
Young Life Africa | Middle East GO. SEE. ENGAGE.

Join Young Life Africa | Middle East for a special Vision Trip!

Experience. From bargaining with locals in the craft market to stalking the Big Five on safari – join us for a once-in-a-lifetime African adventure. Experience the continent’s natural beauty, culture and cuisine while seeing God at work in the lives of kids, families & leaders in Young Life communities.

Explore. Join a special group as we gather in Nairobi, Kenya, for two days of orientation and sightseeing. From there, we will form smaller teams and visit Young Life communities in either Kenya or Uganda. Our adventure culminates as we gather back together for a three-day Masai Mara Safari at one the top game reserves in Africa.

Engage. God is moving across the continent of Africa and in the hearts of teenagers and we believe that He can use us, in partnership with our African brothers and sisters, to reach more kids and their families with the love of Jesus Christ.

Each participant will be invited to consider partnering with the Young Life Area they visit.

Trip Dates: October 29 - November 7, 2024*

*other dates available

Cost: $2,900 per person, does not include airfare from U.S. to Nairobi

Trip Information:

1. Pre-Trip Preparation. A little front-end preparation will ensure that your travel experience is maximized. Using the materials in our Young Life Orientation packet and participating in pre-departure group calls will help insure you are adequately prepared for a life-changing experience.

2. Arrival in Nairobi, Kenya. Participants will make their own flight arrangements, arriving in Nairobi on October 29, where you will be met at the international airport by your Young Life hosts. We will transit by bus/van to the Safari Park Hotel (www.safaripark-hotel.com/) where you will have the remainder of the afternoon for rest and relaxation. Welcome Dinner. Our ‘African Adventure’ officially begins at 7:00pm with a ‘Welcome Dinner’ hosted by the Young Life Team.

3. Day 2 & 3 - Orientation. Day 2 and 3 will be devoted to orientation and cultural experiences. Our morning sessions will focus on introductions to Young Life Africa, Church in African Communities; and Cultural Etiquette. Optional afternoon sightseeing activities include: Karen Blixen Estate & Museum; Langata Giraffe Center and shopping at a local Craft Market.

4. Day 4 - 8: Travel to Uganda or stay in Kenya and visit Young Life communities. Lodging is provided in secure, clean, locally run guesthouses in the vicinity of local ministry communities. As we get ‘up close and personal’ with these communities, we will gain a better understanding of how God is at work through Young Life in modern day Africa. The types of Young Life ministries we may visit include: Contact Work, Club, Camp & Campaigners. On Sunday we will worship in a local African Church and engage with local pastors.

7. Day 9-11: Travel back to Kenya for a world-class Safari Debrief in the Masai (www.serenahotels.com/mara). In addition to daily game drives, wonderful cuisine and unique accommodations, our Safari Debrief allows us to reflect on our African experience, consider concrete opportunities for future involvement, while preparing for re-entry to our busy stateside lives.

9. Day 11: Return to Nairobi and then transfer to the international airport for evening departures to the U.S. or other destinations.

Spectacular Safari

International airfare not included. Includes ground transportation, meals, and lodging, and activities. Cost is per person, single occupancy. Does not include visas, tips and other personal travel related expenses.

For more information, contact John Thompson at jpthompson@intl.younglife.org or Matt Ward at rmward@intl.younglife.org.

Tina Atkinson, YL Africa/Middle East Expeditions, tatkinson@younglife.org or (520) 730-9813.

YLX Travel, LLC & CA registered seller of travel, 212739-50 serves Expeditions participants in their travel needs.