Institute for Data Science and AI Seminar: Professor Jose Camacho-Collados A digital Futures event - 6 February 2024

On the 6th February 2024, the Institute for Data Science and AI Seminar Series welcomed Professor Jose Camacho-Collados, Professor at the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University, to showcase his talk on NLP and Social Media: Language Modelling, Benchmarking and Temporal Challenges.

Kickstarting the seminar, Professor Chenghua Lin, Professor of Natural Language Processing and Text Mining at The University of Manchester welcomed all attendees and gave a short introduction.

Professor Chenghua Lin welcoming attendees.

Proceeding with his presentation, Jose gave an overview of his experiences leading the Cardiff NLP group and launching Tweet NLP, a platform that enables users across varying levels of expertise to apply innovative language technologies in social media.

Previously, Jose was a Google Doctoral Fellow and completed his PhD at the Linguistic Computing Laboratory (LCL) of Sapienza University of Rome. Having research interests in various topics in NLP, particularly on the lexical and distributional semantics areas, Jose co-authored a book titled "Embeddings in Natural Language Processing".

Professor Jose Camacho-Collados giving his presentation.

Jose showcased his recent research on social media analysis and applications, especially on the development of NLP tools specifically targeted to this domain. Summarising the recent advances on social media processing, Jose delved into the development of specialised language models and unified NLP benchmarks. To address the temporal and dynamic nature in social media, Jose discussed how this will play an important role in downstream applications.

Professor Jose Camacho-Collados giving his presentation.

The presentation catalysed a lively discussion in the following Q&A session. After Professor Chenghua Lin brought the seminar to a close, a networking session followed, wherein attendees discussed insights with Jose.

Attendees networking and discussing insights.

If you missed this event, you can watch it back here:

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