Windale Public School News Term 1 : Week 4, 2024

Important Dates to Remember
  • Friday 23rd February - Primary Assembly 10.30am
  • Friday 23rd February - Primary Sport
  • Friday 1st March - Infants Assembly 10.30am
  • Friday 1st March - Primary Sport
Principal Message

I would like to welcome everyone back from what I hope was a relaxing and enjoyable holiday break.

The students have settled into their new classes very well and it has been a pleasure watching the students and teachers work so closely together and thoroughly engage in a variety of lessons in the classroom and activities in the playground.

It has been great to walk around during the mornings or after school having conversations with parents and caregivers. The students have come back to school fresh and look fantastic in their full Windale Public School uniforms. Thank you and it is amazing to see the positive culture we have at our school and within the community.

Class structures

In 2024, we have 12 mainstream classes. 9 of those classes are straight classes with only 3 composite classes. Also, we have our 2 x Emotional Disturbance (ED) classes, 1 x Early Intervention (EI) class, our new Multi-categorical class and our wonderful Preschool as well. Our Schools as Community Centre (SaCC), Milabah will again run 5 days a week and be open to all community members.

We welcome the following new teaching staff to Windale PS: Allison Forsyth is working on Thursdays and Fridays at Milabah with Rosie working from Monday - Wednesday in 2024.

Miss Southon is our new Multi-categorical (MC) classroom teacher, Miss Urbanowicz is the Student Learning Support Office (SLSO) on the MC class.

School Uniforms

At Windale PS, we take great pride in our school uniform. Please ensure all items are labelled with your child’s name.

Just a reminder, that bike pants/shorts are not part of our school uniform. We have skorts and shorts available in the front office. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance with uniforms.

School Office Hours

Our office is open from 8.15am – 3pm daily.

Thank you for your cooperation.



1C News
The Resilience Project

The Resilience Project in commited to teaching positive mental health strategies to prevent mental ill-health and build young people's capacity to deal with adversity.

Teachers and students will engage in weekly lessons and activites around the key principles of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM) and Emotional Literacy to build resilience.

Check out their website for more information:

And check out TRP@HOME: a place filled with inspiration and activities for the whole family, to help improve your wellbeing and build resilience.