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Baylis Court School Newsletter 26 April 2024

Thank you so much to the Sixth Form who gave up their time yesterday to help Year 8 pupils and their families at our Consultation Evening!

Thank you to Non-Teaching Support staff whose turn it was to cater for Cake Friday this week! Cakes, fruits and savouries were enjoyed by all Baylis colleagues at breaktime today.

Why not try a month of Kindness using the ideas below. A reminder that kindness is towards others, as well as ourselves.

Well done to a year 10 student who received the termly award trophy for Kindness. The student wanted to remain anonymous, but deserved a shout out anyway! You know who you are = )


Year 10 Artists of the week!

GCSE Y10s have been working extremely hard brushing up on the observational drawing skills. The students were challenged to work larger than they usually do to draw real animal skulls as part of their coursework projects. They were also restricted from rubbing out any mistakes to improve their confidence in drawing, enabling them draw more carefully by observing the objects in greater detail. We cannot wait to show you their completed work!

Miss Bansal

Some year 8 students took a trip to Legoland, accompanied by Miss Devaney, Miss Latham and Mr Humphreys. Students found out about many interesting aspects relating to robotics, specifically:

  • Building a robot
  • Using Scratch to programme the robot
  • Using Lego to be creative with the robot
  • Used Maths to calculate how far to drive it etc
  • Set the circumference
  • Calculating angles to make the robot turn

Students also had the rest of the time in the park to go on rides and look around the park:

  • We observed different types of movement
  • Illusions
  • Example of detailed design
  • Representations of different building from around the world
  • Engineering

Thank you to Miss Devaney for leading the trip.

Students enjoyed the A-level Psychology booster revision workshop trip to London. Here is a picture we took after the session.

At Baylis we offer Cambridge National Sports Studies course. This is course covers topics such as reducing injuries in sport, sports psychology, sports nutrition, contemporary issues in sport, sports leadership, sports in the media and more

What skills do I need to go GCSE PE?

  • Be organised and bring your correct equipment
  • Be determined to achieve within PE
  • Be daring and try learning new skills
  • Be self-reflective and take on leadership roles

How will it fit in with your other subjects?

Studying PE isn’t just about playing sports and getting fit. There is a wide range of literacy involved, a crossover of biology and media. Firstly, PE looks at current affairs in the Sports media which covers topics such as English, Art and design and media. Secondly, studying PE will help you with deepening understanding of what names of muscles, bones and the body’s response to exercise in a scientific way.

How does PE help me develop my skills in the wider world?

PE helps you develop skills and ability to take part in engaging in conversations about sports and current affairs in relation to sport.

PE will give you an understanding of your body and keeping yourself well and healthy.

Where will PE take me in the future?

You can continue PE studies at AS and A-level, Cambridge National and BTEC. You’ll be able to choose areas of study to specialise in within a particular title. If you didn’t want to take PE further, you’ll be leaving with the ability to keep yourself healthy; ability to analyse a sport and develop roles such as leadership and self-reflective roles.

There are a wide range of jobs you can go into when studying PE, such as physiotherapy, journalism and photography, see list of careers on poster.

Take a look at the careers you could go into.

Please take the time to look at these revision tips from Baylis Court School staff. They are helpful for all students but particularly those approaching GCSE and A Level examinations.

Well done to Aiman who won the termly trophy for resilience in year 10!

Wellbeing at Baylis Court School in the Spring Term

This term, we have introduced some new initiatives at Baylis Court to respond to pupil, staff and parent feedback about our mental health and wellbeing provision. We have introduced Wellbeing Boxes to every tutor group, which provides students with the opportunity to let their tutor know how they are feeling, whether they want to report any bullying and whether they have a concern about another student. All concerns raised are then followed up by the students' form tutor, or it is referred to the safeguarding team. Alongside this, our new student wellbeing leadership team have relaunched a Wellbeing Club for students on a Wednesday lunchtime, and they have also received training to be peer mentors. Students in Years 11, 12 and 13 have also completed a detailed mental health and wellbeing survey, and any concerns which have been raised, have been followed up with a 1:1 conversation with an appropriate member of staff. Furthermore, in response to parental feedback, we have sent additional information home to Year 11 parents about revision and exams. Next term, we will be looking to expand on some of these initiatives further, and we will be planning for how we continue to progress with this in the next academic year.

Mental Health Awareness Week, 13th-19th May 2024

This year's Mental Health Awareness Week is happening between 13th and 19th May. The theme for this year is 'Movement: Moving more for our metal health'. Students will be having an assembly on this at school, but please see the poster below for more details.

