
Newsletter 23/11/2023

This newsletter contains everything already planned for Christmas - but there will be more information to add as all our plans fall into place.

PTFA Step into Christmas for Reception - Year 6 (Sorry, not Nursery)

A reminder to pre-register child if you'd like them to come to the Step into Christmas event - link here.

Completing the form will ensure we know how many children to cater for and whether we will need to use additional rooms because of capacity in the main hall. The form will close first thing on Monday 27th November.

Please send in money (for the event and for the tuck shop) in an envelope clearly marked with your child's name which we will look after during the day and give back to the children at 3:30pm.

Children should not wear Christmas jumpers on November 30th - that will begin on December 1st.

Children are welcome to wear their Christmas jumpers to school any day throughout December. The wearing of Christmas jumpers is something the children have asked to do and we are more than happy to agree: given that many of them have Christmas jumpers and that they quickly they grow out them, our view is that they may as well get their wear out of them!

Please can parents be reminded, however, that children are expected to wear the bottom half of their uniform throughout.

The Christmas jumper / costume sale will be open in the infant building hall from 5pm, allowing you to pick up a bargain before collecting your child.

Staff will ensure that you will know if a costume is required for their concert before the 30th!

If you have any good quality costumes or jumpers to donate, we are collecting now, so please send them in.

Any left over items will be available after school in the infant hall on Friday 1st December.

Pantomime Trip Y1 - 6

We will be taking children in Years 1 - 6 to the Pantomime in Blackwood on Friday 15/12/23.

Years 1 - 3 will attend the morning performance and Years 4 - 6 the afternoon performance. More details to follow next week.

We are very grateful to our fabulous PTFA for providing a drink and bag of sweets for children.

There will be something special planned for Nursery and Reception too - more information to follow.

Christmas Concerts

This year we will only be hosting Nursery & Dosbarth Coch & Oren in the infant hall.

All other concerts will be held at Riverchurch on the Tram Road.

We are incredibly grateful to Pastor Dave and Riverchurch for welcoming us into their building for their concerts. Hosting at the church will allow us to provide accessible entrance and seating for all (something that we are unable to do with an upstairs hall and narrow corridors!).

All concerts will be £2 per person with money taken on the door. A ticket will be required for entrance to ensure that we do not exceed capacity. Booking forms will go out next week.

Anyone without a ticket will be asked to wait until everyone else has entered and will only be allowed entry if we have room.

Whilst we charge for the concerts, the money raised goes towards the drinks and treats at the Christmas parties, a cracker for Christmas Dinner (even if you're having sandwiches) and a Christmas Book (Father Christmas visits on party day to give these to our infant children).

This year the PTFA will be organising our Christmas raffle - more details to follow.

Christmas Party Day & Christmas Dinner - Wednesday 20/12/23

A form will go out soon to order Christmas Dinner so that our canteen staff can order the right amount of turkey & Christmas pudding (vegetarian & other desserts available) - please keep an eye out!

Children should come in party clothes for the whole day. Please, however, make sure that they are wearing shoes that are suitable for playing in the playground as they will be going out to play as normal. Similarly please do not send children into school wearing dangling Christmas earrings.

End / beginning of term

We will be finishing at normal time on the last day of term, Friday 23rd December. There are no training days planned so we look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday 8th January 2024.