The Clover Connection For Douglas County 4-H Families and Volunteers

The “Out of This World” themed 2024 Douglas County 4-H Achievement Banquet was held on November 10th. This event celebrates the achievements of Douglas County 4-Hers and the service of leaders and adult volunteers. State judging teams and style revue participants were recognized for their accomplishments. Club Seals were awarded for activities over the past year, and 4-Hers earned yearly achievement pins in addition to Champion and blue awards for their project records. The special awards for 4-Hers are the “I Dare You” Award, the 4-H Citizenship Award, the 4-H Spirit Award, and the Kansas Key Award. The “I Dare You” award is given to a 4-Her that exemplifies the qualities of leadership. This year’s winner was Rowin Morgan. The 4-H Citizenship award winner was Lydia Hartwick. The 4-H Spirit award goes to someone who follows the values of the 4-H pledge, this award went to Ian Rhea. The Kansas Key award is given to a dedicated 4-Her in the leadership project, this 4-Her is Lydia Folks. The Dea Lieber Outstanding Adult Volunteer Award recipient this year was given to a selfless and generous 4-H volunteer: Susan Theroff. The Dorothy Akin Leadership Award was given to a leader that works hard for their club and community: this leader was Janine Leslie. The Florine Alexander Leadership Award recognizes the innovative and helpful Erik Dallman, STEM Project Leader. The Friend of 4-H award winner was Helga Barton: a woman who has served Douglas County 4-H generously and positively for many years. The Clinton Eagles 4-H club was awarded $100 for contributing the greatest amount of service hours to our community, 1,210 hours. The Tim and Jana Flory Family were recognized as the 2024 Outstanding 4-H Family for their countless hours given to helping other 4-H members and their families. Thank you to all of our 4-Hers, parents, leaders, volunteers, extension staff and donors who have given their time and resources to helping our 4-H program. All of these people should be celebrated for their efforts in Making the Best Better. --Lora Hartwick, 4-H Council Reporter -Lydia Hartwick, Achievement Celebration Photographer
Follow this link for shelter needs to donate! All 4-H'ers must have a ticket to enter the Lawrence Art Center. You can download your ticket at: under "Today's Highlights!"
Time is running out!! Drop off your items ASAP!
Information about The Ballard Center:
You will no longer receive 4-H notifications from the Extension office after December 1, if you are not enrolled through 4-H online. Please DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT IF YOU HAVE AN ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT. To enroll for the new year go to:
Visit this link for all the details and camp code for 4-H members:
Questions? Please contact Leader, Bobbie Hinds at 515-480-3533 or email
RSVP by 1/06 to Nancy at
Please register for the training by Monday, December 16 at:
Sign up for the training by Monday, January 13, 2025 at:


November 30 - 4-H Council Coat Drive Deadline, Extension Office

December 1 - Bromelsick Christmas Party 2:00-3:30 p.m. at Lawrence Art Center - Must have a ticket.

December 1 - 4-H Enrollment Deadline for Returning 4-H Families and Volunteers

December 13 - 4-H Day with K-State Women's Basketball Registration Deadline

December 16 - 4-H Council Diaper Drive Deadline, Extension Office

December 16 - 4-H Council Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Dreher Family 4-H Bldg.

December 17 - Horse Project Club Monthly Meeting, 6:30 pm in Dreher Family 4-H Bldg.

December 19 - 2025 Douglas County 4-H Foundation College Scholarship Application Update, 6:30 p.m., Zoom. RSVP by 12/16

December 31 - Rocks Spring 4-H Camp Early Bird Registration Deadline

January 4 - Kansas 4-H Day with The Lady Cats, Manhattan, KS

January 11 - Robotics SPIN Club Information Meeting, 2PM, Dreher Family 4-H Building (RSVP by 1/06 to

January 16 - Project Record Report Form Training, Dreher Family 4-H Bldg, 6:30PM

February 8 - County 4-H Club Day, Douglas County Fairgrounds

February 16-17 - Citizenship In Action (CIA), Topeka, KS *Information coming soon

March 1 - K-State Junior Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, RSVP by 2/05

March 16 - Beef Weigh-In and Tagging, 1-3PM, Douglas County Community Building

March 22 - KSU Meat Goat Producer Day, K-State Campus

April 26 - Spring Livestock Expo, Douglas County Fairgrounds Open Pavilion

May 1 - 4-H Enrollment Deadline to exhibit in the 4-H Division at the 2025 Douglas County Fair.

May 6 - Final Small Livestock Tagging for Douglas County Fair, 5-7PM, Douglas County Fairgrounds, Open Pavilion

Created By
Nancy Noyes


Created with an image by New Africa - "Flat lay composition with paper calendar on white marble table"