Our Mission: North Carolina Cooperative Extension partners with communities to deliver education and technology that enrich the lives, land and economy of North Carolinians.
Cabarrus County 4-H
Summer Fling
Summer Fling has quickly come to an end. We had over 15 classes this summer. We were able to partner with so many individuals to make this summer great and we are thankful for everyone that made this summer possible. We were able to offer a wide range of camps this summer from sewing to farm to folk. All our camps provided youth with unique experiences. We look forward to next year. If you have any feedback for 2024 please complete the survey below.
Please contact 4-H Agent, Molly Kleman with any questions about Cabarrus County 4-H.
Cabarrus County Family and Consumer Sciences
Food Preservation season continued in July as hands-on Tomato and Salsa Food Preservation Classes were offered at both evening and afternoon sessions. Classes utilized locally grown tomatoes, and the boiling water bath canning method, to complete the tomatoes and salsa. Residents also continued to bring their dial gauge pressure canners to have them tested for accuracy to ensure safe pressure canning .
The Teaching Kitchen smelled delicious as the Breads Galore hands-on bread making classes were offered in July as participants made a variety of quick breads and learned new baking skills.
Cabarrus County Extension and Community Association (ECA) supports family and consumer programs and community projects. A large delegation of Cabarrus ECA members attended the NC State ECA Annual Meeting in Asheville on July 15. Local ECA members earned South Central District Cultural Arts honors and their hand work was featured in the State Cultural Arts Contest. Cabarrus County ECA earned The Gold Award of Excellence at the State ECA Meeting. Following the State Meeting , NC ECA hosted the National Volunteer Outreach Network Meeting in Asheville July 16-19. Cabarrus member Joyce Kluttz served as Program Chairman of the NVON Meeting, and ECA members Barbara Looney and Brenda Long taught Craft Classes as part of the educational workshops.
We invite adults to "Save the Date" on Wednesday, November 13, for our very popular holiday educational program "Holiday Creations" which will be offered in the Cabarrus Rooms of the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center at 9:30am. Participants will enjoy a Charcuterie Board Demonstration, and a demonstration on Holiday Appetizers, sampling hot chocolate and tea, and ideas for easy decorations. Participants are invited to bring canned goods to donate to a local food pantry or school supplies to donate to an area school. Advance registration and payment may be made on line, through the mail, or at an inside drop box at the Extension Office.
Please contact FCS Agent, Pam Outen with any questions about Food, Health and Nutrition: pamela_outen@ncsu.edu or 704-920-3310
Cabarrus County
Livestock and Field Crop
October 12th Cabarrus County Livestock Show.
Rules: https://go.ncsu.edu/cabcolivestockshow2024
Registration: https://forms.gle/rYGtMQGPcWKQ5rRV9
Poultry Judging
Junior 4-H Members Abigail Peterlin and Catherine Clark competed at the State 4-H Poultry Judging Competition. They judged meat cuts, eggs, and live birds. They successfully and confidently competed amongst a big group. Big thanks also to intern Mikayla Daniels for helping train them!
Please contact Livestock and Field Crop Agent, Sarah Newman with any questions: sarah_newman@ncsu.edu or 704-920-3310