We are always looking for ways to improve our children's reading skills. But why are we focusing on Reading for Pleasure?
Because it -
- increases reading attainment
- increases writing attainment
- improves breadth of vocabulary
- develops self-confidence and pleasure in reading in later life
- improves understanding of other cultures
- increases community participation
- increases empathy
(Clark & Rumbold, 2006; Howard, 2011; Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997; Clark and Douglas 2011)
Why are reading communities important?
- parents and the home environment are essential to the early teaching of reading and fostering a love of reading; children are more likely to continue to be readers in homes where books and reading are valued (Clark and Rumbold, 2006)
- reading for pleasure is strongly influenced by relationships between teachers and children, and children and families (Cremin et al, 2009)
What are we doing in school already to improve pupils' reading ?
- Read, Write Inc for the teaching of phonics
- Group Guided reading using bug club
- More able and talented guided reading group
- Reading support and interventions
- Responding to reading in literacy lessons and across the curriculum
- Daily storytime
- Reading buddies
- Promoting the Rights of the Reader
- Home-school reading books and records
- Welcoming reading areas in all classrooms
Why do we need to improve?
- To ensure all pupils are meeting age appropriate expectations in reading
- To develop a positive attitude to reading as a large % of children when surveyed said they rarely or never read outside school
How can we encourage reading for pleasure even further in 2023-2024 ?
Mrs Martin to complete open university course on Developing Reading for Pleasure: engaging young readers and launch and advertise to all stakeholders ‘The #LegenDeri year to fall in love with reading’ project’ and outline the activities to boost reading for pleasure.
Continue to invite volunteers into school to listen to readers, devise timetable and make areas available to undertake reading sessions.
Develop and redecorate the i-lounge into the ‘Cwtch’ to include an inviting school library with new furniture and new books.
Volunteer to become librarian to catalogue books and organise the library system.
Timetable all classes to use the new school library on a weekly basis and visit the community library regularly. Continue to engage with the community library for topic book loans and class visits for loans and activities.
Reading for pleasure workshop for parents and storytelling event with for pupils and parents with LoubyLou Storytelling company.
A new picture book overview for whole school focus weeks and overview of books to be used in assemblies.
5 assemblies planned over the year for children to recommend books to each other.
Select children to become Reading Ambassadors to promote reading for pleasure.
A Whole school digital reading scrapbook project which will be completed by pupils and parents together to log their reading histories—my favourite book when I was little and my favourite book now.
Poetry Post—1 class per term send the residents of Ysgwyddgwyn residential home.
Curriculum Coffee Morning—Autumn term re. Reading for Pleasure for all parents.
Display in the hall dedicated to reading for pleasure.
A guest author visit - Neil Griffiths. A workshops for pupils, for parents and training for staff.
Whole page of the website dedicated to Reading for Pleasure.