
Nuacht Litir Samhain



Assistant Principal II Ms Katie Jayne O'Neill

Congratulations to Ms Katie Jayne O'Neill who was appointed to our management team as Assistant Principal II.

Parent Teacher Meetings

School will finish for 1st to 6th classes at 2pm next Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd November to facilitate parent teacher meetings. Don't forget to book your slot through Aladdin if you haven't already done so.

Book Fair

The Book Fair returns to St Brigid's in the school hall on the days of the parent teacher meetings. All welcome to browse what's on offer. Details of the event and payment options (cash being the easiest) can be found by clicking the button below.

Fundraising Toy Show Bag

Our school are putting together Toy Show Treats Bags this year as a fundraising initiative. Bags are €5 each and can be ordered through Aladdin before next Wednesday 22nd November. Orders will be distributed in class on Friday 24th November.

Issues Arising

Healthy Eating

The student council have brought to our attention that some students come to school with treats in their lunchboxes e.g. biscuits, crisps, bars, cakes. This is causing upset amongst the students who adhere to our healthy eating policy and it can also be distressing for students who have treats. We are asking parents to please ensure students have healthy lunches coming to school.

Parent Teacher Communication

Parents wishing to pass on a message to their daughter's class teacher can email the message to info@stbrigidsgns.ie with FAO and the teacher's name as the subject. Please avoid sending in handwritten notes.

Outside of parent teacher meetings, parents wishing to speak to their daughter's class teacher must do so by emailing info@stbrigidsgns.ie to request a phone-call or appointment. Context for the phone-call/meeting must be given. Teacher's will arrange phone-call/meeting at their earliest convenience.

Dates for the Diary

Christmas Concerts & Performances:

  • Senior Infants: "Wriggly Nativity"- Friday 15th December 11am
  • Junior Infants: "The Littlest Christmas Tree"- Friday 15th Dec. 12.30pm
  • Afterschool's youth drama club: "Frozen"- Thursday 14th Dec. 11.30am
  • Afterschool's senior drama club: "A Christmas Carol"- Thursday 14th Dec. 1pm
  • Choir- "Carols by Candlelight" - Tuesday 19th Dec. 7pm St Brigid's Church Killester


Huge efforts are being made on the part of the students to read as many books as they can for the month of November for the MS Readathon. We will be doing our book count next Thursday 30th November- Keep reading girls!

Shoe Box Appeal

Thank you to all who have donated to the shoe box appeal this year, there has been an incredible response. Shoe boxes will be collected from school Tuesday 21st November so this gives a little time for anyone wishing still to donate.

Community Links

Please find details of upcoming competitions and workshops and resources in our area:

Current Events


The girls in Fourth Class have been learning all about biodiversity in a weekly workshop for the past 5 weeks. Visiting the community garden, they have investigated and learned about the oak tree, brambles, plants, insects and tree Ogham, under the expert guidance of Emer and Niamh from Global Action Plan. This truly amazing programme has opened their eyes to the beauty of our local natural environment and its inhabitants. Check out our school website to see what the girls have been up to and the pleasure and fun that they’ve enjoyed along the way.

Zippy Friends

Zippy’s Friends is currently being piloted in junior and senior infants. Led by Ms Kinahan & Ms Dempsey, it is a social and emotional learning programme for 5-7 year olds which meets all elements of the Mental Wellbeing requirements of the statutory guidance for Relationships and Health Education for primary schools. Zippy’s Friends has been evaluated and found to improve children’s coping skills, social skills, emotional literacy, improve the class climate and reduce bullying.

Un Poco de Espanol

Our fifth class students are delighted to attend Spanish workshops in St Mary's Secondary School Killester over the next 4 weeks. These workshops provide a fun and engaging environment for language learning and also help us meet some of our school self-evaluation targets in terms of transfer of skills in language learning.

Fighting Words

Fourth classes engaged in Fighting Words Workshops before the mid-term break. They had a great time there and wrote and published a very enjoyable story called 'Tough Love'.

Diabetes Awareness

Third class engaged in a fantastic workshop with Barrettstown Children's Charity in relation to Diabetes Awareness. The children interacted with a puppet show and played games which shared key information and raised awareness of diabetes. Students got an insight into what living with diabetes means for their classmate.

"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island"

Walt Disney