
6th December 2024

Save The Date

Every Thursday in term time – Tiny Tiddlers - 8.50am – 10.30am

Friday 13th December – Year 6 Cake Sale

Friday 20th December – Last day of term – 1.30pm collection – no after school provision

Monday 6th January 2025 – Academy open

Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th January – Year 1 – 6 Parent Consultations

Wednesday 15th January – Tea & Talk: Maths in Reception – 8.50am

Tuesday 21st January – Tea & Talk: Yr 6 All about SATS – 8.50am

Monday 10th February – Tea & Talk: Safer Internet Day – 8.50am

Wednesday 5th March – Tea & Talk: Phonics in Nursery – 8.50am


Dear parents and carers,

What a wonderful week of all things Christmas. The performances have taken us on a journey across the years. Younger ones have delivered lines and sounds with gusto. They have loved being on the stage sharing their versions of the nativity through song and dance. Lower key stage two performed their ‘Light concerts’ singing a variety of songs to share the message of light and hope. Their renditions of ‘Shine’ and ‘Love shine a light’ bought a tear to the eye. Upper key stage two included some of their favourite songs and sang with confidence, entertaining the audience and filling hearts with joy. Finally, the cheer squad hit the stage spreading Christmas Cheer with their ‘Underneath the tree’ performance.

Tiny Tiddlers had a special visit from Santa. The babies, toddlers and their grown-ups had a magical time. It showed that you’re never too old for Christmas! Thank you Miss Wise and Miss Nixon and all involved.

I would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone. The teachers, the background staff and of course the children. Also, to our families. There has been such a sense of belonging in the air and community spirit. Not every school is a community school, and it comes through commitment, care and engagement. Forever, thankful.

As we head towards the final weeks of the very first term I would like to share some areas of communication.

Communication is always a priority and important for us all. We review and aim to improve systems to make things easier.

We have started to increase our use of the MyChildAtSchool to allow access to some key information and documents.

The App shows:

  • your parental consent and data collection. This term parents have been asked to update these areas with any changes.
  • It also allows you to see your child’s attendance record for days present and authorised or unauthorised absence.
  • Availability of clubs and waiting lists are shared alongside those that your child is enrolled.

We have been looking at other areas within the App to share information and you will find the following:

  • Half termly curriculum overviews and home learning. Copies have recently been shared on paper.
  • Our forth coming parents evening dates and booking systems for January consultations (coming soon)
  • Future Trips will also be shown.

This will centralise some of key information.

We continue to use SchoolPing for class messages and academy messages.

We have revised our website and have made some changes to our Parent section. This includes adding information to our section: Helping your child at home.

Information on Phonics, maths, Multiplication, SATs and 11 plus can be found here. This includes parent booklets from government publications.

Home learning links can be found at the bottom of this page including updated documentation. Simply click on the link next to the icons to find out more.


A video of pronouncing pure sounds for phonics can also be viewed here.

Tea and Talks have been focused on settling and starting school along with key information for new year groups i.e. year 3 and 4 and the multiplication check.

Our Tea and Talk information can be found in our parent area of the website and are also shared within our save the dates within our newsletter.

Child friendly policies and parent summaries

This term, we have also worked with our children on creating child friendly policies and reviewing our polices, creating parent summaries, The policies chosen have been linked to deeper days and focus areas over the Autumn Term. This includes ‘Health, wellbeing and positive relationships’

The junior Governors were involved in revising our child friendly policies and versions have been created as parent summaries. Take a preview of their policies. They can also be found on the website. Policies – Darlinghurst Academy

As always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls

In the spotlight


Year 6 cake sale

Year 6 will be holding their festive cake sale on Friday 13th December. This will take place after school on the playground (depending on weather). Children do not need to bring money with them to school.

Extra curricular clubs

Please be advised that next week is the final week of clubs for this term. A new timetable for Spring Term will be released shortly. In the meantime, please ensure your MyChildAtSchool app is activated as this will be how you will book your child’s place.

If your child would be interested in attending our Spanish club please contact Speak Like a Native Find-a-Class

School photographs

A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Wednesday 11th December 2024. Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit

If you need any assistance in ordering your photos, feel free to contact Tempest on 01736 751555 (option 3).



Starfish 95.9%


Lobster 97.4%


Bembridge 97.4%

Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207

