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Swinton Queen Primary School Newsletter 1st december 2023


  1. A note from Mr Higginbottom
  2. Dates for your Diary
  3. Events in school
  4. Online Safety
  5. Uniform and Attendance Expectations
  6. Term dates
Note from Mr Higginbottom

Hello! The festivities are already beginning at Swinton Queen now that December is here - how fab to see some brilliant santa hats yesterday! The main message in this week's newsletter if from our PTFA. We're really grateful for their efforts and fab support and they're really gathering momentum - please see their message below. It would be great to get as much support as possible from our parent community. Thank you.

Swinton Queen Street PTFA - Who are we?

The PTFA is a group of volunteer parents, teachers and friends of Swinton Queen Primary School who work together to make the school a better environment for children to learn. We raise extra funds through a wide range of fun and creative initiatives, events and much more.

How can you help? The next event that’s coming up is the Christmas Fair on Wednesday 20th December and we are looking for Raffle Prize Donations!

Are you a local company that can help us by providing a raffle prize, voucher donation or discount to help our school?

If you’ve got something to offer or know someone that can help please email by 10th December.

Become part of the Team - Why join? Because alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Whether you could be a PTFA member taking on a role such as a school uniform co-ordinator or have a few hours to spare helping out at one of the events. Any involvement is appreciated. If you don’t have time to offer but own or are part of a business that could offer sponsorship for one of our future events.

If the PTFA sounds like something you’d be interested in getting involved in drop an email to

A round up of the week's events
Thank you to the family learning team for another lovely craft session this week!
This week's Tea and Toast morning was very well attended, thank you to all who paid us a visit.
The EYFS and KS1 children are already very hard at work getting their nativity performance ready and they can't wait to perform it for you all!
Online Safety

This week's information about Online Safety gives updates information about Smart TVs. Don't forget you can talk to us if you're worried about your child's time online.

If you'd like more information from National Online Safety, try their app which is available to download.

Attendance Expectations
Uniform Expectations

Please support your children by ensuring they are following the required uniform expectations, including on PE days. Children should be dressed in a yellow or black polo shirt and black trousers, skirt, shorts or plain black leggings. Yellow gingham dresses may also be worn. Black cardigans or hoodies can be worn with or without the school logo. For PE, children need their white school PE top or plain white T-shirt and black shorts or tracksuit bottoms. No football shirts please. Please may we remind you to label your child's uniform with their name.

Term Time Calendar
Have a lovely Weekend!

Thank you for your continued support of our school and for supporting your child by ensuring they're at school on time and they read at least 4 times each week. If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child's time in school you can email, find me on ClassDojo or chat to me at the start or end of the school day.

At Swinton Queen Primary School, children are aspirational, courageous and inquisitive; respectful of all.
