
CNPS Bulletin 2023 | issue 8 | october

CNPS SCHOOL VISION: To build a community of curious, creative and engaged learners who are empowered to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world. Collectively we will work with our students to become responsible global citizens who have the skills, knowledge and personal attributes they need for their future.

Principal’s Column

Dear CNPS community,

What a wonderful start to term 4 it has been. Firstly, I wanted to introduce my self to those I haven’t meet yet and to thank those who had said hello to me during my first week at your school. My name is Pat Lynch and I’ll be Acting Principal at Coburg North PS until Monika returns. I have spent the previous 8 years as an Assistant Principal at Roxburgh Homestead PS and I’m looking forward to spending time here and learning alongside the CNPS community.

It’s been great to meet many of the students across the school and seeing some of the work they’re producing in class has been impressive. I was able to meet Sasha from 3B when he came to show me a piece of writing about his bike ride which he was very proud of and when visiting 2A, I spoke with Eli and Elina, who explained to me how they were putting their weekly spelling words in sentences. These are just a few examples of many that I have seen across the week.

Term 4 is always an exciting time in schools. There will be many occasions of celebration and we will be able to reflect on the 2023 school year and the growth that we’ve made. In only 11 weeks’ time our Foundation students will have completed their first full year of schooling, and we will be saying goodbye to our year 6 cohort as they move into secondary school. Wherever you and your family are on your learning journey I hope that we continue to work together as a home/school partnership to make Term 4 as successful as possible.

Please continue to come up and say hello to me if you see me in the yard and I look forward to working with you all during my time here.


Pat Lynch

What happened this month?

Grade 5 Term 3 Inquiry

On Week 9 of lasts term, the Grade 5s presented speeches to local politicians Anthony Cianflone and Sue Bolton. These speeches were TED-style persuasive texts on an element of climate change. Mandy (teacher of 5B) set up her classroom to look like a TED room, and the speeches begun.

Starting on Tuesday the 5th of September, the first speeches were presented. State Politician Anthony Cianflone took notes and gave feedback at the end of every speech. He talked about ways parliament could help and were helping. At the end of it all, he answered some questions (silly or not!) and after, signed a few sticky notes, plus Jake Sugden’s soccer gloves! After he left, the presenters of the speeches were relieved that they did great. We’re glad they did!

September the 6th on Wednesday was another very successful day. From speeches about permafrost and animals, to others about Fast Fashion and bushfires, Sue Bolton listened to everyone. She was very nice and said she - being one of the members of Merri-Bek Council – make some changes to how the Merri-Bek Council area behaves. We were very happy to have Mrs. Bolton come and see our speeches. Thank you.

Last, on Friday, several speeches were presented to our very own Mrs. Tedeschi. She was a great audience member, and, although not a politician, she said listened to these speeches helped her improve her lifestyle and the way she thought about climate change.

In conclusion, Grade Five’s inquiry presentations were perfectly, and was a very successful event. Thank you to our teachers, who worked hard to make sure the students succeeded; to our listeners, who took in our ideas and helped to share them; and most importantly, to the grade 5 students who worked hard to complete this project. Thank you to everybody who made this inquiry a big success, and a great educational experience.

Student Led Exhibition

At the end of Term 3 CNPS students celebrated their learning with the school community through the Student Led Exhibitions. Our Inquiry Big Idea was 'Community'. It was wonderful to see the community and families coming along to celebrate our students achievements.

Important Information

Parental Input for 2024 classes

This time of year, we often get questions about how class lists for the next school year are developed. This is not as simple as it might seem as it involves an extensive process that takes up most of Term 4.

After we know our indicative enrolments for the following year, the Department allocates our staffing budget. This then allows us to create class numbers and sizes to fit within the budget allocated to the school. Once we have determined our class numbers and sizes, we can begin working on developing class lists for the following year. This is a lengthy process as many factors need to be considered.

We construct classes based upon a composition that includes:

  • Students with special learning styles and needs
  • High achieving students
  • Balanced male/female ratios
  • Known interpersonal relationships that will maintain a positive class climate
  • Teacher recommendation
  • Parent concerns
  • Friendships

Parent Requests: Parent requests are one of the considerations that we consider during this process. It is important to note that parent requests are only considered based upon the student’s positive or negative influence they may have when being placed within a classroom. It is important to note that we do not place students into classes based on choice. If parents/carers feel that the school requires more information regarding their child’s placement, they can inform me (principal) via email by Friday, 20th October. This is an important deadline as emails received after that date will be too late to be considered.

Student Friendship Groups: When creating class lists we ensure that every student has at least one friend in their future class based on their friendship list. As we have to consider many factors when creating class lists, it is not always possible to have all/most of your child's friends on their list. Teachers talk to their students about classes for next year and ask them to write down a list of 5 friends that they believe they would work well with. Students are told that they will have at least one friend from their list.

Class Composition Process: The following is how we compose class lists for the following year.

1. Newsletter: Parents are notified in the newsletter to write an email to the principal if they want to give input regarding their child’s placement. Parents requests are only considered based upon the student’s positive or negative influence they may have in the classroom. We ask that you don’t request a teacher.

2. Closing Date: All emails must be received by Friday 20th October in order to be considered. This is an important deadline as emails received after that date will be too late as it interferes with the placement process.

3. Class Placement: After the closing date for parent input, the principal will direct the teaching staff to prepare class lists for 2023 based on the criteria listed above including both teacher and parent input using the program, Class Creator.

4. Draft Class lists: The draft list is provided to the principal where it is then directed to our specialist team for their recommendation. This is then forwarded to the Wellbeing and Inclusion Team where they work together with the principal class to finalise the list. This is then reviewed with each year level team to discuss the final lists based upon the criteria.

5. Parents are informed: Parents are informed of their child’s class placements prior to the end of the school year.

If you would like input into your child’s class, please send your request to the school’s email address (coburg.north.ps@education.vic.gov.au), with the subject: 2024 Parent Input. If you have made a request in the past and you feel that you would like that request to be continued in 2024, please send an email again as we start a fresh new list every year.

Returning Library Books

A reminder to all families to please return any library books you may have at home. The return chute is located next to lost property at the office.

First Aid

What is thunderstorm asthma?

During grass pollen season (1 October - 31 December) people may notice an increase in asthma and/or hay fever symptoms. Grass pollen season also brings the chance of epidemic thunderstorm asthma.

Epidemic thunderstorm asthma is thought to be triggered by a unique combination of high amounts of grass pollen in the air and a certain type of thunderstorm.

For people with asthma or hay fever, especially those who experience wheezing or coughing with their hay fever, thunderstorm asthma can be sudden, serious and even life threatening.

If your child has asthma, please ensure they have an up-to-date asthma kit at school, and possibly an extra puffer in their bag, or in the car, in case it is needed for travelling to or from school. Note, we do have extra asthma puffers around the school in First Aid kits as well. If your child has hayfever, please give them their hayfever medication at home, before school, on any days you are concerned about. If you are unsure about hayfever medication, then check with a chemist or a doctor.

The symptoms of asthma, hay fever and COVID-19 can be similar, and it can be difficult to tell the difference between them. If your child is experiencing symptoms different to their usual asthma and hay fever symptoms, they have restarted after a period of absence, or if you are unsure – get tested for COVID-19 and stay home whilst you are unwell.

Or, if you are worried about symptoms your child is showing, see a doctor or call 000. If you are waiting for medical assistance, wait indoors.

The epidemic thunderstorm asthma risk forecast will be issued throughout the grass pollen season from 1 October to 31 December. You can access the risk forecast via the VicEmergency website or app, the Health.Vic website or the Melbourne Pollen website or app. Also alerts on high risk days will be broadcast on some News reports.

Spare Clothing & Lost Property

Please pack, or have your child/ren pack their own spare clothing in their school bag in case they get wet or dirty and need to change, either on any wet weather days or when there are still puddles in the yard, or as part of the wet play areas. This way they will have the right size and will be more comfortable.

Borrowed Items:

We are very low on spare clothing in the Office. If anyone has borrowed some, please return it as soon as possible.

If anyone would like to donate school uniforms:

We are generally low on sizes: 6,7,8 in shirts, track pants and shorts, also the larger sizes in those: 10 & 12 as well. Shirts with either short sleeves or long sleeves would be fine. (We have plenty of jumpers.)

Lost Property:

Also note there is a lot of unnamed clothing in Lost Property currently - if your child is missing something, please ask them to have a look through the tubs for it. (Note if items are named we do return them to the classroom.)

Buildings and Grounds

We used the school holiday break to get lots of work done at CNPS.

Bishop Street Fence

I hope it is fairly obvious, but we have a new fence on Bishop Street!

The old fence was damaged and not secure.

The new fence looks great and provides better access for Their Care users and staff.

COLA Asphalt

The asphalt area under the COLA has now been expanded. The whole area under the roof is now the same surface. This gives a much better space for assemblies and sports activities and students don't need to be worried about stepping in to mulched areas when attempting a down ball shot!

When the surface has completely dried, it will be painted with new court markings, and there will be landscaping, seating and an expanded stage area too.

This will make the space even better for school activities, play time, markets and our regular fundraising bbq's and stalls.

Working Bee

Our end of term working bee was a great success. Thank you to everyone that attended.

The morning was spent preparing several garden beds for planting in the new term.

There was lots of digging, shovelling, barrowing and mulching. I spent the morning driving a mini excavator and enjoying a few fizzy drinks and chips!

Planting in the rejuvenated beds will take place on Friday 13 October and everyone is welcome to lend a hand. Please contact me at paul.sutton@education.vic.gov.au if you would like to be involved.


There is new signage around the school that is designed to help students manage challenging situations. Thanks to Derek Carroll for producing the images that can be found in each of the play areas.

Paul, Manager Buildings and Grounds

Parents and Friends

Find out what awesome events and activities Parents & Friends have planned for the coming weeks. If you have a great idea or suggestion you’d like to share or would like to find out more about how to get involved in P&F, please email us at cnps_pf@hotmail.com.

Volunteers needed at the Spring plant market on Saturday 14 October

We need lots of volunteers, bakers and makers for the CNPS market on Saturday 14 October to help to make it a great fundraising event for the school.

The school is a voting centre for the referendum and P&F are holding the annual CNPS plant market, along with a BBQ and homemade cake and produce stall. Vagabond coffee van will also be there to keep everyone caffeinated.

Sign up to volunteer: https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/292015716045/true#/invitation

Eurovision Trivia Night – Oh What a Night!

The Trivia Night on Saturday 9 September lived up to the promise of being the school’s social event of the year! Hosted in the school gym for the first time, the event raised funds for a new PA system for the school.

Attendees dressed to impress in their flamboyant sequins, glitter and glam to celebrate all things Eurovision.

Alongside a fantastic night of Trivia won by Team Kazakhstan, attendees danced, played games, and bid on some great items donated by local businesses for the silent auction and raffle.

A huge thanks also goes out to all wonderful donations made by family run businesses from the school, attendees, volunteers and CNPS staff for supporting the night.

Stay tuned for a final fundraising tally from the night and upcoming social events.

Second-hand uniform sale – Friday 27 October

The next P&F second-hand uniform stall will be held on Friday 27 October, from 3.15 - 3:45pm.

The cost of most items will be $5 or less. Cash only.

Donations of uniforms can also be made via the office. Please ensure that items are CNPS branded (jumpers and tops), in good condition and comply with the uniform policy (ie. no hoodies).

Upcoming Events

Week 4

  • Prep Breakfast - Wednesday, 25 October

Week 5

  • Grade 2 Sleepover - Thursday, 2 November

Week 6

  • Student Free Day - Monday, 6 November
  • Public Holiday, Melbourne Cup Day - Tuesday, 7 November

Community News

Follow our sustainability Instagram page!

At CNPS we believe that by being respectful, responsible and resilient we can succeed and thrive as a community.