Warmest greetings from the COBSEA Secretariat!

We are pleased to share updates for the first half of 2024.



COBSEA Regional Statement delivered at INC-4 on Plastic Pollution

(© UNEP)

On 24 April 2024, Indonesia on behalf of the COBSEA Working Group on Marine Litter (WGML) delivered a joint regional statement on the opening day of the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4) in Ottawa, Canada. The statement advocated for coordinated and cohesive action, building on existing regional mechanisms like Regional Seas Programmes. It also reaffirmed COBSEA’s commitment to enhance capacity-building and regional knowledge-sharing, guided by the COBSEA Strategic Directions 2023-2027 and the COBSEA Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI).

Recording Video of INC-4 on Plastic Pollution (part 1)


Inception workshop for GEF8 CHO-IP Nutrients project for Thailand

On 30 May 2024, over 50 Thai participants representing various government agencies, including provincial government agencies, academia and researchers as well as civil society representatives convened at the UN Conference Centre in Bangkok for a day-long inception workshop. This inception workshop kick-started the Project Preparation Grant (PPG) phase of the child project under the GEF8 Clean and Healthy Oceans Integrated Programme (CHO IP) entitled “Seeding a Nutrient Pollution Reduction Strategy for the coastal waters of Thailand”. This GEF project is jointly executed by Pollution Control Department of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Thailand, together with COBSEA. The Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Thailand Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MoNRE), the Director General of the Pollution Control Department (PCD) and the Director General of Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) of MoNRE addressed this inception workshop.

DMCR News / COBSEA Twitter




6th Session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6)

(© UNEP)

UNEA-6 adopted a landmark Oceans resolution on “Strengthening ocean efforts to tackle climate change, marine biodiversity loss and pollution” which invites Member States, the UNEP Executive Director and Secretariats of the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans, to implement priority actions for the oceans. UNEA-6 also provided an ideal opportunity to celebrate the 50th anniversary the UNEP Regional Seas Programmes, which is UNEP's most important regional mechanism for the conservation of the marine and coastal environment since its establishment in 1974. More info

2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference

(© UN Ocean Decade)

The 2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference “Accelerating Ocean Science Solutions for Sustainable Development” brought together over 1,300 participants in Bangkok during 22-25 April 2024 and highlighted advances on ocean science and marine management in the region. COBSEA, in collaboration with UNEP GEMS Ocean and UNESCO IOC, convened the UN Ocean Decade Action Workshop 7: Upscaling ocean observation, monitoring, and modelling for early warning in the East Asian Seas. More info

23rd Large Marine Ecosystems (LME23) Consultative Meeting

(© LME23)

Along with other UNEP and Regional Seas colleagues, COBSEA joined the 23rd Annual Large Marine Ecosystems (LME23) Consultative Meeting which was organized by GEF IW:LEARN during 4-6 June 2024 at UNESCO HQs in Paris. LME23 provides a global forum for proponents of GEF-funded projects and other marine and coastal practitioners, partner organizations and institutions. It contributes to the development of the LME partnerships by engaging marine, coastal management, biodiversity, and coastal climate change adaptation project leaders. More info

4th Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Dialogue

(© Convention on Biological Diversity_SOI)

From 11-14 June 2024, COBSEA joined the 4th Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Dialogue in Seoul, which was organized by the Secretariat of the Convention for Biodiversity, which brought together colleagues from Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans, as well colleagues from Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) and FAO. Under the theme ‘Catalyzing Regional Leadership in Implementing Major Global Frameworks for the Ocean: The Global Biodiversity Framework and the BBNJ Agreement’, COBSEA presented a consolidated update for Regional Cooperation in East, South and Southeast Asia on behalf of other regional partners, namely PEMSEA, SEAFDEC, BOB-IG and SACEP. In addition, COBSEA reported on implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework in the East Asian Seas region through COBSEA’s Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Framework. More info

Strategic collaboration with IUCN Asia Office

On 1 May 2024, the COBSEA team met with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Asia colleagues to discuss opportunities and synergies on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems, Marine Pollution, and Regional Ocean Governance. Possible collaboration for the IUCN 8th Asia Regional Conservation Forum (RCF), which serves as the leading platform for knowledge and partnerships in the region, bringing together key stakeholders in nature and biodiversity conservation, this September will also be explored. More info

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Marine Litter Monitoring Training and Surveys in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

In partnership with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability in Malaysia (NRES) and the Marine Institute of Malaysia (MIMA). COBSEA, through the SEA Circular Project, co-organised marine litter monitoring training hosted by the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, and survey sampling in the Terengganu area from 21-26 April 2024. This training contributed towards establishing a baseline for marine litter leakage across inland, river and coastal habitats.

Webinar: Regional Assessment on Marine Litter in the East Asian Seas

On 18 June 2024, COBSEA Secretariat with CSIRO, through the SEA Circular project, held a webinar on the Regional Assessment on Marine Litter in the East Asian Seas. The regional assessment is the first of its kind, providing harmonised on-the-ground evidence at a regional level. It will enable a comprehensive and holistic understanding of mismanaged plastic and will allow countries in the region to address sources, causes and drivers of pollution based on robust evidence and include recommended actions to prevent, manage, and track pollution effectively in line with the COBSEA RAP MALI. More info

Annual Review for the MA-RE DESIGN Project

With relevant stakeholders and partners from GiZ and WWF, COBSEA attended the Annual Progress Review Workshop for the MA-RE DESIGN Project on the 27 June 2024. The MA-RE-DESIGN project aims to prevent marine litter through the reduction, sustainable design, and recycling of plastic packaging, with a focus on Thailand. Discussions focused on ongoing activities and the project's development and highlighted emerging synergies between the outputs. More information

Meeting with Korea Maritime Institute (KMI)

(© KMI)

COBSEA Secretariat met with the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) in Busan, Republic of Korea, on 6 June 2024. Discussions focused on enhancing regional coordination and potential collaborative efforts to manage marine plastic litter, particularly addressing sea-based pollution in the East Asian Seas region. The discussions also included plans for joint knowledge-sharing and partnership events, including multi-stakeholder dialogues at the 2024 East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress in Xiamen from 6-8 November, and in preparation for the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committe (INC-5) on 25 November-December in Busan, Republic of Korea.

Workshop: Accelerating Investments for Plastic Circularity

COBSEA, in collaboration with ADB, organized a regional capacity-building workshop on accelerating investments for plastics circularity on 26-27 June 2024 in Jakarta, Indonesia. This workshop aimed to provide government officials from the nine COBSEA countries (Cambodia, People’s Republic of China, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam) with insights and strategies on financing plastic circularity projects. Discussions focused on government roles in creating enabling environments for policies and leveraging public and private sector finance across different scales to accelerate plastic circularity. More info

Webinar: Addressing Excess Nutrients, Sediments and Wastewater in the East Asian Seas

On 22 March 2024, COBSEA organized a webinar on Land-based marine pollution, including the impacts of nutrient waste, sediments, and wastewater in the East Asian Seas. An update of the draft strategy on Reducing Nutrient Excess in the Watersheds and Seas of East Asia (RENEWSEAS) was presented, in the lead up to COBSEA’s 26th Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM26). Nutrients, Sediments and Wastewater is highlighted as a priority area in COBSEA’s Strategic Directions 2023-2027. More info

COBSEA Ghost Gear Toolbox highlighted on World Oceans Day 2024

On World Oceans Day, 8 June 2024, a collaborative social media effort with the UNEP Asia Pacific Office highlighted COBSEA’s Ghost Gear Toolbox to raise awareness on Marine Litter and Ghost Gear prevention, mitigation, and management for the East Asian Seas region. The social media post, which attracted over 1,600 views within 24 hours, links COBSEA’s ghost gear tools, reports, case studies, and guidance videos (in 9 different languages from COBSEA region) available on the East Asian Seas Regional Node of the Global Partnership on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter (GPML) web platform.

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ADEX: Sustainable Diving Dialogue Transforming your business for a Blue Economy

On 14 April 2024, ADEX: Sustainable Diving Dialogue Transforming your business for a Blue Economy was chaired by UNEP COBSEA, organised by The Reef-World Foundation (Green Fins international coordinator) and hosted by UW360. It included a discussion with a series of panelists featuring leading industry leaders, movers and shakers representing examples of sustainable business models from dive centres, liveaboards, manufacturers, media, training agencies and conservationists. More info

Panel: Sustainable Blue Economy for the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand

On 23 April 2024, COBSEA moderated a panel on “Sustainable Blue Economy for the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand” , as part of the Special Forum organized by GEF South China Seas Strategic Action Programme (SCS-SAP) Project. The Special Forum panel provided an opportunity to bring together several sectors on sustainable blue economy (fisheries, tourism), tools (ecosystems valuation) and management practices (marine spatial planning), and regional frameworks, to brainstorm how Sustainable Blue Economy can be effectively promoted across the region. This Special Forum was part of the 2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference & 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference. More info

MPAth launched on World Oceans Day 2024

(© UNEP_MPAth)

On 8 June 2024, World Oceans Day, COBSEA joined the Marine Protected Area Tool Hub (MPAth) Launch Event, an innovative platform designed to bring empowerment, knowledge, and equitable access to practitioners and local stakeholders involved in marine protected area (MPA) design and management. COBSEA took part in the MPAth training, MPAth provides a comprehensive suite of tools, and information for those dedicated to marine environment protection.

Partnership with French Biodiversity Agency

On 17 May 2024, the Director for International Relations of the French Biodiversity Agency/ Office français de la biodiversité (OFB) visited the COBSEA office to discuss potential collaboration on COBSEA's Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (MCE) Framework, especially in the lead up to the third UN Ocean Conference in Nice, France in 2025. Discussions covered a network of Marine Protected Areas. BBNJ, GBF, amongst others. Colleagues from IUCN and UNESCAP were also invited to join these discussions. More info

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Climate Action at the 11th Asia-Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development (APFSD)

On 21 February, COBSEA and UNESCAP hosted a side event ‘Rising Tides: The Power of a Healthy Ocean to Accelerate Climate Action’ at the 11th APFSD to discuss the role of healthy marine and coastal ecosystems can play to store carbon and protect communities from climate impacts. More info

Ocean Based Climate Action at the 80th Commission Session of UN ESCAP

On 24 April 2024, COBSEA was invited to an official side event of the 80th Commission Session of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) entitled: Accelerating Ocean-based Climate Action. More info



COBSEA 26th Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM-26)

Sixth Meeting of the Working Group on Marine Litter (WGML-6) & Second Meeting of the Working Group on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (WGMCE-2)

21-25 October 2024 | Siem Reap, Cambodia

(© Kimchhen Lach, Serg Alesenko)

On 23-25 October 2024, COBSEA is organizing the 26th Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM-26) in Siem Reap, Cambodia, in coordination with Ministry of Environment, Cambodia. IGM26 will preceded by the sixth Meeting of Working Group on Marine Litter (WGML-6) and the second Meeting of Working Group on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (WGMCE-2) during 21-22 October.

SEA of Solutions 2024: Delivering actions to end plastic pollution

18-20 September 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand

(© SEA circular)

SEA of Solutions (SoS) is a flagship partnerships event towards solving plastic pollution at source. Since its launch in 2019, SoS has served as a platform for sharing best practices, fostering collaboration, and exploring solutions to address plastic pollution. SEA of Solutions is organized by SEA circular – an initiative by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA), with support from the Government of Sweden. More info /

Workshop: Regional Training on Marine Litter Monitoring: Advancing Data Analysis

15-17 September 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand

On 15 Sep 2024, COBSEA, in collaboration with CSIRO, through the SEA Circular project, will be organizing a webinar on the Regional Assessment on Marine Litter Monitoring in the East Asian Seas. The workshop will build capacity of participants to manage, interpret and analyse data to discover Marine litter hotspots and inform waste management, policies and interventions, and track their effectiveness. More info

BBNJ Agreement Capacity Building workshop

16-20 September 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand

(© UN Regional Workshop)

The Workshop for North-East and South-East Asia on the BBNJ Agreement will be organized by the UN Division for Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea (UN DOALOS) as part of the activities mandated under General Assembly resolution 77/321 to promote a better understanding of the BBNJ Agreement and to prepare for its entry into force. The workshop hosted by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok. More info

8th IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum

3-5 September 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand

(© IUCN)

The 8th IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum (RCF) will be held under the theme 'Reimagining Conservation in Asia: A Nature Positive Future'. Held every four years, the IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum (RCF) serves as the leading platform for knowledge and partnerships in the region, bringing together key stakeholders in nature and biodiversity conservation. About 500 representatives of Union constituents, partners and supporters will gather for the three-day event in Bangkok, Thailand.


The East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress

6-8 November 2024 | Xiamen, China

(© EAS Congress)

The East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress 2024 - Blue Synergy for a Shared Future: One Sustainable and Resilient Ocean will be held in collaboration with Xiamen World Ocean Week on 6-8 November 2024 in Xiamen, China.





GEF8 Clean and Health Oceans Integrated Programme (CHO-IP) Consultants


Marine Pollution Consultants


Trainee Secondment



Jimin Hong


From May to November 2024, Jimin supports COBSEA team as an intern based at UNEP HQs in Nairobi.

Jimin is supporting COBSEA's communication and programme focused on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems. With a strong interest in ocean conservation, biodiversity loss, Symbiocene, and sustainable death, Jimin will contribute to COBSEA's efforts to clean and healthy ocean.

Edward Benjamin Huntley Orellana


From June to December 2024, Edward will be supporting the COBSEA team as an intern based at UNEP HQs in Nairobi.

Edward has a background in biological sciences, with a passion for marine conservation and climate mitigation. With a keen interest in data science and environmental intelligence, Edward looks forward to applying data-driven approaches to further COBSEA ‘s mission.


Contact Us

UN Environment Programme

United Nations Building

Rajdamnern Nok Avenue

Bangkok 10200 Thailand

Tel: +66 2 288 1889

Fax: +66 2 280 3829




We look forward to consolidating our common efforts in the protection and conservation of the marine and coastal environment in the East Asian Seas region.

(C) 2024 UNEP COBSEA All rights reserved.