Our MissIOn:
Centered in Christ and rooted in historical Catholic tradition, St. Cecilia strives to form missionary disciples and foster academic excellence in a culture of family.
MARCH 3, 2024
- March 6th - School Mass (March Missionary Disciple of the Month)
- March 8th - Student Prayer Service
- March 9th - Bluejay Bash (Fun Shoot, Cook-off, The Nest)
- March 10th - Daylight Savings Time (Be Sure to “Spring” Forward 1 Hour)
- March 12th-15th - Washington DC Trip (7th grade)
- March 20th - Mass for Dads
- March 29th - April 5th - Easter Break
- April 24th - Alumni Mass (Class of 2020)
- April 26th - 8th Grade Trip
- April 29th-May 3rd - Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 4th - Rockin with the Bluejays at Rock’n’Bowl
FROM THE Principal’s Desk
Dear Bluejay Family,
Today is the 3rd Sunday of Lent. We encounter a powerful scene in John 2:13-25 – The Cleansing of the Temple. This Gospel message emphasizes the importance of reverence, respect, and renewal. Just as Jesus cleansed the temple, we are called to cleanse our hearts and minds, ensuring that our actions and attitudes reflect the values of love, kindness, and compassion that are central to our faith.
At St Cecilia, we strive to create an environment where each student feels valued, respected, and supported in their academic and spiritual growth. We encourage them to emulate the example of Jesus by treating others with dignity while also acknowledging the necessity of accountability and corrective actions.
Let us use this Gospel passage as a reminder to approach each day with reverence and mindfulness, recognizing the presence of God in all aspects of our school life. Each day is a new opportunity to be inspired by Jesus' example. May we navigate challenges and conflicts with love, respect, and accountability, but also with forgiveness. Together, let us continue to foster a community where we can grow closer to God and one another.
Grace and Peace,
Erin B. Henry
“Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.”
-Romans 12:2
National Beta Club Week
The St. Cecilia Beta Club is excited to celebrate National Beta Club Week with the students of SCS. We will celebrate March 4-8. Each day of the week, students may wear ONE accessory that fits the letter of the day. On Monday - B - students may wear one accessory that begins with the letter B (belt, baseball hat, bandana, etc.) On Tuesday - E - students may wear one accessory that begins with the letter E (earrings, eye patch, ear muffs, etc.) On Wednesday - MASS UNIFORM On Thursday - T - students may wear one accessory that begins with the letter T (tutu, tiara, tie etc.) On Friday - A - students may wear one accessory that begins with the letter A (argyle socks, animal print, etc.) Please keep in mind that the accessory should be able to be removed if needed. All students are included!
Friday Silence for Jesus Lunch
Every year our students reverence Fridays in Lent by having silent lunch in the cafeteria. This extra sacrifice is a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus offered for us on Good Friday. To that end, we ask parents to not come to lunch with your child on Fridays in Lent. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation in this small sacrifice.
Finance Office
If you need your 2023 tuition/fee payment records for tax purposes, you may print this directly from your FACTS account.
- The easiest way to access this information is from Parent Portal.
- Once you are in your account, click the Financial tab, then click Financial Home. This will take you to your FACTS account.
- From the FACTS Home Page, click “View Details” located on the right hand side.
- You should find the information you need under the View Payment Summary or Payments Made tab depending on what you need to print.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Marsha Granger at mgranger@scsbluejays.org or call 337-837-1864, ext. 222.
Spring Portraits March 7th
Spring portraits will be Thursday, March 7th. Come in your spring best. More details coming soon on approved attire.
We cannot wait to see YOU at Bluejay Bash this Saturday, March 9. Make it a day or just stop by - we would love to see you there!
- Wilderness Gun Club
- 7 Tuerlings Drive - Lafayette, Louisiana 70501
- Sporting Clay Flight Begins 9:00 AM
- The Nest Opens 10:00 AM
- Cook Off Tasting Begins 10:30 AM
- Bluejay Raffle Winners Chosen and The Nest Closes 2:00 PM
- Silent Auction Closes 2:30 PM
Our incredible silent auction is LIVE. Get your bids in until bidding closes on March 9 at 2:30. View auction items at Bluejay Bash. Click HERE to browse and bid.
Nominations Needed
The St. Cecilia Advisory Council is a committee of individuals with diverse career backgrounds and experiences that serves to advise the Principal and Pastor in school matters of policy and planning. Elected members are SCS parents who serve terms of 3 years. They may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
We are incredibly grateful to Mr. Gerard Plauche and Mr. Chuck Soprano for their six years of service on the Advisory Council. Their knowledge and experience have proven invaluable in serving our school’s mission. We are currently accepting nominations to fill their two seats. As we enter into long-range planning, we do have particular needs in the areas of finance, construction, and project management. If you or someone you know is interested in serving, please prayerfully consider sending your nomination to ehenry@scsbluejays.org by Wednesday, March 13.
Personnel Changes
As the third quarter nears its end, we are planning for the new school year. It is with mixed emotions that I announce a few changes to our personnel for next year.
Mrs. Claire Lasseigne (5th grade ELA and social studies) is currently out on maternity leave. She has expressed a desire to remain home with their new addition but plans to stay connected as the mother of 7th and Pre-K Bluejays. She will be back to finish this school year.
Ms. Melissa Silva (Spanish) shared her great love of SCS and its students. However, she is getting married soon and also wants to focus on family in the upcoming year. Though she has only been with us a year, she has been a bright and joyous light on our campus.
As much as Ms. Amy Grace Berzas (Art) loves St. Cecilia, she wants time to pursue her passion for creating. She earned her degree in Fine Arts with a concentration in Pottery, and she has donated a few beautiful pieces to our silent auctions in her time with us.
Last, but certainly not least, as we embark on our cafeteria expansion project and look toward a capital campaign with more facilities improvements, we are in need of a full-time Facilities Manager. Mr. Tracy Johnson has served us well in his part-time capacity, but full-time is simply not in his plan. He will transition to a different role nearby once we find someone who can fill his shoes full-time.
It is always bittersweet to bid farewell to members of our school community, but it is also a time for reflection on the impact they have made during their time here. We are grateful for each of these talented individuals and the gifts they have shared so generously. As they embark on new journeys and adventures, let us keep them in our prayers, wishing them nothing but success and fulfillment in all their future endeavors.
SCS Mass
This week’s Mass is Wednesday at 8:30 and will be hosted by Beta Club. There is limited seating in church, the choir loft, Narthex and PLC. You can also join us online at shbroussard.org/live or the St. Cecilia Facebook page.
SCS Mass Music
- Processional: “I Could Sing of Your Love Forever”
- Offertory: “God So Loved”
- Communion: “Remembrance”, “My Father’s House”
- Recessional: St. Michael Prayer (no song during Lent)
The Desert of Lent
Week three is halfway through the desert of Lent. To echo Fr. Michael's last school Mass homily, how is Lent going for you? Are you growing closer to Jesus during this season or is it still just the same routine? It's never too late to start or restart a penance. Allow yourself to be uncomfortable and connect your suffering to His. Let's continue to pray for each other as we approach the holiest week of the year.
Formation Night
Take your faith formation to the next level! Fr. Mario Romero, will teach us about "The Big Picture of Biblical Catholicism" at our upcoming Formation Night.
Thursday, March 7
- 5:30PM: Refreshments in the One Heart Building
- 6:00PM: Talk in the One Heart Building
- Childcare will be available.
Student Prayer Service (PreK-2nd)
Friday, March 8, 7:30 a.m. in the gym
Service Hours
Reminder that these are due March 12!
Lent Reflections
Curriculum and Instruction
We will be conducting test talks in grades 6-8 the week of March 11. The 3 main topics we will be focusing on are:
- Standardized Testing
- STAR Testing
- Extra curricular eligibility at St. Cecilia and beyond
Please be on the lookout for an email during this week giving more information on what the discussion entailed.
The end of the quarter is coming up. Please make sure to have your AR points and service hours completed by Tuesday, March 12. Keep up the great work Bluejays!
Bluejay Bash is March 9th at the Wilderness Gun Club.
A family friendly event with a skeet shoot, cook off, and The Nest- a fun kids’ area filled with games, crafts, and an interactive DJ.
Many opportunities to support our biggest fundraiser of the year through sponsorship, shoot or cook teams, or just attending.
Rockin’ with the Bluejays will be May 4th at Rock n Bowl. Get your babysitters ready as this is one for the adults only. Mark your calendars. A limited number of tickets will go on sale March 18th.
Dear Bluejay Family,
Baseball and softball are at the halfway point of their seasons. We had a cool week of both this week with temperatures feeling like football weather. We had our League Meeting for the remaining sports left on the calendar. We are hoping to finish strong again like last year. If you are planning on coaching during the summer for football, volleyball, and cross country, please check your Safe Environment status. In order to coach kids at SCS, you must be initially trained, fingerprinted, and renewed annually. If you have any questions, please contact Brandi Badeaux at bbadeaux@scsbluejays.org. There will be an initial training on Wednesday, April 10th at 6:00 pm. I will confirm the location as it gets closer.
Monday, February 26th
- 6th grade baseball vs. Fatima- L
- 8th grade baseball vs. St. Genevieve- L
- 5th grade baseball vs. Cathedral- L
- 7th grade baseball vs. Ascension- L
Tuesday, February 27th
- 7th grade baseball vs. ESA
- 7/8th grade softball vs. St. Pius- W
- 5/6th grade softball vs. Cathedral- L
Wednesday, February 28th
- 5/6th grade softball vs. Rayne Catholic- W
Thursday, February 29th
- 6th grade baseball vs. Vermilion Catholic- L
- 7/8th grade softball vs. Catholic High– W
- 7th grade baseball vs. ESA- W
- 8th grade baseball vs. St. Pius- L
Registration is underway for swimming, track, tennis, and golf and will close this week. These dates are informational so that you can plan the rest of the year. The tentative schedule for the rest of the season is as follows:
- Swimming- March 11th to May 8th
- Golf- March 26th to May 9th
- Track- April 2nd to May 10th
- Tennis– April 4th to May 9th
In an effort to improve our athletic programs at St. Cecilia, it was felt that a comprehensive athletic handbook was needed. This handbook affects players, coaches, parents, and fans. Parent/guardian completion of this form and adherence to the rules and regulations outlined in the handbook are requirements for participation in athletic programs at St. Cecilia School. The link below will take you to the handbook. It is also on the school website for reference as well. Thank you all for your continued support of SCS Athletics.
For those that have already completed the acknowledgement form, and want to refresh themselves on the rules and regulations, please follow the link below.
****We are so proud of our SCS 7/8th Grade football, 5th Grade White and 7th Grade volleyball teams' fantastic accomplishments this fall. We can now officially celebrate our championships in volleyball and football by purchasing apparel from Action Specialties. These are school approved and can be worn as part of the school uniform. There is a tab on the top horizontal bar for championship apparel. Thanks again for your support of SCS Athletics!
***Thank you for your support of SCS Athletics! To keep up with the schedule for our Bluejays, please follow the link below. Admission into League games are $6 for adults and $1 for kids. SCS staff and students are admitted free.
Have a blessed day,
Scott Boudreaux
Athletic Director
St. Cecilia School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, or national or ethnic origin, in its admission policies or educational programs.