

The Success Express is created by the Brian Lamb School of Communication Online Success Coach team, designed to help graduate students develop success strategies as they complete online graduate communication programs at Purdue University.

In This Issue

  • Student Success: Ena Foreman
  • Student Success: Kyle Richardson
  • From Battlefield to Boardroom: Andy Glenn
  • Success Tips for Reading and Time Management
  • Finding Community at Purdue
  • Upcoming Online Workshops
  • Important Dates
  • Bravo, Boilermakers!
  • Contact Us

Student Success

Ena Foreman, MS Communication Student

What does your communication style say about you and what misconceptions have there been along the way that you’ve had to overcome?

My communication style says that I am passionate, insightful, and open to new ideas.

I believe being a passionate communicator means that you show enthusiasm, energy, and dedication towards the topic at hand, which ultimately makes your messages more engaging. By showing passion in the work I do and the way I communicate, I can captivate audiences in the most impactful ways.

We are surrounded by communication in our everyday lives from conversations with friends, family, and co-workers, to news outlets and digital media. I believe it’s important to be insightful in the communication I give and receive, to show a deep understanding of the subject or a willingness to learn, use critical thinking skills, and analyze the purpose. Being open means that I am receptive to different ideas, feedback, and perspectives, which foster an environment of dialogue, collaboration, and growth.

I’ve faced many misconceptions based on communication styles. The most common being that an introverted individual (such as myself) can still possess great passion and insight, even if their communication style is less expressive than someone more extraverted. A more reserved demeanor does not diminish someone’s passion or depth of understanding; it merely manifests differently.

Communication is how we express ourselves, our thoughts, and our values. It’s how we grow, build relationships, and connect with the world around us.

Everyone’s communication style is their own in how they would present to the world who they are. I hope mine shows I’m focused on making the world, within my span of control, a better place.

Student Success

Kyle Richardson, MS Communication Student

How does the content you are learning in graduate school intersect with your life outside of school?

If you’re a student like me, then you may frequently find yourself questioning your choices and wondering if you’ve made the right educational decisions. I take comfort in knowing that The Brian Lamb School of Communication has pointed me in the right direction.

Recently, I found myself truly appreciative of Purdue’s communications curriculum. I currently work for a consultancy firm based in Washington, D.C. I’m working on a pitch to a potential client. One of the client’s issues centers around branding and marketing. Lo and behold, I’m enrolled in the Corporate Branding course, COM 64600-002. I can’t say everything is directly spelled out, but I felt prepared to address the needs of the client. I was armed with more than book theories and framework models. I personally knew how to identify the problem, but more importantly, I knew how to get the client back on track. It’s comforting to know that the information that I’ve learned can be applied in real-life.

During another instance, I had a project a few months ago. At the time, I was taking an Integrated Marketing Communication class. It was my job to create an annual communication plan for a client. It was the perfect opportunity to test drive a new skill set and the information I just learned. I was able to develop creative content and expand the communication channels this client used to broadcast its messages across. At the end of the project, I felt a sense of accomplishment. How often do you get to influence a company in targeting the right audience, at the right time, across the right communication channels?

As someone who works in the communication field and has used the information I’ve learned at Purdue; regularly. I end my days knowing that I’ve made the right decision.

From Battlefield to Boardroom

Recently, your former classmate Andy Glenn was featured in a Purdue University Online article titled Military Veteran Uses Master’s of Communication Degree to Boost His Sales Skills and Accomplish His Business Goals. Click here to read more about Andy's story.

READING & time management

Recently, many of you have reached out looking for advice on how to keep up with weekly readings, and how to retain the information. Whatever strategy you decide, having 5-6 readings a week will require some planning! Be strategic and try spacing out your readings and assignments throughout the week based on their structure, length, and/or content of the readings. Set a timer and take breaks during your readings instead of trying to plow through them all in one day. Having a plan allows time for family commitments, work responsibilities, and sprinkles in some readings here and there. If you're not sure where to start, use the sample plan below and make any adjustments that would compliment your personal habits!


Did you know the Lamb School online students and alumni have a networking group on Linkedin? Click here to expand your network!

Upcoming online workshops

Introduction to Graduate Writing Workshop | Tuesdays (September 12, 19, 26, & October 3) from 9:30-11:30am Eastern Time

The expectations for writing in graduate school are much higher than for writing as an undergraduate. As a graduate writer, you may undertake the writing of articles for publication, grants, conference presentations, a thesis or dissertation, etc. The Introduction to Graduate Writing Workshop offered by the Purdue OWL is meant to introduce graduate students in their first or second year to various aspects of scholarly writing so that they can become successful writers in their field of study. The workshop is a four-part event, and participants are expected to attend all four sessions. The four parts of the workshop focus on Getting Started, Drafting, Revising/Editing, and Project Planning.

Anyone interested in attending this four-part event should apply between August 28, 2023 and September 5, 2023. Complete the application survey here. For more information, see the introductory material in the application survey or email Writing.Lab@purdue.edu and include INTRO GRAD in the subject line.

MS COM Online Networking Night | Wednesday, September 20 from 7-8PM Eastern Time

Hosted by the Lamb School Online Graduate Program Success Coach team, this event is an opportunity to meet your peers and establish professional connections that will serve you throughout graduate school and beyond. Registration is required prior to the event, and you can find the event details, along with the registration link below.

myStrengths Workshop | Tuesday, October 10 from 12-1PM Eastern Time

In a society where we are naturally fixated on how to improve our perceived personal and professional shortcomings, what would happen if we paid more attention to what we are already doing right in our day-to-day interactions instead? Come to the myStrengths 101 workshop to learn more about what makes you great and how to have a consistent, near perfect performance in everything you do! Hosted by Purdue University Online and the Roger C. Stewart Leadership and Professional Development Department.

Important Dates

Bravo, Boilermakers!

Being a Boilermaker comes from the great successes in your life, and for that we say Bravo! Many of you have received job promotions, added to your family (including pets!), presented at national conferences, or have celebrated personal achievements and we'd love to celebrate with you!

Contact us

Success Coaches:

  • Kiley Kallenberger | kkallenb@purdue.edu
  • Scott Smith | smit3610@purdue.edu

The Success Express Archives