
Play On! October 12-14, 2023

Glass Theatre Presents

Play On!

Written by Rick Abbot

Director: Erin Foreman

Play On! is presented by special arrangement with Concord Theatricals.

Director's Note

I love community theatre and grew up in it, having been involved in plays as a child at the Lynchburg Fine Arts Center (RIP). Through my work with the Mark W. Foreman Foundation for the Performing Arts, I have gotten to know and love all the community theatres in the area. So when the opportunity to direct a play featuring a community theatre, I jumped at the opportunity. The title of this is Play On, so that's what we've done: Play! I have had a great time playing with this cast, from auditions with improv games to the macarena during rehearsals.

Anyone familiar with theatre knows that anything can go awry - and often does! This cast has done exceptionally well at portraying struggling actors trying to put on a play that constantly changes with failing technical cues, a frazzled director, a stressed stage manager, and a frustrated tech director. And yes, they have overcome challenges themselves with medical woes, scheduling snafus, and location changes. I want to thank the cast and crew for their dedication and flexibility as we put in understudies, changed technical expectations, and added and cut out different jokes to put together the best show possible! Like our fictional cast, the real cast of Play On! has shown wonderful humor and perseverance during the show.

I am grateful to Richard Buck for his sponsorship of this show and ask you to support this local insurance agent who supports the arts in our schools. I also ask that you support community theatre in our area, as these organizations are the lifeblood of both students and adults in our community. Thank you for all the support we receive from our ECG community, parents and hard working students. Please continue to support our 2023-24 season by coming to see Silent Sky January 26-28.

So from the moment you entered the auditorium, you joined the world of MirrorTheatre, a small community theatre in Rhode Island. They will be performing their original work, Murder Most Foul. We hope you will enjoy the show and return often!

Erin Foreman, Director, Play On!

Act I

Four Days Before Opening Night


There will be a 15 minute intermission

Act II

Final Dress Rehearsal - One day before Opening Night


There will be a 10 minute intermission


Opening Night

Play On, October 2023


Gerry - Lezlye Mason

Aggie - Haley Whatley

Louise - Lily Brochon

Phyllis - Sophia Haupt

Saul - Weston Englund

Henry - Will Hoffman

Polly - Stormi Lamar

Violet - Harper Wiebe

Billy - Orion Myers-Ramirez

Smitty - Kylie Schrock

Louise - Lily Brochon

Freshman. Glass Theatre debut! Other credits: Lemur in Madagascar Jr, Ghost of Christmas Present in A Christmas Carol, Zazu in Lion King, Jr. (Linkhorne Middle) Lily loves doing glass theater and hopes do to more shows. "I want to thank my "cousin" Kylie for helping me with the show and being there for me!"

Saul - Weston Englund

Sophomore. Glass Theatre credits: Mr. Bennet in Pride and Prejudice, Set Construction for Singin' in the Rain. Other credits: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (Renaissance Theatre). Weston likes science and performing for Glass Theatre. "Shoutout to my parents, they're pretty cool!"

Phyllis - Sophia Haupt

Sophomore. Glass theatre credits: Charlotte in Pride and Prejudice, Olga Mara and Lady in Green in Singin' in the Rain. Other credits: Muriel and Featured Dancer in Newsies Jr. (Dunbar Middle), Seahorse Herald and Featured Dancer in Little Mermaid Jr, Leopard in Tarzan Jr. (ACOA). Alongside theater, Sophia participates in Orchestra, Forensics, and Classical Ballet and enjoys spending her free time crafting and reading. "Live life as though it was created for you" - Maya Angelo

Henry - Will Hoffman

Freshman. Glass Theatre debut! Other credits: Jack Kelly in Newsies Jr, Aladdin in Aladdin Jr, Spongebob in Spongebob the Musical (Dunbar Middle). Will Hoffman enjoys playing piano. "Thank you to my parents for driving me here and back home."

Polly - Stormi Lamar

Sophomore. Glass Theatre credits: Costumes for Pride and Prejudice, Ginette in Almost Maine, Director in Singin' in the Rain, New Works 2023. Other credits: Pat in Newsies Jr (Dunbar Middle), Ensemble in Go West! (Ruthe Deskin Elementary). Stormi loves to do art outside of theatre and plans on using her talent for future shows! "Follow my art account on Instagram @dreamiee_weamiee!"

Gerry - Lezlye Mason

Senior. Glass Theatre credits: Ensemble in Mary Poppins, Jane in Pride and Prejudice, Villain in Almost Maine, Ensemble in Singin' in the Rain, Mrs. Greene in The Prom, New Works 2023. Other credits: Diana Barry in Anne of Green Gables (Renaissance Theatre Company). LezLye has always loved anything and everything when working with creativity: photography, writing, music, but most of all acting; she wants to learn as much as she can throughout life and she'll do so with a passionate heart. "I'd like to thank all of my loved ones who support me and what I do. The stress and fear that is brought by life can be rough to deal with at times, but it's my folks that keep my smile bright and genuine. 'Family doesn't always have the same blood,' I know that now more than ever."

Billy - Orion Myers-Ramirez

Junior. Glass Theatre credits: Groom in Big Love, Ensemble in All Together Now, Michael in Mary Poppins, Mr. Collins in Pride and Prejudice, Pete in Almost Maine, Roscoe Dexter in Singin' in the Rain, Nick in The Prom. Other credits: Young Gilbert in Anne of Green Gables (Renaissance Theatre). Orion enjoys wakeboarding, swimming, and hanging out with friends. "Thanks to you for coming to support our show!"

Smitty - Kylie Schrock

Freshman. Glass Theatre debut! Other credits: Fairy Godmother in Descendants, Young Rudolph in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Ensemble in Newsies Jr, Beggar in Aladdin Jr, Colonist in One Acts, Karen the Computer in Spongebob the Musical (Dunbar Middle). Kylie's been doing theatre her whole life and can't wait to start this new era. "Thank you to my favorite 'cousin' Lily, you've made this experience so much more fun."

Aggie - Haley Whatley

Sophomore. Glass Theatre debut! Other credits: The Music Man (ACOA). Haley loves dancing, acting and making people laugh. "Special Thanks to my mom for taking me to rehearsals!"

Violet - Harper Wiebe

Sophomore. Glass Theater credits: Run crew for Pride and Prejudice, Hope in Almost Maine, Ensemble in Singin' in the Rain, New Works 2023. Other credits: Maurice in Madagascar Jr (Linkhorne Middle), Aquata in Little Mermaid Jr, Featured Dancer in Tarzan Jr. (ACOA). This is Harper's second year of doing theatre at Glass and she is excited for many more! "Thank you to Winston the cricket for giving me confidence. And a massive shoutout to my wig because if I didn’t have it, I would be able to actually see 2/3rds of this show."


Character Consultants

Addilyn Sutton (Aggie)

Taylor Jones (Louise)

Stage Manager

Victor Miller

Assistant Stage Manager

Jason Bohn

Sound Board Op

Marah Berryman

Light Board Op

Nayari Walker


Elizabeth Plucker

Run Crew

Seth Lowry

Kanas Johnson

Vee McAndrew

Pierre Tisdale

Set Construction and Painting

Cast and Crew of Play On

Tech I and II Class

ASL Interpreters

(October 12 Performance)

Katherine McMullen

Katherine began interpreting professionally over 25 years ago. A lifelong theatre nerd, she eagerly leapt at the opportunity to interpret for Deaf friends who wanted to attend local theatre productions back in the early 2000’s. Now, more than 80 interpreted shows later, this veteran performance interpreter considers her role in introducing shadow interpreting to Central Virginia in 2012 as one of her greatest professional accomplishments. Her work is crafted solely with the goal of achieving visceral equivalence for ALL members of the audience, hearing and Deaf alike.

Ruth Bieri

Ruth began interpreting professionally over 15 years ago. She began theatre interpreting over 10 years ago. She loves to provide equal access to the Deaf community wherever she goes. While most of her shows are done at Heritage High School she loves to come home to her alma mater and perform on or beside Glass’ stage.

Tech Crew

Victor Miller [Stage Manager]

Senior. Glass theatre credits: Run crew and scenic painter for Merry Wives of Windsor (VTA), Assistant Stage Manager for Pride and Prejudice, Set construction for Singin' in the Rain. Other credits: Run crew for Madagascar Jr. (Linkhorne Middle) Victor is artistic and thinks weird things are fascinating. "Special thanks to Ms. Foreman and Mrs. Carson for supporting me and being there for me when I need help."

Jason Bohn [Assistant Stage Manager]

Junior. Glass Theatre credits: Flyrail and set construction for Mary Poppins, Assistant Stage Manager for Almost Maine, Set construction and run crew for Singin' in the Rain. Other credits: Run crew for Madagascar Jr.

Addilyn Sutton [Character Consultant for Aggie]

Senior. Glass Theatre credits: Ensemble in Shakespeare's Bachelorette, Props for Big Love, Stage manager for Pride and Prejudice, Stage manager for Singin' in the Rain. Addi plays guitar! "Thank you so much to the entire cast, and especially Foreman for being so supportive and kind to me, when I had to step down due to health problems. It seriously means the world, and I'm so happy to call this cast my family. I will forever remember this show and the kindness of everyone involved."

Taylor Jones [Character Consultant for Louise]

Junior. Glass Theatre credits: Jane Banks in Mary Poppins, Gayle in Almost Maine, Ensemble in Singin' in the Rain. Other credits: Young Elsa in Frozen Jr, Audrey in Descendants (Dunbar Middle). Taylor loves to dance and has taken dance for 10 years.

Nayari Walker [Gerry understudy, Light Board Op]

Junior. Glass Theatre credits: Mary Bennet understudy in Pride and Prejudice, Director in Singin' in the Rain, Student in The Prom. Nayari is a responsible, passion driven person. "Thank you!"

Marah Berryman [Sound]

Junior. Glass theatre debut!

Elizabeth Plucker [Props]

Senior. Glass Theatre credits: Ensemble in Oklahoma, Bella in Big Love, Mrs. Brill in Mary Poppins, Mistress Ford in Merry Wives of Windsor (VTA), Mrs. Bennet in Pride and Prejudice, Props for Almost Maine, Dora Bailey and Props in Singin' in the Rain, Director for New Works 2023. Other credits: Mrs. Phelps in Matilda Jr, Mother Superior in Sister Act Jr, Madame/Gypsy in Hunchback of Notre Dame (ACOA). Elizabeth is the President of Glass Theatre Clubs, she is taking Acting 2 for her third year and she has an Independent Study with Ms. Daugherty for Advanced Direction.

Kanas Johnson [Construction, Run Crew]

Sophomore. Glass Theatre debut! Kanas has enjoyed helping with tech and the set. "I like to thank Weston Englund to make me join this. I really enjoy this!"

Vee McAndrew [Run Crew]

Sophomore. Glass Theatre credits: Run crew for Pride and Prejudice, Grand Curtain for Singin' in the Rain. Other credits: Spotlight operator for Newsies Jr (Dunbar Middle). "This play was really fun, I'm usually really tired after rehearsals but this play made me want to stay up and keep rehearsing. I'm very grateful to the other stage left techies, you guys made this really fun (Stage right is okay too I guess)."

Seth Lowry [Set construction, Run Crew]

Senior. Glass Theatre credits: Set construction for Almost Maine, Set construction and Run Crew for Singin' in the Rain. Seth likes doing Glass Theatre. "Thank you sponsors!"

Pierre Tisdale [Set construction, Run Crew]

Junior. Glass Theatre debut! Pierre likes working with hands and listening to music. "Thank you for coming to the show!"

Thank You To Our 2023-24 PATRONS


Robert and Theresa Brennan


Jim and Susan Ackley

J.R. Pugh

Susan and Norwood Morrison

Libby Fitzgerald

Angela Peterson

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Patron list. If an error has been made, please email glasstheatreboxoffice@gmail.com and the issue will be corrected.

Student Leadership

President: Elizabeth Plucker

Vice President: Maddie Durie

Community Ambassador: Lilly Wood

Senior Class Rep: Ava Grace Kennedy

Junior Class Rep: Taylor Jones

Sophomore Class Rep: Harper Weibe

Freshman Class Rep: Allie Wood

Liaison to Tech Director: D'Quori Horsely

Social Media/Marketing: Addilyn Sutton

Photography/Videography: Lezlye Mason, Aliyah Peters

Parent Leadership

President - Amanda Myers-Ramirez

Box Office - Nicole Plucker, Jill Wood

Treasurer and Concessions- Elizabeth Flickinger

Volunteer Coordinator - Tiffany Ellis

Sponsorship and Publicity - Leigh McKinney

Special Thanks To

EC Glass Administration

Geep Howell for his loyal technical support

Hildegarde for Costume Support

Glass Theatre Parent Leadership and Volunteers