Dear Parents/guardians,
It has been a busy and successful start to the half term and this newsletter is bursting with information about trips and curriculum developments.
Outdoor Learning - On Tuesday afternoon, weather permitting, I have some tree planting planned with Dosbarth Ser Mor. Please could pupils bring wellies/old trainers to school.
Well done to all of the pupils who represented the school in netball on Thursday. Mrs Callan was very proud of pupils who played with courage and determination.
Cross-Country Pictures
Morlo - Castell Henllys
On Wednesday, pupils in years two and three stepped back in time to visit Castell Henllys. Pupils at Johnston and Hook travelled together and thoroughly enjoyed the visit and experience.
Well done to Dolffin who have achieved 100% again this week.
Christmas Dates
- Christmas Concerts will be held on: Morning of the 9th December; afternoon of 10th December and after school that day; afternoon of 11th December and after school.
Residential Information
Years five and six will have the opportunity to visit the URDD centre in Llangrannog this year. We will be visiting between April 30th and May 2nd. To reduce costs, we will be travelling with Johnston School but pupils will not be mixed in rooms or activities. I will accompany both schools for the visit. Residentials are always one of my favourite weeks of the year. We will send out a letter with all of the information as soon as we have it available.
I know that sometimes pupils are nervous about staying over night and parents feel that two days are too much.
Year four pupils will have an opportunity to camp for a night some time around the 21st June. I haven't decided all of the details yet but the costs for this will be very low.
New Lunch Menu
As ever, if there is anything that I can help with, my email address is
Kind regards,
Mr Williams
Inset days for 2024-2025
- Monday 2nd September 2024 - Focus: Direct Instruction and Teacher Modeling.
- Wednesday 9th October 2024 - Focus: Oracy, independence and continuous and enhanced provision.
- Thursday 21st November - Focus: Cluster Working.
- Friday 10th January - Focus: Welsh Language.
- Monday 23rd June - Cluster Day Two
- Day Six will be taken as twilight sessions.