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OLL Faculty Support Resources With Dr. Sarah M Ray

Thank you for agreeing to teach for the OLL program as an Instructor!

Whether you are teaching on-campus (synchronously) or online (synchronous and asynchronously) the goal is to facilitate and foster active learning in the classroom.


You will receive access the following materials by clicking on the link to your assigned course: Syllabus, BB Course Package, BB Resources, Semester Class Session Schedule, OLL Faculty Guidelines.

FIRST: Access the link to the course you have been assigned to teach to find the materials for your course.

Core Courses


SECOND: Download the materials to your computer from the google folder. Do not change or take anything out of the shared google folder. In your google folder you will find the following items.

1. Syllabus – Faculty should modify before sharing with students. I recommend that you plan a total of 2-5 hours to adjust the course syllabus to meet your class needs. Align your BB course to mirror your syllabus.

2. BB course package - This package includes content for you to sort through and adjust according to your course plan, so you do not have to start from scratch. I recommend that you plan a total of 2-5 hours to adjust the course package to meet your class needs. I highly encourage you to complete a BB workshop as you prepare your class. (Alternatively, if you have taught a course in the past, you can export your previously updated course and import it to your new new course; see video below).

3. Class Sessions Schedule (update using the academic calendar and based on how you organize engagement for your class) - This is a useful tool if you are teaching online. Add engagment details for the 15 sessions (14 sessions if teaching during the summer) that makeup each semester and then share this with the class to help them understand what to expect each week. Here is a link to the GW Academic Calendar.

Other Resources:

1. BB Resources Click here for Blackboard Support for instructors.

2. OLL Faculty Guidelines - These are provided for the OLL Program here and for GWU part-time faculty here.

Using a course package from a previous semester:

Teaching Resources

Get comfortable with your technology:

Blackboard - Teams - Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft 365, etc. You have access to so many tech programs and resources to enhance your work as a teaching professional. Please utilize your tech resources and support provided by GW: 202-994-GWIT (4948) and/or

Support your students research and writing:

In this program students will communicate their ideas and learning through writing, presentations, and group work. You can engage with students in various ways including Web-meetings, Project Consultations, Reading and Reflection Groups (R&R), and Peer Review to promote reflective practice and critical thinking. Support their learning with writing and library resources at the Academic Commons.

Social and Emotional Support for Students:

Students may need support outside the classroom environment. The CARE team is here to help if you have concerns about a students wellbeing. Student services includes important dates, career services as a student and for alumni.

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Other Faculty FAQs

Find answers to your questions about Campus Emergencies, Academic Scheduling, Grading, and Recommendations

See you soon!
