Forden School 9th february 2024


Congratulations to Lilly, Sean, Magi, Eloise, Ollie B, Olivia, Seth P, Ella and Letti for completing a level on Lexia.

Criw Cymraeg

Heddiw, mae siaradwyr yr wythnos yn dosbarth Bedwen ydy Amelia, yn Collen ydy Callum ac yn dosbarth Ysgawen ydy Seth K. Da iawn pawb.

Parent Forum

The next Parent Forum will be held on Monday 26th February at 2:30pm in the Community Centre. If there is anything you wish to discuss at this forum, please speak to Mrs Fowler. Thank you

Fundraising concert with Newtown Silver Band

Thank you to everyone who supported this joint fundraising concert with Newtown Silver Band. We raised a fantastic total of £400 to be shared between us.

Newtown Silver Band are offering free instrument hire and lessons. If your child is interested, please see Mrs Haine.

Governor Vacancies

We have two vacancies on our governing body for Community Governors. These can be any member of the community and do not need to have a connection to the school. If you know of someone in Forden who has the skills or experience required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school, and would like this opportunity to help direct the strategic direction of the school, please contact Mrs Fowler.


Dates for your diary

Monday 12th - Friday 16th February Half term holiday

Week after half term: 19th-23rd Feb 2024

  • Monday 10-12:30 Year 6 visit to WHS (Classroom lesson & sports session - please bring packed lunch and trainers)
  • Wednesday Year 6 (group 1) cycle safety training
  • Wednesday 3:15-3:30pm Open School - come in and see your child's work
  • Wednesday 3:15-3:30pm Uniform swap in library
  • Thursday Cross Country competition (see above)
  • Friday Year 6 (group 2) cycle safety training
  • Friday am Collen outdoor learning session (please bring wellies & coat)
  • Friday pm Collen & Ysgawen Running Club / Gardening

Future dates:

Mon 26th Feb 2:30pm Parent Forum in Community Centre

Wed 6th March Whole school visit to Theatr Hafren (The Whispering Woods)

Thu 7th March World Book Day (details to follow)

Thu 14th March Years 3-6 area swimming gala

Tue 19th March School Eisteddfod

Mon 25th March - Fri 5th April Easter Holidays

Mon 6th May Bank holiday - no school

Mon 13th - Wed 15th May Condover residential visit (pupils from Ysgawen)

Mon 27th-Fri 31st May - Half term holiday

Mon 24th June Non-pupil day (Welshpool cluster schools)

Wed 26th June Visit to Redridge Outdoor Activity Centre (Years 3-5)

Community Notices

Drop in MMR vaccination clinics available during half term

Cases of Measles are increasing in the UK. Measles can be a very serious disease and cause severe, even life threatening complications. Make sure your child is protected – it is never too late to catch up! 2 doses of the MMR vaccine are needed for 95% protection against Measles.

If you are unsure of your child’s vaccination status you can check via the following avenues:

  • Immunisation details are available in your child’s Red Book
  • Call 01874 442 510 (Mon-Fri 11am-4pm)

If your child is not fully vaccinated, and you haven’t already made an appointment with your GP for MMR vaccination you can access one of our drop-in sessions at our vaccination centres during half term.

Available at Newtown, Park Street Vaccination Centre – Thursday 15 February & Friday 16 February, 9.30am - 12.30pm & 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Further information on all vaccines and immunisation can be found on our website.