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MKA Newsletter Finland | Aug - Oct 2024

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The Holy Quran

(Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 278)


(Sahih Muslim Volume 3, Hadees No. 1056)

Friday Sermon

Brief Summary of Friday Sermon 22nd November 2024

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) said that he would continue to mention about the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah.

His Holiness(aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes:

‘Upon reaching the valley of Hudaibiyah, the Holy Prophet settled next to its water well. When the companions had set up camp, a renowned chieftain from the Khuza‘ah tribe named Budail bin Warqa, who resided in a nearby region, came to meet the Holy Prophet(sa) with some of his associates and said, “The people of Makkah are ready for war and they shall never let you enter Makkah.” The Holy Prophet(sa) responded:

“We have not come with the intention of war, rather, we have only come to perform the ‘Umrah. Alas, despite the fact that the fire of war has burnt them to dust, they still do not refrain from fighting. I am even prepared to settle a truce with them so that they may cease war against me, and leave me free for the others. If however, they reject this proposal of mine and insist on keeping the fire of war aflame, then I also swear by His name in Whose hand is my life, that I shall not retreat from this battle, until I die in this cause, or God gives me victory. If I am faced with defeat in this battle, then so ends the story, but if God grants me victory, and the religion that I have brought is given dominance, then the people of Makkah should not hesitate in believing in me.”

Budail bin Warqa was greatly moved by this sincere and earnest address. He requested the Holy Prophet(sa), “If you grant me some respite, I shall go to Makkah and convey your message, so as to seek reconciliation.” The Holy Prophet(sa) permitted him to do so and Budail set out to Makkah with a few of his associates.

When Budail bin Warqa reached Makkah, he gathered the Quraish and said, “I have come from that man (i.e., Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (sa)), [it was a custom of the Arabs that in such situations when speaking of a well-known person, instead of referring to his name, the words ‘this person’ or ‘that person’ were used] and he has presented to me a proposal. If you permit me, shall I present it to you?” Upon this, the vehement and irresponsible people among the Quraish began to say, “We shall not listen to anything he has to say.” However, the influential and trusted people among the Quraish said, “Yes, inform us of the proposal.” As such, Budail repeated the proposal of the Holy Prophet(sa). Upon this, a man named ‘Urwah bin Mas‘ud, who was a very influential chieftain of the tribe of Thaqif, and was present in Makkah at the time stood up. In the ancient Arabian manner, he began to say, “O Ye people! Am I not like a father unto you?” They responded in the affirmative. He said, “Are the lot of you not as my sons?” Again, they responded in the affirmative. Then ‘Urwah said, “Do you doubt me in any way?” The Quraish responded, “Not at all!” He said, “Then it is my view that this man (i.e. Muhammad(sa) has presented an excellent proposal. You should accept this proposal and I request that you allow me to go to Muhammad(sa) in order to further discuss this proposal.” The Quraish said, “Certainly. Go and discuss this proposal.”’

His Holiness(aba) said that he would continue mentioning these details in the future.

Also, His Holiness(aba) said that as everyone is aware, the conditions even in Europe are rapidly progressing towards war. There is an increasing threat of the Ukraine-Russia war spreading and other European nations are being threatened. Most intelligent and peace-seeking leaders are worried by this state of affairs. In any case, pray that Allah the Almighty protects Ahmadis and all those who seek peace against the ill effects of these things. May these people not use such weapons in this war that will negatively impact future generations.

His Holiness(aba) also urged prayers for Muslim nations; may Allah the Almighty grant them reason and understanding and enable them to recognise the truth. His Holiness(aba) also drew attention to the fact that due to the manner in which the state of affairs has rapidly deteriorated and continues to deteriorate, although people are already aware, he wished to draw attention once again to the fact that everyone should strive to keep rations for 2-3 months in their homes. However, most importantly, everyone should strive to draw nearer to God, to attain His pleasure and to strengthen their relationship with Him. May Allah enable us to do so.

Full Summary

Nikah and Purpose of Marriage: Source of the Continuation of Human Species

Nordic Sports Tournament

By the grace of Allah and with the prayers of Huzur e Anwar MABHH, Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland was able to organise this year’s Nordic Sports Tournament on 14-15th of September, 2024, Alhamdulillah.

A total of 38 khuddam from other Nordic countries (19 from Norway, 14 from Sweden and 5 from Denmark) came to Finland to participate in this tournament.


• Guests started arriving from Thursday 12th of September. For them, a short city tour was also arranged on Friday afternoon. These guests included 6 khuddam from Norway, one from Denmark and one from the Finnish city Oulu. The trip started after the Friday sermon of Hazoor e anwar MABHH.

• Firstly, the guests had a chance to visit Mall of tripla, the biggest shopping mall of Nordics where the guests had a chance to treat themselves with ice cream. The guests were then taken to the main city center where they visited the Helsingin Tuomiokirkko, allas sea pool, Helsinki eye, Helsinki Rautatieasema. Guests also took pictures in front of these places. After walking through the whole city center for about half an hour, the guests ended up at the Oddi library where they played chess and some other board games. Then all returned back to Masjid.

• A total of 54 Khuddam from Finland participated in this tournament and most of them not only participated in sports competitions, but also efficiently handled all other matters including hospitality, accommodation and transport.

• This year, six sports competitions were included in the tournament, namely, cricket, football, volleyball, table tennis, tug-of-war and wrist grabbing. Countries could have up-to two teams per sports competition. In football, volleyball and tug-of-war, teams were split into 2 groups and the top 2 teams from both groups played in the semi-finals and then the finals whereas cricket, table tennis (doubles) and wrist grabbing were the knock-out games.


The tournament started on Saturday morning with a short inaugural session that was held in the recently owned first Ahmadiyya mosque on Finnish soil. This session included recitation of the Holy Quran, Khuddam Ahad, Nazam, a short welcome by Sadr Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Finland and a speech by Missionary In-charge Shahid Mahmood Kahloon sb. After the silent prayers, all khuddam left for the sports hall.


• In the sports hall, the tournament kicked off with exciting football groups matches between the different Nordic teams.

Football Group A consisted of Finland A, Denmark and Norway B. While Group B included Norway A, Sweden and Finland B. After the group matches, the first football semi-final was played between Finland A and Sweden and the second semi-final between Norway A and Norway B. After the semifinals, a thrilling final match was played between Sweden and Norway A, with Norway defeating Sweden with 2–1 goal to claim the title and Sweden finishing as runners-up.

• After the football final, the cricket competitions started. Alongside the cricket matches, there were also table tennis (doubles) and wrist-grabbing competitions happening simultaneously.

• At 2:00 PM, a break was taken during which Zuhr and Asar prayers were offered in the sports hall followed by lunch. After lunch, cricket matches resumed. All cricket games were of 6-overs knockouts that provided a fast-paced thrilling play.

• In table tennis competitions, a total 8 teams including 2 teams from each country participated. Teams of Norway A and Sweden B reached the final, in which Norway A won the title of table tennis doubles winner.

• Wrist grabbing competitions started with the knockouts rounds between 16 individual players, 4 from each country. After the elimination rounds, the first semi-final was played between Rizwan Dogar sb and Adnan Bhatti sb of Finland, which was won by Rizwan Dogar. Similarly, the second semi-final was played between Faris Dar from Norway and Ibrahim Ahmed from Sweden and Ibrahim won the semi-final. The best-of-three final match was played between Rizwan Dogar (Finland) and Ibrahim Ahmad (Sweden). Sweden's Ibrahim Ahmed won 2-0 to claim the title of the wrist-grabbing winner.

• The last competition of the first day was tug of war. It was a test of teamwork and strength, with teams pulling with all their might. The competition was fierce, with each team giving their best effort to outlast their opponents.

• After the group matches, Finland A competed against Norway A in the first semi-final while Finland B played against Denmark in the other semi-final. Both semi-finals were won by Finnish teams and then the final was played between Finland A and Finland B in a best-of-three final, with Finland A winning 2-1 and Finland B the runner-up.

The day ended with Maghrib Isha prayers followed by the dinner.


The second day was started at 10:00 AM with volleyball matches in another sports facility.. First the group matches. After the group stage games, Norway A played the first semi-final against Finland A while Sweden A played against Finland B in the second semi-final. The best-of-three volleyball final was played between Sweden A and Finland A, which Finland A won 2-1 to claim the title of the volleyball this year.


After the volleyball competition, all khuddam returned to Masjid and food was served after the Zuhr and Asar prayer. The concluded session included the recitation of the Holy Quran, Khuddam Ahad, Nazam and prizes distribution. Commemorative shields were also presented to the guest countries. After the prize distribution ceremony, Respected Ataul Ghalib sb, National President Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Finland delivered a short concluding speech where he thanked all participants and volunteers.

Majority of the guests left for their home countries in the same evening.


• We are deeply grateful to the 14 volunteers from Majlis Ansarullah Finland who graciously took on the responsibilities of food preparation and umpiring during the tournament. Their dedication and hard work were truly auspicious and greatly appreciated.

• Alhamdulillah, all the guests from other Nordic countries appreciated the teamwork, dedication and hospitality of the Finland Jammat and appreciated all the arrangements.

Tableegh stall

A Tabligh stall was arranged at Keskuskatu 7, Helsinki by the Tabligh department on 3rd of August. In which 8 khuddam and 1 nasir participated and:

  • 14 people visited the stall
  • 6 books were distributed among the visitors.
  • 14 broachers were distributed.

Another tabligh stall was arranged at Keskuskatu 7, Helsinki by the Tabligh department on 17th of August. In which:

  • 7 people visited the stall
  • 2 books were distributed among the visitors.
  • 3 broachers were distributed.

Open Religions Day

On August 21st, from 12:00 to 22:00, our Helsinki Namaz Center was opened for visitors. During this time, approximately 30 people visited the center. Throughout the day, various khuddam took part in ensuring the security of the event at different intervals.

Maal Week

In August, Maal Week was organized from the 26th to the 31st. During this week, people were informed about the significance of financial sacrifices and the rewards bestowed by Allah for such acts.

Ijlas e aam

On September 8, MKA Ijlas e Aam was held at the Helsinki Namaz Center. Khuddam from the greater Helsinki region participated in this event physically and other khuddam participated via an online link. The program commenced with the speech of the Missionary In-charge Shb of Finland. Following that, a nazam was presented by Somaan Ahmad shb. After that, the National President of Jamat Ahmadiyya Finland, Ataul Ghalib Shb, delivered a compelling speech. The session concluded with the speech of National Sadar MKA, Freed Ahmad Shb.

Those who were not able to take part in this Ijas E Aam physically or by online link can view the proceeding follow:

Taleem Exam Result

By the grace of Allah, MKA Finland organised the Taleem exam on 26th of September 2024. May Allah increase them in knowledge, Ameen. Following are the top three position holders in the Taleem Exam:

Ashra Salat

From 11 - 20th October, Ashra salat was organized by the Tarbiyat department. The targets of the ashra were the following:

  • Offer daily prayers on time and in congreggation.
  • Write a letter to Huzur (MABHH) specially for improvement in your dailly prayers.
  • Reciting the Holy Quran Daily.
  • Offer at least 1 prayer in your nearest Namaz Centre.
  • Motivate your family and spread the quotes shared by department of Tarbiyyat on your social media.

Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya Finland - National Ijtema 2024

Alhamdulillah, by the sheer grace and blessings of Allah the Almighty and the prayers of Huzor-e-Anwar MABHH, the 8th annual Ijtema of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya Finland was successfully held on October 19, 2024. A total of 18 Atfal, 15 Khuddam, 7 Ansar, and 3 children participated in the Ijtema.

This year, the Ijtema included six academic competitions (Husn-e-Qirat, Nazm, Adhan, Urdu Speech, Hifz-e-Quran, Qaseeda) and six sports competitions (Football, Arm Wrestling, Darts, Race, Musical Chairs, Relay Race) for both Myar-e-Sagheer and Myar-e-Kabeer.

The Ijtema began on Saturday morning at the Helsinki Prayer Center with a short opening session. This session included the recitation of the Holy Quran, Atfal Pledge, Nazm, and an inaugural speech by the Missionary In-charge of Finland, Shahid Mahmood Kahloon Sahib. Soon after the silent prayers, the academic competitions started, followed by lunch at 12:45 PM. After lunch, the Myar-e-Kabeer had a darts competition, and Myar-e-Sagheer had a musical chairs competition. At 1:30 PM, Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered at the center. Around 2:00 PM, all Atfal and parents went to the sports field for the sports competitions, including 100-meter and 200-meter races, relay races, and football matches. After these games, everyone returned to the prayer center for the final competition of arm wrestling. The closing session began around 5:00 PM, which included the recitation of the Holy Quran, Atfal Pledge, Nazm, a brief concluding address by the Missionary In-charge sahib of Finland, prize distribution. After the silent prayers, the day concluded with dinner followed by Maghrib and Isha prayers.

Broacher Distribution

Majlis Khuddam ul Ahamdiyya Finland organized broacher distribution on 26th and 27th of October, from 10-13 at Mesuskeskus Helsinki. In which:

  • 10 Khuddam participated in the broacher distribution.
  • A total of 350 broachers were distributed on both days.

Namaz Center Shifting

During the month of October, many khuddam, ansaar and itfaal participated in the shifting from Helsinki Prayer Center to the newly purchased mosque.On Sunday 27th October, the final shifting started at 12:00 and ended around 20:00. After the maghrib and esha prayer, refreshment was served.


Following are the names of members of National Amla MKA Finland who are serving for the year 2024-25 starting from 1st of November 2024 after being approved by Huzoor e Anwar MABHH.

Solar Well In Africa

As you all know Huzoor e Anwar (MABHH) instructed Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland to donate atleast 1 mini solar well in Africa, which costs around 3500 euros. The target of last year was fulfilled on time.

It is requested that all Khuddam, kindly try their best to take part in it so we can achive the goal. If each Khadim donates around 40€ then we can easily reach our target, Insh'Allah. For further details, you can contact Mohtamim Khidmat e Khalq, Jaree Ullah Shb.

Upcoming Events

  • Ashra WJ: 21st - 30th November
  • Taleem Class: Every Thursday @ 20:00
  • Maal Week: 2nd - 8th December
  • Khidmate Khalq Day: 8th December
  • Khuddam Kulu Jamia: 15th December
  • Tableeg day: 28th December from 12:00 - 16:00
  • MKA Ijlas e Aam: 29th December from 14:00 - 16:00
  • Ashra Tarbiyyat: 12th - 21st January
  • Khidmate Khalq Day: 12th January
  • Atfal Classes in Masjid:12th January from 11:00 - 15:00
  • Atfal Class (Online): Every monday from 13th January onwards at 18:00
  • MKA Maal Week: 1st - 7th February
  • Tableeg day: 8th February 12:00 - 16:00
  • MKA Ijlas e Aam: 9th February from 13:30 - 18:30

Published by the Department of Ishaat Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland
