The Fabulous, The Forefathers, and the Forgotten (The Fab show), is a new musical in development by Bmore Broadway Live that spotlights creative contributors of color in American theater. Musical genres like Jazz, Ragtime, Gospel, Hip-Hop, and Classical have all been performed by African Americans on Broadway stages and around the world.The Fab show highlights these diverse musical and movement styles from the 1900s to present day. The multi-talented cast sings, dances, and plays instruments as they present original prose and poems along with writings and interviews of Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, Eubie Blake Florence Mills, and more. The book and several songs are written by writer/director CJay Philip who combines comedy with a sense of community while navigating the history of Blacks in theater.
Each February 2024 performance will have an optional post-show talk-back allowing audience, cast, and creative team to discuss the new work in progress. Along with its look at contemporary Broadway shows, this production also ventures into the earliest days of Black America theater which include Vaudeville, the TOBA Circuit (AKA Chittlin Circuit) and Minstrels. This new work will educate as well as entertain and inspire. Learn more at