
Shot@Life Mobilize to Immunize 2023 Social media toolkit

From October 1 to November 12, Shot@Life advocates from across the country come together to #MobilizetoImmunize. They rally together for six weeks to raise awareness for World Polio Day, World Pneumonia Day, and global vaccine programs in the U.S. budget.

Visit shotatlife.org/resources for more information on how you can help children have a fairer and healthier shot at life.

Suggested Messages

Mobilize to Immunize

#DidYouKnow immunizations currently save more than 4 million lives each year? Vaccines ensure every child is protected from deadly diseases and has a @ShotAtLife. To learn more about how to advocate for global vaccinations, visit shotatlife.org/resources

I support equitable access to lifesaving vaccines for children around the 🌏 Join me and @ShotAtLife as we #MobilizetoImmunize. Sign the petition to ask Congress to fully fund global immunization programs in 2023: shotatlife.org/petition #VaccinesWork

Over the next 6️⃣ weeks, I will #MobilizetoImmunize so children around the world get a @ShotAtLife. Expanding access to vaccines for the most vulnerable is critical in the fight against infectious diseases. Visit shotatlife.org/resources for info on how YOU can make an impact 💚

Vaccines protect entire communities and future generations from infectious disease. Sign the @ShotAtLife petition that lets your legislators know you support global immunization programs 👉 shotatlife.org/petition

Due to disruptions caused #COVID19, we're seeing the largest decline in children receiving routine vaccinations in almost 30 years. On #WorldPolioDay (10/24), call your legislators at 202-902-6614 and advocate for #vaccinequity 📞 Get your talking points: shotatlife.org/resources

World Polio Day

In the 1980s, polio was paralyzing 1,000 children every day. Today, that number has fallen 99.9% thanks to the tireless work of frontline health workers, communities, and U.S. and global partners. #WorldPolioDay

Polio can be completely eradicated in our lifetime. Effective 💉 are available to make the world polio-free, but every child must have access. Join @ShotAtLife in advocating for vaccine equity this #WorldPolioDay 💚

Eradicating polio isn’t easy, but making history never is. This #WorldPolioDay, join the global fight to #EndPolio for good 👉 shotatlife.org/petition

World Pneumonia Day

#DidYouKnow almost 2,000 children die of pneumonia every day? Vaccines help save lives, but more than 50% of children around the world are still not fully protected with the pneumococcal vaccine. We need #VaccinesforAll! #WorldPneumoniaDay @ShotAtLife

Pneumonia is the #1 killer of children under 5️⃣, but this can be prevented by vaccines. Join me and @ShotAtLife in helping to expand vaccine access globally. Visit ➡️ shotatlife.org/resources to start your advocacy.

Get a Shot. Give a Shot.

As flu season collides with the #COVID19 pandemic, we can all help protect children worldwide. Learn more about #GetAShotGiveAShot and help deliver 100 million vaccines by the end of this flu season: walgreens.com/giveashot

Did you know your flu shot can help give a child a shot at a healthy life? When you get your flu shot at @Walgreens, you can #GiveAShot to ensure no child dies from a vaccine-preventable disease. walgreens.com/giveashot