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Noadswood News week commencing 8th July 2024

Events coming up


15th Pride in the Waterside

17th Sports Day (and Happy Hour, more details at the bottom)

18th Vaccinations catch up

19th Wear Something Different day - (Payment via Arbor)

23rd Last day of term


2nd Inset Day

3rd Year 7 Only

4th Whole School return

12th Year 7, 9 and 11 Photos

27th Inset Day

Message from the Leadership Team

Dear Noadswood families,

What a busy week- Bude, activities week and work experience! We’ll be writing more about this in our end of year newsletter, but we’ve been so proud of how well so many of our students have conducted themselves, stepping out of their comfort zones and making incredible memories along the way. Thank you to all staff who have participated and planned such a wonderful week.

We would like to say a huge well done to all our year 10 students who have completed their work experience placements this week. They have shown great determination to learn about the world of work whilst developing new skills. They have truly risen to the challenge, and they have all done Noadswood and themselves truly proud. We can't wait to hear all about their experiences when they return to school next week. Thank you, too, to parents/carers who have supported the students in finding their placements and to our local businesses, schools and industries who have provided these invaluable experiences for them.

It's not just been a brilliant week for students but for staff too- we'd like to congratulate Mr D’Arcy who won a Hampshire County Council Education Award for ‘Flying Colours’, a hotly contested category with other Early Career Teachers across the county who demonstrate well-informed, thoughtful, influential professional practices and passionate advocacy for a career in teaching.

This is a rigorous process, as I know from my own honour in judging a Hampshire Education Award Category every year myself. It involves a nomination, and an interview, by the judge with the nominating team and the nominee (I was not the judge for Mr D’s category, don’t worry – bias would not allow that!).

We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have Mr D'Arcy within our school community and are delighted that his hard work and skills have been recognised in this way. When we hear in the media about a teacher recruitment crisis, we reflect on how fortunate we are to have such super teachers joining the profession with us.

In this spirit, we’d like to congratulate Miss Hickman, Mr Rosenwald and Miss Stanley, along with Mr D’Arcy, who have successfully completed their first year of early careers teacher training - they've had a phenomenal impact in their classrooms and our wider school community. Mrs Mansbridge successfully shortened her ECT training with a good practice visit in recognition of her 15 years of previous school experience. The external visitor commented on how lucky we were to have her and we couldn’t have agreed more! Miss Fricker has also successfully completed her final year of training, her dedication and commitment to her training and our students has been fantastic.

Looking ahead to next week, please remember our ‘Wear Something Different’ day is on Friday 19th July payment is available on Arbor now - note this is in the school shop. All students who wish to take part must have made payment by Wednesday 17th July. If you would like to pay in cash or are worried about paying, please do remember to reach out to Mrs Wyse (office is opposite M24).

Music Concert – International Fundraiser, Friday 5th July 2024

We would like to thank all of the friends and families of our Noadswood and wider Waterside community that supported this wonderful event along with the members of The Waterside Gym, Fawley Falcons and Hythe & Dibden YFC. What a knock out team effort in aid of students succeeding at international level. A big thanks to Mrs Wyse, School Business Manager for her huge efforts in bringing this dream we had to life.

The students that sang in Mrs Rees’ and my choirs and in solos/groups were genuinely first class, and then the wonderful band The Kazbaas came on and rocked the evening, including our very own Mr Rhodes and Mrs Rees – we’re so thankful for their time, talent and energy, too, as well as the commitment, as always, of Mr Watkins in our Music Department alongside Mrs Rees. Students, staff and parents/carers were dancing and singing, and the whole event showed what’s best about this school and our community.

In total, we have managed to raise over £1400 for our international fundraising pot, and we look forward to discussing our contribution to our students’ current endeavours and to our plans for future further support to other young people down the line. A HUGE thank you to all involved – the evening shines in our memories, whether you were in the sports hall, on the stalls or in the hall.

A Date for your diary for our next big fundraiser will be:

If you know anyone who is crafty and would like to sell their goods at this event, please get in touch with to reserve your table. My "This is Me" choir will be singing Christmas songs to get you in the festive mood, and I am sure we will pull a few other ‘turns’ out of the bag, too!

We would like next to remind you once more of the end of term timings:

Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Tutor time 8:45 - 9:00

Period 1 9:00 - 9:50

Period 2 9:50 – 10:40

Break 10:40 – 11:00

Tutor Time 11:00 – 11:10

Year 7 Assembly 11:10 - 11:30

Year 8 Assembly 11:30 – 11:50

Year 9 Assembly 11:50 – 12:10

Year 10 Assembly 12:10 – 12:30

Once our final assembly has finished, we will ring a bell and all students will be dismissed. Please note that there may be some flexibility in our 12.30pm finish time as sometimes assemblies can overrun by a few minutes – there's always much to celebrate!

When we return, Monday 2nd is September is an INSET day, Tuesday 3rd September will be Year 7 only with prefects and student leaders and the rest of the school will return on Wednesday 4th September. If your child is a prefect/student leader, we will be in contact about arrangements on Tuesday 3rd September.

We know that many of you will be looking ahead to the autumn term in terms of uniform and school equipment, and some of you may be feeling worried about the financial pressures of the summer holidays. Please remember to reach out to your year leaders, we have uniforms and supermarket vouchers available. These are not means tested and all requests are confidential.

You can find all the email addresses you need – for this or any other purpose - on our contact page on the website: Contact Us or you can message an individual colleague on Class Charts.

We are very much looking forward to the next week and a half with your youngsters before we break up for the summer – thankful for all you do by way of support, partnership and challenge.

With all my best,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team


This week, we were privileged to welcome author, Alan Bisset. He is the author of the non-fiction text – LADS – a toolkit for boys on respect and consent. Alan travelled all the way from Scotland to offer several sessions for us and our neighbouring schools.

Our year 9 boys were an absolute credit to Mr. Wilkinson, their Year Leader, and us all, and were so responsive to Alan’s presentation. We hope to invite him back again soon.

On Wednesday we had a garden party for Year 7's. The students’ enjoyed playing games and reading in the library, enjoying books and biscuits on the field, taking part in drama games or mindfulness activities or making the most of the kindly donated garden games. There was also a sweet treat for everyone.

Mrs J Eldridge
