Noadswood in 2022 to spend more time with her family, especially her grandchildren but we always hoped she would return to us. Sadly, this could not happen as she passed away in April 2023 just after her 61st birthday. In the years Di was here she always worked tirelessly with the children in her house and then her year group but had an amazing way with some who just needed that extra help, care and time to help them on their way to be successful here and in life.

In agreement with her family, we are going to remember Di by giving an award each year to a pupil who has been / is being successful despite obstacles that have been in their lives along the way

Peter Ward, her husband and her three daughters joined us at Awards Evening to present the Di Ward Shield for the first time to Ruby, a well-deserved recipient.


Redwood have had a lot to celebrate this half term, and we are so proud of all of our pupils who have managed so well, adapting to the new structure of Redwood since the expansion to our buildings over the summer break. The new space has enabled Redwood to have separate zones for regulation and for learning, and this has had a massive positive impact on pupils' engagement during interventions, classroom learning and with our life skills provision

Pupils continue to enjoy our off-site provision including regular gym sessions and for some of our KS4 pupils, they have started an animal care course at Crazy Creatures. The focus in Life skills this half term has been budgeting and healthy living and pupils have planned and worked towards preparing and cooking a healthy lunch.

The Redwood staff team were also proud to be nominated and named Neuro-Champions in the Inclusive Education Provider category at the Celebrating Neurodiversity Awards in London.

We have all enjoyed continued visits from Ralph from the Pets at Therapy programme, his visits are a great way of ending the week on a Friday afternoon!

Bike Shelter

We’re thrilled to announce that yesterday was the grand opening of our new student bike shelter! This incredible project was made possible by the hard work and dedication of our students, who raised the funds through various initiatives and events. The project also received a grant donation from New Forest District Council's CIL Fund.

A Special thanks to Leo, Luca and Cameron and their parents who raised money by doing a sponsored bike ride covering just over 30 miles on mountain bikes cycling from the school to Sandbanks beach along the coast.

The bike shelter not only provides a safe space for our bikes but also promotes a greener, healthier school.

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to this initiative—you’ve made a lasting impact on our community! Let’s pedal towards a sustainable future together!

Volunteers Required

We are looking for reliable people who may have some spare time on their hands to be part of the Noadswood team and become a volunteer minibus driver. You will need a valid driving licence with D1 ticked as well as a MIDAS certificate, although we can arrange training if you do not have this. A full DBS check will be required which we can arrange.

Christmas Themed Craft Fayre

Christmas themed craft Fayre with various goods on offer from skin products, candles, hand carved wooden ornaments, cakes, Elf on the Shelf balloons and gift ideas, handmade Christmas cards, hair braiding, tea and coffee and many more. Get your ticket today.

There are a few spaces left to purchase a table of you would like to sell your goods. Please get in touch by emailing


We invite you to become an integral part of our school community by joining the school PSA!

Your involvement can make a real difference in enhancing our students' educational experience.

Why join?

✅Make an Impact: Your voice matters! Help shape decisions that affect our school and its programs.

✅Stay Informed: Gain insights into what’s happening at school and be the first to know about new initiatives.

✅Connect with Others: Meet fellow parents, teachers, and supporters who share your commitment to our children's success.

✅Be a Role Model: Demonstrate the importance of community involvement to your children.

✅Meet other parents: Secondary school means you lose touch of who the other parents and children are, the PSA is a fantastic way to know who's who.

Together, we can foster a supportive environment that promotes learning and growth for all students. If you're interested or have questions, please reach out! Email:



Students have produced some fantastic work this half term. We are looking forward to exploring some new texts in the lead up to Christmas!

After half term, Y11 English revision will take place on a Tuesday after school. Students can get more information from their class teachers.

A quick reminder that homework will be set on a weekly basis, not necessarily by the students’ class teacher. This will appear on Frog and should be completed in homework booklets.


We have a fantastic opportunity available for our Year 9 Geography students to work with the Ordnance Survey. Students will know about this from their assembly this week with Mrs Woods, and all the Geography teachers will be talking to their Year 9 classes this week. This year, we are taking our partnership with the Ordnance Survey a step further to train 8 students as Geography Ambassadors, who will take the lead on promoting GIS (Geographical Information Systems) and fieldwork within Noadswood School and our local primary schools. Being an ambassador will include a trip to the Ordnance Survey on 26th November to take part in their annual GIS day with other local secondary schools. It will also involve visiting some of our local primary schools e.g., Marchwood and Waterside to help both the teachers and students develop their use of fieldwork and GIS. Due to the limited number of spaces for this opportunity, we are asking students to write in no more than 250 words why they wish to be considered for the role of Geography Ambassador. Ideally, they should have a passion for Geography, the outdoors and the use of maps and mapping software in our everyday lives. The deadline for students to write to us is Friday 8th November.


This term we were approached by the Comprehensive Oxford Maths and Physics Online School. This is a free online programme for students in years 10 – 12 who are interested in both Maths & Physics. The programme consists of weekly online tutorials, mind-bending assignments and webinars. I am pleased to say that some students in year 10 & 11 have taken up this opportunity and are enjoying the challenge of the work set.

Year 7 MathsWatch

Students in year 7 have been using MathsWatch for completing some homework this half term. So many are getting 100% correct because the platform gives them a chance to correct themselves if their first attempt is incorrect. This, together with videos to watch, really help the students to be successful. Here are some from Mr Rhodes' classes.

Please tell us what you like or don't like about MathsWatch as we are reviewing its use. Contact Mr Rhodes direct


On Wednesday 25th September the History Department took 42 Year 11 students to Fort Nelson in Fareham for a First World War study day to support their understanding of the History GCSE. The students were greeted by Private Weston who quickly put them through their paces with some marching drills. They then had the chance to decode some semaphore flags, which were used to communicate on the Western Front. Students were also able to get hands on with some of the weaponry from the First World War and learn about the devastating impact this had. We were so impressed with how our students conducted themselves during the day, as were the staff at Fort Nelson, and a fantastic day was had by all. Well done Year 11.

Science Club

32 students attended the first science club to make slime with Miss Hill. Since then, students have made Alka-Seltzer rockets, glow in the dark spinach and bouncy balls.

Science club takes place each Monday 3-3.30pm in A24 up until Easter

Year 10

After careful planning and preparation, we are pleased to announce that our Noadswood Rwanda 2025 Cultural Visit will be taking place in June this academic year. We have 13 intrepid students signed up to take part in this adventure, and we are now busy preparing our packing lists, organising vaccinations and learning some greetings in Kinyarwanda. Rwanda has a rich and varied history, stunning scenery and a story to tell of reconciliation post-conflict. Whilst the genocide of the last century will never be forgotten, Rwanda is working to rebuild its communities and building a strong environmental-culture based tourism industry. Our group will visit the capital city Kigali, spend time in a rural area that has a longstanding partnership with Dibden Parish, visit children at the partner parish school, visit craft centres and spend two days in the beautiful Akagera national Park, home to the African 'Big 5'. We look forward to sharing our travel blogs, travel essays and photo diaries later in the year.

Media Studies

Year 10 have been studying newspapers and magazines. They’ve spent the half term exploring GQ and Vogue magazine as well as The Guardian and The Sun newspaper. We are going to be exploring many more media texts in the run up to Christmas.

Year 11 have been working hard on their coursework. They have created a magazine front cover, a contents page and an article page. They’ve also been working on their exam skills ready for their mock in January.

Food Tech

Year 11:

Classes are busy developing their skills ready to take on final exams in June.

Food Prep and Nutrition are almost at the end of their first real NEA assessment ready to hand in this week, students have worked extremely hard to complete their investigations and evaluations.

NCFE Food and Cookery are in full swing of a practical mock and are documenting their progress, students will be starting their real assessments in January.

Year 7 –10:

The food students have been cooking up a storm this half term, demonstrating exceptional talent and dedication in the kitchen. Their hard work and passion for food have resulted in a series of impressive achievements and culinary triumphs.

From mastering intricate techniques to experimenting with innovative flavours, our students have consistently exceeded expectations. Their dishes have been praised for their creativity, presentation, and taste, showcasing a remarkable level of skill and artistry.

BTEC Child Development

Over the past few weeks all the Year 11 students who study BTEC Child Development have visited a local early years setting. The students spent an afternoon at Little Shipmates Day Nursery where they got involved with activities in the baby room, the nursery room and the preschool room. The students are currently undertaking their coursework where they have to plan a suitable play activity for three different age children. This visit was to help them experience first-hand some suitable toys and adult-led experiences which they could then use in their coursework. Next term we are hoping to visit Wildground Nursery, Preschool and Year R classes. From January the students are looking at how to support children and babies with various specific needs. Wildground have a special Resource Provision Center where they offer specific support to certain children.

Religion, Philosophy & Ethics

It was a pleasure to welcome Chris Lubbe, the former bodyguard to Nelson Mandela, to Noadswood. Chris is an internally acclaimed inspirational keynote speaker whose story covers themes such as fear, determination, courage and forgiveness. He shares his life story growing up in South Africa witnessing first hand racism and discrimination during apartheid. He delivered an inspirational and thought-provoking talk to both Key Stage 3 and 4 students who were all captivated by his story.

Chris spoke passionately and with a great deal of honestly about his lived experiences and emphasised the importance of education, echoing Nelson Mandela’s powerful message; “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Chris shared how his experiences led to him advocating against racism. He delivered his talk with great passion and his words were not only inspirational, but they also resonated deeply with staff and students alike.

So many students have since spoken about how inspiring Chris was, they have mentioned how his words have really made them reflect, especially about forgiveness, resilience and the importance of speaking out against injustice.

Computer Science

The year 10 Computer Scientists have accrued a lot of knowledge since starting the course in September. They have produced posters compiling and evaluating the knowledge. They have also explored the motherboards of old computers to understand in reality what these components look like and how they are actually laid out.

All New for Noadswood MFL - Duolingo Club!

Coming up after half term, Mr D’Arcy is starting up a Duolingo language learning club on Mondays from 3:00 to 3:30pm in M26. Students can choose any language that tickles their fancy and will join the leader board to pit their linguistic skills against each other. There will be half-termly prizes for those who gain the most XP (points) with the particular language they are choosing to learn. So many Noadswood students are already on winning streaks with Duolingo, so this will be an opportunity to make the most of it and compete against fellow Noadswoodians.

Open to all, whatever stage you’re at, even if you haven’t yet dipped your toes into Duolingo. Come and have a go!

The reason Duolingo is effective in helping you learn a language is that it backs up what your language teacher is always telling you. You have to meet the language, then practise it in a variety of contexts. Having fun and doing it competitively (if you want to) all helps you get the language into your long-term memory, then it’s there waiting for you when you want to express yourself in the foreign language. Your language teachers notice when people have been on Duolingo, as they often know words which haven’t been covered in class. You too can become more enthusiastic and confident in your language lessons, by getting involved!

The Noadswood MFL department has recognised the positive impact of Duolingo and are getting on board themselves. For example, Mrs Stevens has just started learning Italian and Mr D’Arcy has been learning Catalan to improve his knowledge of Iberian languages.

Molto bene! Gran feina!

Performing arts

We have had a really busy term in the Performing Arts Departments. We started the year with a fantastic workshop led by the Mayflower Theatre. Pupils who took part were really engaged with the fun activities and showed us some fantastic physical theatre. We hope that they got some really good inspiration from it.

Team Music have been asked to perform at Thornden Hall with Hampshire Music Services From West End to Broadway. We’re really excited for the opportunity to perform with other schools in the county and it’s sure to be an amazing night.

We’re looking forward to launching our show, Beauty and the Beast Jr. which will take place in June. We’re hoping to get auditions done in December, ready to begin proper rehearsals in January. We had such success with Matilda the Musical Jr. and we’re sure that Beauty and the Beast Jr. will be just as incredible.

Our Christmas Concert is taking place on Thursday 12th December. Auditions will be after half term – keep an eye out.

In music we have been learning about the Blues and creating our own ringtones in year 7. It has been wonderful seeing the pupils get so involved with our amazing facilities. Year 8 have enjoyed some loud African Drumming, Mr Hewitt and Mrs Loveday even came to watch 8Ds class performance and were impressed with them. Mr Watkins’ year 8s have been working on EDM, creating their own catchy dance tunes. Year 9 have really impressed us with joining in with class singing and combining to create bands in Mrs Rees’ classes, and some fantastic film music with Mr Watkins.

We hope you have a restful break, and look forward to our exciting November and December.

Mrs Rees


Year 7

This half term in Drama, Year 7 have been developing their presentation and memory skills, here are examples of their picture-grams.

Year 8

This half term in Drama, in Year 8, pupils have been developing their understanding of their vocal chords and how the diaphragm supports the actor's voice. We are currently exploring pitch and volume.

Year 9-11

This half term in Year 9 have been develop their devising skills, through games to sharpen communication skills the challenge is to now create a cast list then, devise a soap opera inspired story line. (insert cast lists picture)

Year 10 Drama student are preparing for their mock exam in January. Section C will challenge them to evaluate and analyse a performance.

Year 11 continue to prepare their devised performances, ready for final recording in mid-November.

Art Department.

As the leaves change and autumn settles in, our Art Department is bursting with creativity and inspiration! We’re excited to share some of the wonderful happenings in our art community, from talented student artwork to the vibrant activities in our Art Club.

Our students have been hard at work, and their dedication is evident in the stunning pieces displayed below.

Year 7 have been working hard on their drawing skills and have been drawing fruit and vegetables. Learning all about tone and how to draw a 3-D object.

Year 8 have been developing their drawing skills using a range of mediums like colouring pencils and felt tips. They have been drawing flowers and plants. We have been blown away by the level of talent and skill.

Year 9 have been looking at portraiture and developing their drawing skills. They have been excited to move onto to gargoyles and Grotesques, where they will produce a clay head. The art department are looking forward to seeing their ideas and 3D sculpture work.

Year 10 and 11 have been hard at work, and their dedication is evident in the stunning pieces they have been working on towards their GCSE and BTEC courses.

A quick reminder catch up sessions are on Tuesday 3pm-4pm. This is a good opportunity for pupils to complete any unfinished work and use the art rooms for practical work with the supervision and support of their teachers.

The Art Club has also been buzzing with activity this term. Students have been designing Christmas baubles for the Hiller Garden’s competition. Thank you to all the pupils across the school who entered in their designs. Fingers crossed for a win from one of our Noadswood students. In addition, this week Art club will be running a Halloween special!

As we celebrate the talents of our students and the vibrant atmosphere of our Art Department, we thank everyone for their support. Let’s continue to nurture creativity and inspire one another in our artistic journeys!

Warm regards,

The art department.


Its been a hugely successful start to the year with some commanding victories, some victories and some areas to improve!


After a fantastic rugby season involving nearly 50 boys from year 7 who attended our after-school club, we had a grand finale at Fawley Rugby Club against NFA. Everyone had a blast with Noadswood edging out our opponents in a fantastic contest!

The year 8 rugby season has seen opponents withdraw from the leagues so its been a frustrating campaign for the boys with not many games to galvanise the team and gain any sort of momentum which has been frustrating for all involved. This is also the case for year 9 but for an entertaining game against our local rivals at NFA.

The u16 team are having more regular fixtures both int he New Forest League and in the Hampshire Cup. With victories over Ballard and NFA amongst the scalps as we head to Kings in Winchester for the second round of the Hampshire Cup.

Girls football

After the trailblazing success of last years football, this academic year has also started off fantastically in the Hampshire cup. The U16 dug out a fantastic victory over Kings of Winchester, the U14 had a commanding victory over Cantell and the U13 also had a commanding win against Brighton Hill. Off we go into round 2 with updates to follow!


Our year 7 netballers have had a flying start to life at Noadswood. Currently unbeaten in the league with some resounding victories against New Forest Schools. Year 8 have enjoyed some cracking games with some outstanding victories and the year 9’s continue to dominate their league. U16 have had some frustrating victories that have not challenged them at all but also some games that have been incredibly close and exciting! More girls need to play more regularly and with Waterside Netball now set up on Tuesday’s here at Noadswood, regular play will continue all year round!

There has also been some fantastic individual success for 1 of our pupils, Zach Gibbs (right of the image). Travelling to the European Gymnastics competition with the England Squad, Zach achieved a fantastic Bronze Medal! What an incredible achievement!
