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CRIA RUNNING CLUB My Passion project: Alex Congdon

"As we run, we become" -Amby Burfoot

Our Mission:

Our Mission is to implement the healthy habit of running into as many students here at CRIA as possible. Running has been proven to be both beneficial mentally as well as physically and if we can improve somebody's life by teaching them to run then we've done our job.

Meet the Runners

Vir: Vir is from New Delhi and his favorite food is pani puri. He originally joined the club because he was bored and wanted something to do. His favorite thing about the club is getting to be outside and just being able to run.

Andrew: Andrew is from Texas and his favorite food is pizza. He joined the club in hopes of strengthening his legs and his favorite part about the club is running with a group because it leaves him feeling more accomplished at the end of the day.

Sophia: Sophia is from Colorado and her favorite food is sushi. She joined the club because she's always loved running and her favorite part of the club is being on a team.

Sky: Sky is from Canada and her favorite food is sushi. She joined the club because Ren forced her to and her favorite part of the club are the people.

Mr. Carpenter: Mr. Carpenter was born in Colorado, but has lived worldwide including Georgia, North and South Carolina, Germany, South Korea, and currently, Costa Rica. His favorite food is a fresh chicken salad with as many vegetables as possible in it. He helped me create the running club in hopes of me turning him into a world-class runner who will make millions (we are still in the process of that). Finally, his favorite thing about the club is watching kids both fall in love with running as well as improve.

Ren: Ren is from the Greater Boston Area and her favorite food is grapes. She joined the club because she loves to run. Her favorite part about the club is running with other people who also enjoy it.

Judah: Judah is from Washington state and his favorite food is fried chicken. He joined the club in hopes of becoming more fit for the upcoming basketball season. His favorite part of the club is the people that come with it

Mrs. Carpenter: Mrs. Carpenter is originally from Colorado and never lived anywhere else until she went to South Korea with her family. Shortly after, she moved to Costa Rica to teach at the Costa Rica International Academy. Her favorite food is coffee (if it counts) and if it doesn't then anything Mexican. Mrs. Carpenter thought it would be fun to take on this challenge and she is glad she did because she has learned a lot in the short time that the club has existed. Her favorite thing about the club is watching everyone get better each day.

Why Run?

Running has been proven to have a plethora of different health benefits both mental and physical. For the physical aspect, running can strengthen both your muscles and bones, improve your cardiovascular fitness, help maintain a healthy weight, and it has been proven that runners are 45% less likely to die from a heart attack or a stroke! Then there is the more important section, the mentality, running can boost the body's ability to deal with stress, running prevents cognitive decline, increases your productivity, helps you sleep, and can even make you more creative! If you don't have any conditions keeping you from running, there is no reason not to!

My Podcast:

I interviewed Casey Guthmiller. Casey is a former high school sprinter turned long-distance running coach and physical therapist. Casey was never a long-distance runner until he reached physical therapy school and picked up running for exercise, there was just one problem, he kept getting injured and this was almost enough to deter him from running. Casey then started reading books and even got a coaching certificate to figure this sport out which he eventually did! He now aims to steer people away from the mistakes he made to ensure they stay healthy as they run. He currently operates Running4U which is an online coaching platform where he specializes the training specifically for you! If you want to learn more about his story and how he turned this new hobby into his job, take a listen!

About Me:

My name is Alexander Congdon and I am from a small town in Iowa. I grew up watching my older brother get up early in the morning to go on a run and, more importantly, I saw him make his lifelong friends through the school's XC team. So, as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be like him and run. Finally, in seventh grade, I got a chance to join a team and I had the time of my life learning how to run but also just having a good time with my friends. When we came to Costa Rica, however, there was a problem: no cross-country team or even a running club. I always thought about starting a running club for the CRIA students, and this passion project was the perfect thing to push me over the edge and go for it. In Iowa, I ran competitively for one year in which I learned to understand the value of hard work. Hard work is what running is built on and you are forced to carry this with you at all times when running. I firmly believe that if you learn to run, everything else in your life will be drastically better thanks to it.

Our Future:

As of now, CRIA is planning on putting in a turf soccer field and track for the 2024-2025 or 2025-2026 school year. For now, nothing is confirmed, but if they go through with this, I plan to expand the running club into a track team in which we would include all events, 100m, 200m, 400m, and up to two miles. We would also start teaching field events such as the long jump, shot put, discus, and high jump. However, if the track is not in by next year, the running club will continue moving how it is until the school puts it in. We have big plans and ideas for what this club can and will turn into!

Click Below to See another Inspiring Story of Someone Who Didn't Let Anything Keep Them From Running:

There was a teammate on my old running team in Iowa named Daniel. He was a sweet kid who is special needs, but that didn't stop him from running. He was running with us every day of the week doing a great job. In running there isn't a "I can't" there's only "I don't want to". Nothing is stopping you, so be like Daniel and RUN!

Important: NOT MY VIDEO, I am just a participant who wants to show you that running is for everyone.

Running Club Info:

We meet every Wednesday from 3:15-4 in front of Mr. Carpenter's room. It is open to anyone who wants to participate. It is in no way a "competitive" club yet. For now, it is just for fun and we have plenty of it! Come out and see if it's for you!

