Spring term 1 Nursery class

We began this half term by reading the story 'Whatever Next'.

The children discussed how Baby Bear got to the moon and what he took with him on his journey.

The children used a range of resources to build their own space rockets.

5,4,3,2,1, Blast Off!

What would you take if you were going on an adventure to the moon?

We looked at the surface of the moon and discussed what we could see. We also compared it to Mapplewell where we live.

There's no cars on the moon.
It's empty.

Children used their fine motor skills to hold cotton buds and paint 'craters' on the moon.

Nursery children were fascinated with the moon so we looked at all the different phases of the moon. At night time some children tried to spot the moon in the sky.
"Last night I could see that crescent moon."
We learnt about astronauts that explored space. The children enjoyed watching videos of Tim Peake living on the ISS, and Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins investigating the moon.
I'm Buzz.
We're now on Mars, it's going to be very dusty here!
Bleep Bloop.

One day, after reading the story 'Aliens love underpants', the Nursery children entered nursery and discovered green slime all over the classroom. A video had been posted on SEESAW of a flying saucer and the children decided it must be the Aliens who love underpants.

The children wasted no time and began to hunt for clues.

We decided to set to work and make some underpants for the aliens. Some children used their scissor skills to carefully cut out pants shape, and some children used their knowledge of repeating patterns to decorate large pairs of pants.

To end the half term we learnt about Chinese new year. We created Chinese dragons, explored Chinese writing, and tried to use chop sticks. Children in nursery also enjoyed trying different Chinese food.

I like the crackers the best.
The rice is a bit spicy.

In Spring 2 our theme for learning will be around 'Transport' and 'Things that go'.

Here are some books that we will be reading over the next half term:

Our Key story next half term will be 'We all go travelling by'. This is a fun rhythmic story that we will be retelling using a story map.


In Phonics over the next half term we will be:

- Continuing to embed hearing and saying initial sounds in words.

- Continuing to embed hearing and saying rhyming strings.

- Beginning to engage in oral blending and segmenting games.


In Maths over the next half term we will be:

  • Representing amounts to five in different ways.
  • Begin to explore how numbers can be shared.
  • Count out a correct amount of objects and match to corresponding numeral to at least 5.
  • To recognise and name 2d shapes.
  • To use vocabulary to describe 2d shapes.
  • Continue to embed subitising amounts up to 5.

Communication and Language

To further develop your child's Communication and Language they will be:

  • Continuing to develop a wider range of vocabulary by sharing a wide range of books with adults.
  • Sing a wide range of new songs based around the theme of transport.
  • Continue to develop and understanding around a range of 'Why' questions.
  • Learn the skill of continuing a 'back-and-forth' conversation with a familiar adult.

Physical Development

To further develop your child's fine motor skills over the next half term they will be:

  • Continuing to participate in daily Dough Disco sessions.
  • Continuing to build on the skill of correctly holding and safely using scissors.
  • N2 children will be learning how to zip or button up their own clothing.
  • N1 children will be continuing to practice putting on and taking off their own coats and bags.

To further develop your child's gross motor skills over the next half term they will be:

  • Participating in daily Squiggle While you Wiggle sessions.
  • Continuing to embed the skill of remembering or copying sequences of movement.
  • Engaging in games that require holding a pose.
  • Developing the skill of throwing and catching a large ball.

Personal, Social and Emotional development.

To further support children in their Personal, Social and Emotional development adults in Nursery will be supporting them to:

  • Understand how others might be feeling.
  • Talk about how they are feeling using words such as 'happy', 'sad', 'excited', 'worried'.
  • Make healthy choices around eating, drinking and personal hygiene.
  • Play with other children and extending and elaborating imaginative play.


Through exposure of adults reading to Children in nursery they will begin to develop an understanding that print has meaning and that print is read from left to right and top to bottom.

All children will engage in activities that promote pre writing marks. N2 children will continue to learn how to recognise and write letters from their first name.

N2 children will also be given opportunities and encouraged to use their developing letter knowledge in their mark making.

Our next Nursery Parent Workshop will be based around supporting your child with Maths in Nursery. It will also explore how Maths is taught within class.

Please book Via Arbor.

Have a super half term break.

We will see you all on Monday 19th February.