KC News Round Up Friday 19th April 2024

Welcome back!

It was lovely to welcome back staff and students this week, ready for another busy term full of learning, but also lots of fun!

Additionally, Chaplain Katie delivered a start of term KC Community Communion Service at St Peter's Church before school today. She hopes to have further Communion Services during the summer term, which everyone in the KC community will be welcome to attend.

Easter Sporting Successes

Over the holidays, our pupils and even staff members excelled themselves in a variety of sports.


Lucy in Year 10 competed in the Pegasus Invitational competition over the Easter break and won the Most Expressive Dance award for her floor routine.

She also competed a handspring vault over 120cm. This was a massive achievement for Lucy and we are thrilled with her performance.


Year 11's Laoise represented Ireland in the 4 Nations Hockey Tournament and scored a fantastic goal against Spain.


Seren in Year 7 competed as part of the Kent Team in the National Indoor Athletics finals in both the shot put and 4 x 100m relay, where they won gold.

Brighton Marathon

Over the holidays, Mrs Cox completed the Brighton Marathon! She finished in the top 26% for women in her age category, which is a fantastic achievement. Well done Mrs Cox!


Lyra and Arabella in Year 9 attended the Harlequins' Rugby Camp, while Nia in Year 12 played at the England U18 Centre of Excellence.


Poppy in the Upper Sixth came 8th at Poplar Park eventing competition. In the U18 90 at Munstead she also achieved a brilliant double clear! Additionally, Year 11's Esme came 4th in the Larkhill competition. She was awarded a score of 29 in the dressage and a good double clear.

In showjumping, Ella in Year 11 came 7th in the 1.10m at Hascombe, and also 8th at Golden Cross, qualifying for the second round.

Year 10 Geography Trip

At the end of last term, Year 10 Geography students braved the cold and windy weather to explore coastal management and ecosystems at Rye Harbour. They had a fascinating visit to Rye Nature Reserve and a talk on the biodiversity of the area. In the bird hide, students had a perfect view across the saltmarsh where they spotted some amazing birds including oystercatchers and avocets. They consolidated their learning on coastal management, identifying and discussing the importance of appropriate forms of defence for the area. After lunch, there was a visit to Camber Sands, where all had fun sledging in the sand dunes.

Freedom to Read Assembly

At the end of last term, Mrs Waller gave a fascinating assembly about the freedom to read. In some countries, books are often challenged in schools and public libraries, because some people find them to be inappropriate or offensive. KC students were surprised by some of the books that have been banned and the reasons why.

At KC we don't censor reading, but encourage students to read widely and and be critical. The display of banned books in the Library invites readers to make up their own minds.

Carnival of the Animals

There are only a few tickets remaining so make sure you book now!

HALO Lecture

Mrs Payne spoke to the HALO students on Wednesday about Social and Emotional Literacy and the importance of building these skills.

After a short demonstration of exercises that can be used to practise emotional literacy skills, students listened to why these skills are important. Emotional literacy gives us the ability to recognise, understand, handle and appropriately express our feelings, meaning we can manage relationships and be more effective in our learning. Students learned that there are five different aspects to emotional literacy. There are already lots of different places in KC where we are practising these skills, including PSHE, form times, ELSA sessions and when talking with Student Managers. The good news is we can all develop our skills!

The upcoming HALO lectures are on the following topics:

Please note that all pupils are welcome to attend HALO lectures, if they have an interest.

The Wellbeing Hub

These upcoming events and resources may be of interest:

  • Nutrition for concentration and performance with Tina Lond-Caulk, Author Speaker, and Nutritionist. Wednesday 24th April, 6:30pm. Book here to join.
  • Is your child struggling with negative body image? Body image is not how you look. Body image is how you think and feel about your body, your appearance, or your looks. Discover empowering tips to enhance their body confidence right here.

Have a great weekend!