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Noadswood Weekly Bulletin week commencing 4th november 2024

Events coming up

11th Kinda Week & Anti Bullying week (All week)

11th Remembrance Day

11th Year 11 GCSE Art Trip

13th Year 11 Progress Evening

20th KS4 Revision information Evening

20th Musical Theatre Evening Performance

Saturday 30th November Christmas themed Craft Fayre.

Message from the Leadership Team

Dear Noadswood families,

We hope that the holiday treated all the students well. As we enter the second half of the autumn half term, you'll see from our diary that we have a busy few weeks ahead leading up to the festive season!

I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing lots of the students again – choir bounced into festive voice, I have been told all about our need for a Roblox Club, and I have seen some of our incredible Wellbeing Ambassadors and prefects, working so hard on the INSET day – when they could have been relaxing - supporting young people from other schools at the Wellbeing Conference we hosted.

We were delighted to welcome Testwood, New Forest Academy and Ringwood to the day led by expert consultant Stacey Miller, and other colleagues from local support agencies, along with Miss Fitzgerald and our brilliant students. Subjects we covered included 5 Ways to Wellbeing, we learnt about signs of Domestic abuse and focused on breathing techniques plus loads more!

What a fabulous way to spend a Monday and big thanks to Miss Fitzgerald and the students for giving up their time so freely.

All the students I work with bring me so much pride and joy and smiles.

I would also like to thank our finance team of Mrs Bradshaw, Mrs Drabble and Mrs Higman for all their work leading to us having a very efficient and successful annual audit with our external auditors from HWB Chartered Accountants. Sometimes, people do not immediately see the significance of this work to student outcomes, but we know that without high levels of regularity, compliance and strong forecasting and budget management, we would not actually be able to function effectively for our students and colleagues at all. So my heartfelt thanks to the whole team that I am proud to be a part of, as much as of any other Noadswood squad!

Year 11 support

We’d like to remind families that we have our Year 11 subject evening on Wednesday 13th November. The following Wednesday on the 20th we have our ‘Prepare to Perform’ evening designed to give practical tips, advice and strategies on how to help your child prepare to be their best. All resources will be made available after the event but if you have any specific questions regarding this please email Mrs Rollett, Assistant Headteacher on:

We would like to thank those Marchwood families who have taken the time to share their concerns regarding transport from Marchwood to Noadswood School. We appreciate your detailed feedback and want to assure you that we take these matters seriously.

We understand the importance of reliable transport for our students, and we are committed to working closely with outside agencies to explore potential solutions. We recognise that this issue has been raised historically and while we have implemented measures to support families, there are limitations to our influence over county or and transport decisions.

Please rest assured that we will keep you updated with any developments as we continue to address these concerns. We genuinely appreciate your patience and understanding as we strive to find the best possible outcomes for our community.

If you have a concern regarding the Marchwood bus service and have not yet emailed Mrs Rollett, please do so on the email address above.

Finally, we would like to keep reminding families that we are in receipt of a substantial grant designed to help families in the cost-of-living crisis. This is not means tested and all requests are treated in confidence. If your family would benefit from a supermarket or skool kit voucher please complete this form

Likewise, if you have other concerns or queries, please reach out to the right person on Class Charts or using the email addresses on our Contact page on the website:

Best wishes for a good week ahead,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team


Year 10

This week, some year 10 students took part in a CV writing and Interview Skills Workshop led by the Southern Universities network. During this session, students were given some fantastic advice about how to write an effective CV and cover letter. They were also supported in how they can best prepare for an interview, which will support them in preparing for their mock interviews later this academic year.

It has also been great to see so many students attend the CV and cover letter writing drop in sessions on Tuesdays Week A in M15 at 3pm. These will continue to run until the end of the term.

A reminder that all year 10 students must upload their CV and cover letter, in one document, using the file drop on Frog by Friday 20th December 2024.

Work Experience Placement forms must also be returned to the school by Thursday 6th March 2025.

Year 11

Noadswood is asking all Year 11 students to complete college applications no later than Friday, 20 December 2024 (with the exception of Peter Symonds College which has its own deadline of 9 December 2024). Not only does completing application forms this term mean that deadlines at all other colleges can be met, but Year 11 students can then focus on their GCSEs from January 2025 onwards. It is possible, and also advisable, for students to apply for more than one college. This means that, in the event of any unexpected happenings, they will still be able to attend one of their chosen colleges.

Many Year 11 students will also like to consider an apprenticeship as an alternative college. However, because the government requires all young people to remain in education or training until their 18th birthday, anyone considering an apprenticeship must apply to at least one college for a full-time course. It is better to have a back-up option already arranged, because there is no guarantee that colleges will accept late applications or that courses will still have places available. To assist those in Year 11 considering an apprenticeship, Mr Lewis will be running a series of workshops in the New Year. Those who are interested in attending a workshop should email Mr Lewis at with their name and tutor group.

Kindness Week and Anti-Bullying Week

Next week, we will be recognising both World Kindness Day and also Anti-Bullying week. Mrs Loveday will be delivering assemblies and we’ll be launching our reverse advent calendar, thinking about how we can show kindness to support our local community.

We’ll be thinking about the key theme for this years Anti-Bullying week ‘Choose Respect’ and what this means to us as individuals, as a Noadswood family and within our local communities.

More info to follow next week.

🎄Christmas Fayre🎄

Saturday 30 November from 11am – 1pm

Adults are £2.00 and Children are £1.00. Under 2's are free.

Tickets are now on sale through Arbor for adults and children. We have over 15 different stalls along with tea/coffee/hot chocolate and our Tombola stall.

There will be lots of lovely stalls available and songs from Miss Marshall's choir. 🎤

We do have just a few tables left if you would like to come along and sell your good. All money raised on the day will be going to our International Fund.

If you do not have a child at Noadswood and would like to attend, please email to get ticket information.

Year 8 Science

This week our students were studying movement and the muscular skeletal system. We spent a lesson dissecting chicken wings, and were able to identify the tricep, bicep, ligaments, tendons, muscle tissue, bones, joints and bone marrow. Well done 8I!


Created with images by • Acronym - Seasonal autumn background. Frame of colorful maple leaves.
