Your Will Be Done

Dear OFS Community,

We closed the Spring term with a lovely Easter Service that reflected upon the words of the Lord’s Prayer. Mr Ford and Mr Evans recently put this prayer into a hymn format that the school has been learning, so it was a good opportunity to pause and seek meaning. As a child, I remember my school day starting and ending with this prayer and whilst it became a point of comfort, I suspect that it also became too familiar, so my invitation was for our community to find their own messages in these powerful words.

For me, the line ‘Your will be done’, offers such freedom when I am brave enough to let go; in a world where we are told that we control every aspect of our lives, when in reality this is quite the illusion, it can be a burden to believe in control.

I like the simplicity of the request, ‘Give us our daily bread’. I hate to admit it, but there are times when I run to the supermarket only to find that they’ve run out of strawberries – of course there are no strawberries, it’s winter! And yet when we turn on the news and see queues of displaced people waiting in line for food, daily bread is quite literally a godsend.

We looked at ‘forgiveness’ and the idea that Jesus loves us so unconditionally that he is willing to look beyond our darkest thoughts and acts, loving us in spite of our shortcomings – if he can do this then surely, we must seek to do the same when we feel wronged.

During the service, we took all the following words and saw them for the burden and weight they are in our lives.

Imagine the life that we could lead if someone were willing and able to lift these burdens, to accept and love us for who we are, inside and out – that is a message well worth exploring this Easter!

Yr5 Showcase

Putting on a drama performance in the final week of term might appear madness but I’m a firm believer in seeing what happens when we don’t play it safe...Mrs Gascoigne might not agree but I know that she had every reason to be so proud of Yr5 last night!

Our ‘Showcase’ event is essentially a rather raw production in which every pupil must think on their feet, react to the unfolding story and often improvise on the spot. There are no teachers in the wings, nobody backstage apart from classmates and an audience of 200 parents and teachers coming for a night out – no pressure then! After the performance, I asked for a show of hands whether this was their favourite production to date – it was pretty much unanimous, here were some firsthand reflections from your children:

We get to play so many different roles in one story...
It’s not up to teachers to solve problems, we have to get on with it...
There are very few props or costumes, it’s just, acting and reacting to what happens...

A huge thank you to Mr Ford and Mrs Gascoigne for creating the window for Yr5 to shine – at the end of a long, dark, cold and wet term, Yr5 gave us a night to remember.

Tooled Up

As a Tooled-Up School, we have access to some fantastic resources, do click through on the link below for the latest food for thought:

Headmaster's Commendation

This is the shortest term so I was truly impressed with the number of pupils who came to my office over the past week – all for being awarded 100 or more House Points. Congratulations to the following:

Congratulations to Anay for being awarded over 100 House Points this term – Yr3
Congratulations to Ayaan for being awarded over 100 House Points this term – Yr3
Congratulations to Naavya for being awarded over 100 House Points this term – Yr3
Congratulations to Saish for being awarded over 100 House Points this term – Yr3
Congratulations to Tej for being awarded over 100 House Points this term – Yr3
Congratulations to Ishaan for being awarded over 100 House Points this term - Yr3
Congratulations to Kian for being awarded over 100 House Points this term – Yr3
Congratulations to Aaron for being awarded over 100 House Points this term – Yr4
Congratulations to Meya for being awarded over 100 House Points this term – Yr5
Congratulations to Sofia for being awarded over 100 House Points this term – Yr5
Congratulations to Simran for being awarded over 100 House Points this term – Yr5
Congratulations to Hridaan for a quite exceptional Classics Creative Prep, the attention to detail and use of materials reflected Hridaan’s curiosity – Yr8
On behalf of everyone at Orley Farm, I would like to wish all of our families a peaceful, restful and unburdened Easter break!

Tim Calvey