
6th September 2024


Tuesday 10th September – Shaping the Future

Wednesday 18th September – Year 6 Space Workshop

Thursday 10th October – Tea & Talk: Nursery – meet the parents 8.50am

Thursday 10th October – Hello Yellow

Thursday 10th October – Open Evening for prospective parents

Friday 11th October – School Nursing team: Flu Immunisation (Reception – Year 6)

Friday 25th October – Half term – Collection at 3.10pm

Monday 11th November – Return to academy


Dear parents and carers,

A huge welcome back to a new academic year. I cannot wait for the year ahead and would like to start this year by thanking families and staff for making last year such a success.

Over summer the academy has been preparing for the year ahead. Staff engaged in training on Monday which included training with the asthma and allergy nursing team to support the health of our children. A reminder of our processes for medication and care plans is included within this week’s edition.

It has been smooth sailing at the start of the term with arrivals and readiness. Children and staff have spent time getting to know each other and building relationships through activities in class and interactions around the academy. There has been a wonderful community spirit.

Children are wearing their uniform with pride. Our year 6 children are also enjoying wearing their shirts and ties. The new Reception children also look delightful in their uniforms and we cannot wait to meet our final intake on Monday.

During assembly, we considered aims and aspirations for the year and I shared with the children the importance of having goals, hopes and dreams. I shared that we had set a bucket list challenge for summer and that I had completed some of my very own bucket list.

My bucket list included a road trip across Europe which included a visit to Colditz Castle where my grandfather (a prisoner of war) with other mass escapees and officers. Back in the UK, I enjoyed a Segway adventure in the New Forest, at an aqua park on and inflatable course and more adventures on my moped. Miss Wise also shared her bucket list to visit a volcano and to snorkel in the ocean during her visit to Lanzarote.

We have also been sharing the importance of positive attributes, such as: courage, kindness, trust, and justice. Staff and children have continued to think about these important attributes that we refer to as our 'rainbow words.’ The rainbow bucket travelled around the academy today spreading smiles amongst us all.

Our central staircase showcases the words, and our central WC block is having a splash of rainbow colour too.

Next week we have our annual 'Shaping The Future event' which also has a rainbow connection. The theme for the day is 'Imagination can shape the future'. Children will be engaging in a special assembly and those new to KS1 and KS2 will be part of our induction. The day is full of house team activities for children and staff to enjoy. Our reception children are holding their own mini Shaping the Future too.

Thank you to the PTA for the Wonkalicious sale last term, which ignited our imaginations for a special feature in this year’s Shaping the future including thanks to Stacey for the backdrop. A world full of imagination - a world of our own!

From chocolate to healthy schools!

We have updated our Healthy schools’ children’s policy. As an enhanced healthy school, we also promote healthy snacks and have a new children’s policy written collaboratively by staff and children. This week year six have read the policy within their reading lessons and shared their understanding of the importance of considering allergies of other children alongside their religious food customs. They were pleased to see a wide list of options for snack and Treat Tuesday.

Take a look at the key information further in this week’s newsletter which outlines snack options, why we are a nut free school and considerations for birthday treats and celebrations.

As you know, attendance is important to us and new processes have been placed within schools to raise attendance which includes support but also challenge to time taken out of school in term time. We have seen great strides in our attendance over the last few years. Thank you for your communication and efforts. This year we will continue to work together to make everyday count. A letter has been sent to parents and extracts will be included within this newsletter.

As always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls


For this academic year, 2024-25 we aim to:

  • Raise overall attendance figure to be above national
  • Reduce unauthorised absence*, including holidays in term time**
  • Respond to persistent absence patterns providing support and challenge

In addition to support those at risk of falling into this category

Persistent absence:

19.5 days absence in a school year = 90% attendance = persistent absence

20-23 days absence in a school year = 90+%-93% attendance = at risk of persistent absence

Absence and lateness must be communicated before 09:30am. The reason for absence/lateness must be given to the member of staff or voicemail. Detail of illness must be given.

Where a child misses morning registration due to an appointment the academy will record this as ‘Medical’ or ‘Late after registers close’ – these are both absent marks and attendance will be affected.

Punctuality at the start and end of day is also important. The academy routines and timetabling is carefully set with a prompt start to the day. Gate windows allow adequate time for children to arrive and leave punctually. Our meet and greet processes are valued and we recognise that late arrival can be unsettling for the children.

We will respond to patterns of lateness, both in the morning and afternoon, targeting repeated poor punctuality with meetings with the Senior Leadership Team.

Please follow the link to letter on our website explaining our process in more detail- Attendance Letter 2024.pdf (

Healthy Snacks

Promoting a healthy lifestyle is part of our curriculum and we recognise the importance of offering pupils the opportunity to make informed choices about what, when, and where they eat. We recognise the importance of Keeping a healthy body and mind, being well and taking a mindful minute.

Chewing gum, fizzy drinks and energy drinks are not acceptable while at school.

Please save treat food for home time or Treat Tuesday

We ensure that food in the academy acknowledges the ethical and medical needs of our community e.g. religious, vegetarian, medical and allergies. Some of our children have allergic reactions to nuts, some of which are life threatening, and for this reason we are a NUT FREE school. Please do not send in sandwiches or sweets that contain nuts in them.


Please provide the office with up-to-date information about your child’s medical needs. All care plans need to be shared with us and medications placed in a labelled container.


To ensure the safety of all children, we ask that children leave the grounds with their grownups. Children will be stopped at the gate if they are not accompanied by their adult. Please remind your child to walk/push their scooter or bikes.

Mobile phones must be put away and not used whilst on the academy grounds. This is to safeguard everyone.

Smoking, vaping or the use of e-cigarettes is not permitted anywhere within the academy grounds.

School Uniform

It is lovely to see the children back at school looking smart in their uniform. We are however seeing some inconsistencies around colour. We would like to remind you that black shorts, trousers, skirts or pinafore dresses should be worn, not grey. Polo tops and shirts should be blue, not white. In warmer weather, blue gingham dresses may be worn.

You can purchase our logo uniform from or you can purchase non-logo items from any high street retailer. We will communicate dates of our pre-loved uniform shop in due course.

Please follow the link for more information around about our uniform -


Clubs for this term will commence next week. Please be reminded that you can check the status of your child’s club membership through your MCAS account. If your child is on a waiting list for a club, this is also where you can see if they have been allocated a place. So please check regularly for updates as you are not alerted to any changes made.

Please take note of the club start date as some clubs are starting later than others and there have been some minor adjustments to Mrs Hahn’s chess club and Year 5 & 6 football. Please find the club timetable for the autumn term.

If your child decides that they no longer want to attend a club, please email and we can offer the place to the person next on the waiting list. If a child is absent without a reason for more than 2 weeks, their place will be offered to the next child.

You are also able to book on to our external clubs for Spanish, gymnastics and fencing. Please contact the providers directly should you have any questions.

Find-a-Class (

Menu change – Tuesday 10th September

Due to our annual Shaping the Future event, there will be a change to the menu on Tuesday 10th September.

• School dinner options are either margarita pizza, sweetcorn and wedges (RED) or tomato pasta with sweetcorn (GREEN). Dessert for both options will be a chocolate chip cookie




Jellyfish – 100%

Starfish – 97.7%


Penguin - 98.6%

Shrimp - 96.1%


Victoria – 98.9%

Coral - 98.1%

Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
